steadystate-mantle /
agsiddhant's picture
more_baselining (#1)
893b843 verified
import numpy as np
import pickle
def selu(x):
alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717
scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946
return scale*( np.maximum(0,x) + np.minimum(alpha*(np.exp(x)-1), 0) )
def non_dimensionalize_raq(x):
return (x-0.12624371)/(9.70723344-0.12624371)
def non_dimensionalize_fkt(x):
return (np.log10(x)-6.00352841978384)/(9.888820429862925-6.00352841978384)
def non_dimensionalize_fkv(x):
return (np.log10(x)-0.005251646002323797)/(1.9927988938926755-0.005251646002323797)
def dimensionalize_raq(x):
return x*(9.70723344-0.12624371) + 0.12624371
def dimensionalize_fkt(x):
return 10**(x*(9.888820429862925-6.00352841978384)+6.00352841978384)
def dimensionalize_fkv(x):
return 10**(x*(1.9927988938926755-0.005251646002323797)+0.005251646002323797)
def get_input(raq_ra, fkt, fkp, y_prof=None):
if y_prof is not None:
# define input as (batch, [raq/ra, fkt, fkp and y])
x = np.zeros((len(raq_ra)*len(y_prof), 4))
cntr = 0
for i in range(len(raq_ra)):
for j in range(len(y_prof)):
x[cntr,0] = non_dimensionalize_raq(raq_ra[i])
x[cntr,1] = non_dimensionalize_fkt(fkt[i])
x[cntr,2] = non_dimensionalize_fkv(fkp[i])
x[cntr,3] = y_prof[j]
cntr += 1
# define input as (batch, [raq/ra, fkt, fkp])
x = np.zeros((len(raq_ra), 3))
cntr = 0
for i in range(len(raq_ra)):
x[cntr,0] = non_dimensionalize_raq(raq_ra[i])
x[cntr,1] = non_dimensionalize_fkt(fkt[i])
x[cntr,2] = non_dimensionalize_fkv(fkp[i])
cntr += 1
return x
def get_profile(inp, mlp, num_sims=1, correction=True, prof_points=128):
# get predicted profile based on input
# forward network pass in pure python using saved weights
num_layers = len(mlp)-1
y_pred = inp
res = []
for l in range(num_layers+1):
y_pred = y_pred @ mlp[l][0].T + mlp[l][1]
if l in [num_layers-1]:
y_pred = np.concatenate((inp,y_pred), axis=-1)
if l != num_layers:
for r in res:
y_pred += r
y_pred = selu(y_pred)
y_pred = y_pred.reshape(num_sims, -1)
# overwrite points at the boundary
y_pred[:,0] = 1.
y_pred[:,-1] = 0.
if correction: # boundary layer corection
inp = inp.reshape(num_sims, -1, inp.shape[-1])
for sim_ind in range(num_sims):
inds = np.where(inp[sim_ind,:,3] < 0.04)[0]
slope = (0 - y_pred[sim_ind,inds[0]])/(0 - inp[sim_ind,inds[0],3:4])
y_pred[sim_ind,inds] = slope*inp[sim_ind,inds,3]
inds = np.where(inp[sim_ind,:,3] > 0.985)[0]
x_old = [inp[sim_ind,inds[-1],3], 1]
y_old = [y_pred[sim_ind,inds[-1]], 1]
y_pred[sim_ind,inds] = np.interp(inp[sim_ind,inds,3:4], x_old, y_old).flatten()
return y_pred