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import os
os.system("pip install git+https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope.git@refs/pull/173/head")
import gradio as gr
import cv2
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks
text2image = pipeline(Tasks.text_to_image_synthesis,"damo/cv_diffusion_text-to-image-synthesis_tiny")
def inference(text):
result = text2image({'text': '中国山水画', "sampler": "ddim"})
cv2.imwrite("result.png", result["output_imgs"][0])
return "result.png"
title = "Text to Image Generative Diffusion Model - Chinese and English - General Domain - tiny"
gr.Interface(inference, "text","image", title=title).launch()