Bart-gen-arg / src /genie /
adherent's picture
what is the <arg> in <trg>
history blame
No virus
12.7 kB
This file scores an argument prediction file from predicted triggers.
import os
import json
import argparse
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
import spacy
from utils import load_ontology,find_arg_span, compute_f1, get_entity_span, find_head, WhitespaceTokenizer
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
nlp.tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer(nlp.vocab)
Scorer for argument extraction on ACE & KAIROS.
For the RAMS dataset, the official scorer is used.
Head F1
Coref F1
def clean_span(ex, span):
tokens = ex['tokens']
if tokens[span[0]].lower() in {'the', 'an', 'a'}:
if span[0]!=span[1]:
return (span[0]+1, span[1])
return span
def extract_args_from_template(ex, template, ontology_dict,):
# extract argument text
template_words = template.strip().split()
predicted_words = ex['predicted'].strip().split()
predicted_args = defaultdict(list) # each argname may have multiple participants
t_ptr= 0
p_ptr= 0
evt_type = ex['event']['event_type']
while t_ptr < len(template_words) and p_ptr < len(predicted_words):
if re.match(r'<(arg\d+)>', template_words[t_ptr]):
m = re.match(r'<(arg\d+)>', template_words[t_ptr])
arg_num =
arg_name = ontology_dict[evt_type][arg_num]
except KeyError:
if predicted_words[p_ptr] == '<arg>':
# missing argument
p_ptr +=1
t_ptr +=1
arg_start = p_ptr
while (p_ptr < len(predicted_words)) and ((t_ptr== len(template_words)-1) or (predicted_words[p_ptr] != template_words[t_ptr+1])):
arg_text = predicted_words[arg_start:p_ptr]
# aligned
return predicted_args
def create_coref_mapping(args):
Coref mapping for the entire data split.
coref_mapping = defaultdict(dict) # span to canonical entity_id mapping for each doc
if args.dataset == 'KAIROS' and args.coref_file:
with open(args.coref_file, 'r') as f, open(args.test_file, 'r') as test_reader:
for line, test_line in zip(f, test_reader):
coref_ex = json.loads(line)
ex = json.loads(test_line)
doc_id = coref_ex['doc_key']
for cluster, name in zip(coref_ex['clusters'], coref_ex['informative_mentions']):
canonical = cluster[0]
for ent_id in cluster:
ent_span = get_entity_span(ex, ent_id)
ent_span = (ent_span[0], ent_span[1]-1)
coref_mapping[doc_id][ent_span] = canonical
# this does not include singleton clusters
# for the ACE dataset
with open(args.test_file) as f:
for line in f:
doc_id = doc['sent_id']
for entity in doc['entity_mentions']:
mention_id = entity['id']
ent_id = '-'.join(mention_id.split('-')[:-1])
coref_mapping[doc_id][(entity['start'], entity['end']-1)] = ent_id # all indexes are inclusive
return coref_mapping
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--gen-file',type=str,default='checkpoints/gen-all-ACE-freq-pipeline/predictions.jsonl' )
parser.add_argument('--tgr-pred-file', type=str,default='data/ace/zs-freq-10/pred.oneie.json')
parser.add_argument('--test-file', type=str,default='data/ace/zs-freq-10/test.oneie.json')
parser.add_argument('--coref-file', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--head-only', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--coref', action='store_true', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--dataset',type=str, default='ACE', choices=['ACE', 'KAIROS'])
parser.add_argument('--seen-types', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
ontology_dict = load_ontology(dataset=args.dataset)
seen_types = set()
if args.seen_types:
with open(args.seen_types) as f:
for line in f:
e = line.strip()
assert(e in ontology_dict)
seen_types.add( e)
if args.dataset == 'KAIROS' and not args.coref_file:
print('coreference file needed for the KAIROS dataset.')
raise ValueError
coref_mapping = create_coref_mapping(args)
examples = {}
doc2ex = defaultdict(list) # a document contains multiple events
with open(args.gen_file,'r') as f:
for lidx, line in enumerate(f): # this solution relies on keeping the exact same order
pred = json.loads(line.strip())
examples[lidx] = {
'predicted': pred['predicted'],
'gold': pred['gold'],
'doc_id': pred['doc_key']
with open(args.tgr_pred_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
doc = json.loads(line.strip())
if 'sent_id' in doc.keys():
doc_id = doc['sent_id']
# print('evaluating on sentence level')
doc_id = doc['doc_id']
# print('evaluating on document level')
for idx, eid in enumerate(doc2ex[doc_id]):
examples[eid]['tokens'] = doc['tokens']
examples[eid]['event'] = doc['event_mentions'][idx]
examples[eid]['entity_mentions'] = doc['entity_mentions']
except IndexError:
gold_evt_dict ={} # doc_key -> list of event_mentions
with open(args.test_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
doc = json.loads(line.strip())
if 'sent_id' in doc.keys():
doc_id = doc['sent_id']
# print('evaluating on sentence level')
doc_id = doc['doc_id']
# print('evaluating on document level')
gold_evt_dict[doc_id] = doc['event_mentions']
gold_arg_num =0
# directly compute the number of gold args
for event_list in gold_evt_dict.values():
for e in event_list:
if e['event_type'] not in seen_types:
gold_arg_num += len(e['arguments'])
pred_arg_num =0
arg_idn_num =0
arg_class_num =0
arg_idn_coref_num =0
arg_class_coref_num =0
for ex in tqdm(examples.values()):
# an example is a single predicted event
context_words = ex['tokens']
doc_id = ex['doc_id']
doc = None
if args.head_only:
doc = nlp(' '.join(context_words))
# get template
evt_type = ex['event']['event_type']
if evt_type in seen_types:
if evt_type not in ontology_dict:
template = ontology_dict[evt_type]['template']
# extract argument text
predicted_args = extract_args_from_template(ex,template, ontology_dict)
# get trigger
# extract argument span
trigger_start = ex['event']['trigger']['start']
trigger_end = ex['event']['trigger']['end']
predicted_set = set()
for argname in predicted_args:
for entity in predicted_args[argname]:# this argument span is inclusive
arg_span = find_arg_span(entity, context_words,
trigger_start, trigger_end, head_only=args.head_only, doc=doc)
if arg_span:# if None means hullucination
predicted_set.add((arg_span[0], arg_span[1], evt_type, argname))
new_entity = []
for w in entity:
if w == 'and' and len(new_entity) >0:
arg_span = find_arg_span(new_entity, context_words, trigger_start, trigger_end,
head_only=args.head_only, doc=doc)
if arg_span: predicted_set.add((arg_span[0], arg_span[1], evt_type, argname))
new_entity = []
if len(new_entity) >0: # last entity
arg_span = find_arg_span(new_entity, context_words, trigger_start, trigger_end,
head_only=args.head_only, doc=doc)
if arg_span: predicted_set.add((arg_span[0], arg_span[1], evt_type, argname))
gold_set = set()
gold_canonical_set = set() # set of canonical mention ids, singleton mentions will not be here
# check if this event is in the gold events
for e in gold_evt_dict[doc_id]:
if (e['event_type'] == evt_type) and (e['trigger'] == ex['event']['trigger']):
# trigger extraction is correct
for arg in e['arguments']:
argname = arg['role']
entity_id = arg['entity_id']
span = get_entity_span(ex, entity_id)
span = (span[0], span[1]-1)
span = clean_span(ex, span)
# clean up span by removing `a` `the`
if args.head_only and span[0]!=span[1]:
span = find_head(span[0], span[1], doc=doc)
gold_set.add((span[0], span[1], evt_type, argname))
if span in coref_mapping[doc_id]:
canonical_id = coref_mapping[doc_id][span]
gold_canonical_set.add((canonical_id, evt_type, argname))
pred_arg_num += len(predicted_set)
# check matches
for pred_arg in predicted_set:
arg_start, arg_end, event_type, role = pred_arg
gold_idn = {item for item in gold_set
if item[0] == arg_start and item[1] == arg_end
and item[2] == event_type}
if gold_idn:
arg_idn_num += 1
gold_class = {item for item in gold_idn if item[-1] == role}
if gold_class:
arg_class_num += 1
elif args.coref:# check coref matches
arg_start, arg_end, event_type, role = pred_arg
span = (arg_start, arg_end)
if span in coref_mapping[doc_id]:
canonical_id = coref_mapping[doc_id][span]
gold_idn_coref = {item for item in gold_canonical_set
if item[0] == canonical_id and item[1] == event_type}
if gold_idn_coref:
arg_idn_coref_num +=1
gold_class_coref = {item for item in gold_idn_coref
if item[2] == role}
if gold_class_coref:
arg_class_coref_num +=1
if args.head_only:
print('Evaluation by matching head words only....')
role_id_prec, role_id_rec, role_id_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_idn_num)
role_prec, role_rec, role_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_class_num)
print('Role identification: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_id_prec * 100.0, role_id_rec * 100.0, role_id_f * 100.0))
print('Role: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_prec * 100.0, role_rec * 100.0, role_f * 100.0))
if args.coref:
role_id_prec, role_id_rec, role_id_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_idn_num + arg_idn_coref_num)
role_prec, role_rec, role_f = compute_f1(
pred_arg_num, gold_arg_num, arg_class_num + arg_class_coref_num)
print('Coref Role identification: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_id_prec * 100.0, role_id_rec * 100.0, role_id_f * 100.0))
print('Coref Role: P: {:.2f}, R: {:.2f}, F: {:.2f}'.format(
role_prec * 100.0, role_rec * 100.0, role_f * 100.0))