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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, |
70-71 Elizabeth II – 1 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023 |
An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and |
Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors |
Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits |
Standards Act, 1985 |
APRIL 27, 2023 |
BILL C-228 |
Page 2 |
This enactment amends the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and |
the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act to ensure that claims |
in respect of unfunded liabilities or solvency deficiencies of pen- |
sion plans and claims relating to the cessation of an employer’s |
participation in group insurance plans are paid in priority in the |
event of bankruptcy proceedings. |
It also amends the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 to pro- |
vide for the tabling of an annual report respecting the solvency |
of pension plans. |
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www.ourcommons.ca |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 3 |
An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, |
the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the |
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 |
[Assented to 27th April, 2023] |
His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent |
of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, |
enacts as follows: |
Short Title |
Short title |
1 This Act may be cited as the Pension Protection Act. |
R.S., c. B-3; 1992, c. 27, s. 2 |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act |
2 (1) Subparagraph 60(1.5)(a)(ii) of the Bank- |
ruptcy and Insolvency Act is amended by adding |
the following after clause (A): |
(A.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special |
payments, determined in accordance with sec- |
tion 9 of the Pension Benefits Standards Regula- |
tions, 1985, that were required to be paid by the |
employer to the fund referred to in sections 81.5 |
and 81.6 to liquidate an unfunded liability or a |
solvency deficiency, |
(A.2) any amount required to liquidate any oth- |
er unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of |
the fund as determined at the time of the filing of |
the notice of intention or of the proposal, if no |
notice of intention was filed, |
(2) Subparagraph 60(1.5)(a)(iii) of the Act is |
amended by adding the following after clause |
(A): |
(A.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special |
payments, determined in accordance with sec- |
tion 9 of the Pension Benefits Standards |
2021-2022-2023 |
Page 4 |
Regulations, 1985, that would have been re- |
quired to be paid by the employer to the fund re- |
ferred to in sections 81.5 and 81.6 to liquidate an |
unfunded liability or a solvency deficiency if the |
prescribed plan were regulated by an Act of Par- |
liament, |
(A.2) any amount required to liquidate any oth- |
er unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of |
the fund as determined at the time of the filing of |
the notice of intention or of the proposal, if no |
notice of intention was filed, |
3 (1) Paragraph 81.5(1)(b) of the Act is amended |
by adding the following after subparagraph (i): |
(i.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special pay- |
ments, determined in accordance with section 9 of |
the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, |
that were required to be paid by the employer to the |
fund referred to in this section and section 81.6 to |
liquidate an unfunded liability or a solvency defi- |
ciency, |
(i.2) any amount required to liquidate any other |
unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of the |
fund, |
(2) Paragraph 81.5(1)(c) of the Act is amended by |
adding the following after subparagraph (i): |
(i.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special pay- |
ments, determined in accordance with section 9 of |
the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, |
that would have been required to be paid by the |
employer to the fund referred to in this section and |
section 81.6 to liquidate an unfunded liability or a |
solvency deficiency if the prescribed plan were reg- |
ulated by an Act of Parliament, |
(i.2) any amount required to liquidate any other |
unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of the |
fund, |
4 (1) Paragraph 81.6(1)(b) of the Act is amended |
by adding the following after subparagraph (i): |
(i.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special pay- |
ments, determined in accordance with section 9 of |
the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, |
that would be required to be paid by the employer |
to the fund referred to in section 81.5 and this sec- |
tion to liquidate an unfunded liability or a solvency |
deficiency, |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 6: An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ |
Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act |
Sections 2-4 |
Page 5 |
(i.2) any amount required to liquidate any other |
unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of the |
fund, |
(2) Paragraph 81.6(1)(c) of the Act is amended by |
adding the following after subparagraph (i): |
(i.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special pay- |
ments, determined in accordance with section 9 of |
the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, |
that would have been required to be paid by the |
employer to the fund referred to in section 81.5 and |
this section to liquidate an unfunded liability or a |
solvency deficiency if the prescribed plan were reg- |
ulated by an Act of Parliament, |
(i.2) any amount required to liquidate any other |
unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of the |
fund, |
R.S., c. C-36 |
Companies’ Creditors |
Arrangement Act |
5 (1) Subparagraph 6(6)(a)(ii) of the Companies’ |
Creditors Arrangement Act is amended by |
adding the following after clause (A): |
(A.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special |
payments, determined in accordance with sec- |
tion 9 of the Pension Benefits Standards Regula- |
tions, 1985, that were required to be paid by the |
employer to the fund referred to in sections 81.5 |
and 81.6 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act |
to liquidate an unfunded liability or a solvency |
deficiency, |
(A.2) any amount required to liquidate any oth- |
er unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of |
the fund as determined on the day on which pro- |
ceedings commence under this Act, |
(2) Subparagraph 6(6)(a)(iii) of the Act is amend- |
ed by adding the following after clause (A): |
(A.1) an amount equal to the sum of all special |
payments, determined in accordance with sec- |
tion 9 of the Pension Benefits Standards Regula- |
tions, 1985, that would have been required to be |
paid by the employer to the fund referred to in |
sections 81.5 and 81.6 of the Bankruptcy and |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 6: An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ |
Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act |
Sections 4-5 |
Page 6 |
Insolvency Act to liquidate an unfunded liability |
or a solvency deficiency if the prescribed plan |
were regulated by an Act of Parliament, |
(A.2) any amount required to liquidate any oth- |
er unfunded liability or solvency deficiency of |
the fund as determined on the day on which pro- |
ceedings commence under this Act, |
R.S., c. 32 (2nd Supp.) |
Pension Benefits Standards Act, |
1985 |
6 Section 40 of the Pension Benefits Standards |
Act, 1985 is replaced by the following: |
Annual report |
40 (1) The Superintendent shall, after consultation with |
the Chief Actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of |
Financial Institutions and as soon as possible after the |
end of each fiscal year, submit to the Minister a report on |
(a) the operation of this Act during that year; and |
(b) the success of pension plans in meeting the fund- |
ing requirements, determined in accordance with sec- |
tion 9, and the corrective measures taken or directed |
to be taken to deal with any pension plans that are not |
meeting the funding requirements. |
Tabling in Parliament |
(2) The Minister shall cause the report to be tabled in |
each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on |
which that House is sitting after the day the Minister re- |
ceives it. |
Transmission to provinces |
(3) As soon as possible after the tabling of the report in |
Parliament, the Superintendent shall transmit the report |
to the relevant provincial ministers responsible for fi- |
nance and provincial securities commissions. |
Transitional Provisions |
Exception — employers |
7 (1) Sections 2 to 4 do not apply in respect of a |
person who is an employer and who, on the day |
before the day on which those sections come into |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 6: An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ |
Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 |
Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act |
Sections 5-7 |
Page 7 |
force, participated in a prescribed pension plan |
for the benefit of the person’s employees until |
the fourth anniversary of the day on which this |
Act comes into force. |
Exception — companies |
(2) Subsections 5(1) and (2) do not apply in re- |
spect of a company that, on the day before the |
day on which those subsections come into force, |
participated in a prescribed pension plan for the |
benefit of its employees until the fourth anniver- |
sary of the day on which this Act comes into |
force. |
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons |
2021-2022-2023 |
Chapter 6: An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ |
Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 |
Transitional Provisions |
Section |
7 |
Page 8 |
Available on the House of Commons website |
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