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history blame
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import gradio as gr
import logging
from transformers import pipeline
from configuration.config import settings
examples = [
Notice of Representation
Tachyon & Park PLLC
1618 25th Ave
Spokane, Washington(WA), 99208
Direct Insurance Company
5555 Dakota St.
Athens, GA 23001
Re: Estate of Bryan Terrell
Policy Number: 117213657
Date of death: 6/8/2021
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been retained by Saskia Mcgee to handle the abovenamed estate. My understanding is
that they had a life insurance policy with your company. If this is correct, please send a letter to
my office indicating you have received our letter of representation. Additionally, please do not
contact our client going forward.
We request that you deliver posthaste, the full policy amount of $400,000. If you are aware of
any additional policies in force, please provide us with that information. Additionally, if there
are any exclusions or liens on the policy, we request that information as well.
If you have any questions, please contact my office.
J Rock, esq.
Notice of Representation
Budget Mutual Insurance Company
9876 Infinity Ave
Springfield, MI 65541
Colin & Bryier PLLC
9514 8th Ave S
Auburn, Washington(WA), 98002
Our Client: Aysha Gilmore
Date of death: 7/8/2021
To Whom It May Concern,
I have been retained by Aysha Gilmore to handle the estate of Kyron Marks. My understanding
is that they had a life insurance policy (#193635138) with your company. If this is correct,
please send a letter to my office indicating you have received our letter of representation.
Additionally, please do not contact our client going forward.
We are requesting that you forward the full policy amount of $25,000. Please forward an
acknowledgement of our demand and please forward the umbrella policy information if one is
applicable. Please send my secretary any information regarding liens on his policy.
Please contact my office if you have any questions.
Angela Berry, Attorney""",
Notice of Representation
Number One Insurance Company
1234 Gateway Dr
Chicago, IL 15002
Quiroga PLLC
9668 Rainier Ave S
Kent, Washington(WA), 98031
Re: Estate of Sana Keith
Policy number: 462204232
Our client: Oliver Davis
Date of death: 2/14/2020
To Whom It May Concern,
I have been retained by Oliver Davis to handle the estate of Sana Keith. My understanding is
that they had a life insurance policy with your company. If this is correct, please send a letter to
my office indicating you have received our letter of representation. Additionally, please do not
contact our client going forward.
Our understanding is that the policy was for the amount of $60,000. If that is correct, please
forward that amount to our office. If there are any forms that need to be completed, please
forward those as well. If you are aware of any additional policies that are in force, send
information about those policies to our office.
If you have any questions, please contact my office.
John D Locke, Esq"""
# Replace this with your own checkpoint
model_checkpoint = settings.MODEL_CHECKPOINT
ner_pipeline = pipeline(
"token-classification", model=model_checkpoint, aggregation_strategy="simple"
)"NER pipeline initialized with checkpoint {model_checkpoint}")
def ner(text):
output = ner_pipeline(text)
return {"text": text, "entities": output}
css = '''
h1{margin-bottom: 0 !important}
with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo:
gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter text here..."),
# Extract Legal Entities from Insurance Documents using BERT transfomers
This space use fine tuned BERT transfomers for NER of legal entities in Life Insurance demand letters.
Dataset is publicly available here
The model extracts the following entities:
* Law Firm
* Law Office Address
* Insurance Company
* Insurance Company Address
* Policy Holder Name
* Beneficiary Name
* Policy Number
* Payout
* Required Action
* Sender
Dataset consists of legal requisition/demand letters for Life Insurance, however this approach can be used across any industry & document which may benefit from spatial data in NER training.
## Finetuning BERT Transformers model
This code fine tune the BERT model and uploads to huggingface
demo.launch(server_name=settings.SERVER_HOST, server_port=settings.PORT)