Bart-gen-arg / src /genie /
adherent's picture
what is the <arg> in <trg>
history blame
11.2 kB
import os
import json
import argparse
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
import spacy
from utils import load_ontology,find_arg_span, compute_f1, get_entity_span, find_head, WhitespaceTokenizer
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
nlp.tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer(nlp.vocab)
Scorer for argument extraction on ACE & KAIROS.
For the RAMS dataset, the official scorer is used.
Head F1
Coref F1
def clean_span(ex, span):
tokens = ex['tokens']
if tokens[span[0]].lower() in {'the', 'an', 'a'}:
if span[0]!=span[1]:
return (span[0]+1, span[1])
return span
def extract_args_from_template(ex, template, ontology_dict,):
# extract argument text
template_words = template.strip().split()
predicted_words = ex['predicted'].strip().split()
predicted_args = defaultdict(list) # each argname may have multiple participants
t_ptr= 0
p_ptr= 0
evt_type = ex['event']['event_type']
while t_ptr < len(template_words) and p_ptr < len(predicted_words):
if re.match(r'<(arg\d+)>', template_words[t_ptr]):
m = re.match(r'<(arg\d+)>', template_words[t_ptr])
arg_num =
arg_name = ontology_dict[evt_type][arg_num]
except KeyError:
if predicted_words[p_ptr] == '<arg>':
# missing argument
p_ptr +=1
t_ptr +=1
arg_start = p_ptr
while (p_ptr < len(predicted_words)) and ((t_ptr== len(template_words)-1) or (predicted_words[p_ptr] != template_words[t_ptr+1])):
arg_text = predicted_words[arg_start:p_ptr]
# aligned
return predicted_args
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--gen-file',type=str,default='checkpoints/gen-all-ACE-freq-pred/predictions.jsonl' )
parser.add_argument('--test-file', type=str,default='data/ace/zs-freq-10/test.oneie.json')
parser.add_argument('--coref-file', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--head-only', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--coref', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--dataset',type=str, default='ACE', choices=['ACE', 'KAIROS','AIDA'])
args = parser.parse_args()
ontology_dict = load_ontology(dataset=args.dataset)
if args.dataset == 'KAIROS' and args.coref and not args.coref_file:
print('coreference file needed for the KAIROS dataset.')
raise ValueError
if args.dataset == 'AIDA' and args.coref:
raise NotImplementedError
examples = {}
doc2ex = defaultdict(list) # a document contains multiple events
with open(args.gen_file,'r') as f:
for lidx, line in enumerate(f): # this solution relies on keeping the exact same order
pred = json.loads(line.strip())
examples[lidx] = {
'predicted': pred['predicted'],
'gold': pred['gold'],
'doc_id': pred['doc_key']
with open(args.test_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
doc = json.loads(line.strip())
if 'sent_id' in doc.keys():
doc_id = doc['sent_id']
# print('evaluating on sentence level')
doc_id = doc['doc_id']
# print('evaluating on document level')
for idx, eid in enumerate(doc2ex[doc_id]):
examples[eid]['tokens'] = doc['tokens']
examples[eid]['event'] = doc['event_mentions'][idx]
examples[eid]['entity_mentions'] = doc['entity_mentions']
coref_mapping = defaultdict(dict) # span to canonical entity_id mapping for each doc
if args.coref:
if args.dataset == 'KAIROS' and args.coref_file:
with open(args.coref_file, 'r') as f, open(args.test_file, 'r') as test_reader:
for line, test_line in zip(f, test_reader):
coref_ex = json.loads(line)
ex = json.loads(test_line)
doc_id = coref_ex['doc_key']
for cluster, name in zip(coref_ex['clusters'], coref_ex['informative_mentions']):
canonical = cluster[0]
for ent_id in cluster:
ent_span = get_entity_span(ex, ent_id)
ent_span = (ent_span[0], ent_span[1]-1)
coref_mapping[doc_id][ent_span] = canonical
# this does not include singleton clusters
# for the ACE dataset
with open(args.test_file) as f:
for line in f:
doc_id = doc['sent_id']
for entity in doc['entity_mentions']:
mention_id = entity['id']
ent_id = '-'.join(mention_id.split('-')[:-1])
coref_mapping[doc_id][(entity['start'], entity['end']-1)] = ent_id # all indexes are inclusive
pred_arg_num =0
gold_arg_num =0
arg_idn_num =0
arg_class_num =0
arg_idn_coref_num =0
arg_class_coref_num =0
for ex in tqdm(examples.values()):
context_words = ex['tokens']
doc_id = ex['doc_id']
doc = None
if args.head_only:
doc = nlp(' '.join(context_words))
# get template
evt_type = ex['event']['event_type']
if evt_type not in ontology_dict:
template = ontology_dict[evt_type]['template']
# extract argument text
predicted_args = extract_args_from_template(ex,template, ontology_dict)
# get trigger
# extract argument span
trigger_start = ex['event']['trigger']['start']
trigger_end = ex['event']['trigger']['end']
predicted_set = set()
for argname in predicted_args:
for entity in predicted_args[argname]:# this argument span is inclusive, FIXME: this might be problematic
arg_span = find_arg_span(entity, context_words,
trigger_start, trigger_end, head_only=args.head_only, doc=doc)
if arg_span:# if None means hullucination
predicted_set.add((arg_span[0], arg_span[1], evt_type, argname))
new_entity = []
for w in entity:
if w == 'and' and len(new_entity) >0:
arg_span = find_arg_span(new_entity, context_words, trigger_start, trigger_end,
head_only=args.head_only, doc=doc)
if arg_span: predicted_set.add((arg_span[0], arg_span[1], evt_type, argname))
new_entity = []
if len(new_entity) >0: # last entity
arg_span = find_arg_span(new_entity, context_words, trigger_start, trigger_end,
head_only=args.head_only, doc=doc)
if arg_span: predicted_set.add((arg_span[0], arg_span[1], evt_type, argname))
# get gold spans
gold_set = set()
gold_canonical_set = set() # set of canonical mention ids, singleton mentions will not be here
for arg in ex['event']['arguments']:
argname = arg['role']
entity_id = arg['entity_id']
span = get_entity_span(ex, entity_id)
span = (span[0], span[1]-1)
span = clean_span(ex, span)
# clean up span by removing `a` `the`
if args.head_only and span[0]!=span[1]:
span = find_head(span[0], span[1], doc=doc)
gold_set.add((span[0], span[1], evt_type, argname))
if args.coref:
if span in coref_mapping[doc_id]:
canonical_id = coref_mapping[doc_id][span]
gold_canonical_set.add((canonical_id, evt_type, argname))
pred_arg_num += len(predicted_set)
gold_arg_num += len(gold_set)
# check matches
for pred_arg in predicted_set:
arg_start, arg_end, event_type, role = pred_arg
gold_idn = {item for item in gold_set
if item[0] == arg_start and item[1] == arg_end
and item[2] == event_type}
if gold_idn:
arg_idn_num += 1
gold_class = {item for item in gold_idn if item[-1] == role}
if gold_class:
arg_class_num += 1
elif args.coref:# check coref matches
arg_start, arg_end, event_type, role = pred_arg
span = (arg_start, arg_end)
if span in coref_mapping[doc_id]:
canonical_id = coref_mapping[doc_id][span]
gold_idn_coref = {item for item in gold_canonical_set
if item[0] == canonical_id and item[1] == event_type}
if gold_idn_coref:
arg_idn_coref_num +=1
gold_class_coref = {item for item in gold_idn_coref
if item[2] == role}
if gold_class_coref:
arg_class_coref_num +=1
if args.head_only:
print('Evaluation by matching head words only....')
role_id_prec, role_id_rec, role_id_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_idn_num)
role_prec, role_rec, role_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_class_num)
print('Role identification: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_id_prec * 100.0, role_id_rec * 100.0, role_id_f * 100.0))
print('Role: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_prec * 100.0, role_rec * 100.0, role_f * 100.0))
if args.coref:
role_id_prec, role_id_rec, role_id_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_idn_num + arg_idn_coref_num)
role_prec, role_rec, role_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_class_num + arg_class_coref_num)
print('Coref Role identification: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_id_prec * 100.0, role_id_rec * 100.0, role_id_f * 100.0))
print('Coref Role: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_prec * 100.0, role_rec * 100.0, role_f * 100.0))