achterbrain's picture
fixed error in DETR counting function
history blame
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import random
import os
import torch
import pandas as pd
from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel, DetrFeatureExtractor, DetrForObjectDetection
from PIL import Image
CLIPmodel_import = CLIPModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14")
CLIPprocessor_import = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14")
DetrFeatureExtractor_import = DetrFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("facebook/detr-resnet-50")
DetrModel_import = DetrForObjectDetection.from_pretrained("facebook/detr-resnet-50")
# Import list of coco example objects
script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
coco_objects = open(script_path+"/coco-labels-paper.txt", "r")
coco_objects =
coco_objects = coco_objects.split("\n")
# Example image
#test_image ='pages/Functions/test_image.png')
#test_image ='pages/Functions/test_imageIV.png')
###### Helper functions
def Coco_object_set(included_object, set_length=6):
Creates set of object based on coco objects and the currently correct object.
curr_object_set = set([included_object])
while len(curr_object_set)<set_length:
temp_object = random.choice(coco_objects)
return list(curr_object_set)
def Object_set_creator(included_object, list_of_all_objects = coco_objects, excluded_objects_list = [], set_length=6):
Creates set of object based on list_of_all_objects.
The included object will always be in the list.
Optional list of objects to be excluded from the set.
curr_object_set = set([included_object])
# Check that the included object is not contained in the excluded objects
if included_object in excluded_objects_list:
raise ValueError('The included_object can not be part of the excluded_objects list.')
while len(curr_object_set)<set_length:
temp_object = random.choice(list_of_all_objects)
if temp_object not in excluded_objects_list:
return list(curr_object_set)
###### Single object recognition
def CLIP_single_object_classifier(img, object_class, task_specific_label=None):
Test presence of object in image by using the "red herring strategy" and CLIP algorithm.
Note that the task_specific_label is not used for this classifier.
# Define model and parameters
word_list = Coco_object_set(object_class)
inputs = CLIPprocessor_import(text=word_list, images=img, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
# Run inference
outputs = CLIPmodel_import(**inputs)
# Get image-text similarity score
logits_per_image = outputs.logits_per_image
# Get probabilities
probs = logits_per_image.softmax(dim=1)
# Return true if the highest prob value is recognised
if word_list[probs.argmax().item()]==object_class:
return True
return False
def CLIP_object_recognition(img, object_class, tested_classes):
More general CLIP object recogntintion implementation
if object_class not in tested_classes:
raise ValueError('The object_class has to be part of the tested_classes list.')
# Define model and parameters
inputs = CLIPprocessor_import(text=tested_classes, images=img, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
# Run inference
outputs = CLIPmodel_import(**inputs)
# Get image-text similarity score
logits_per_image = outputs.logits_per_image
# Get probabilities
probs = logits_per_image.softmax(dim=1)
# Return true if the highest prob value is recognised
if tested_classes[probs.argmax().item()]==object_class:
return True
return False
###### Multi object recognition
#list_of_objects = ['cat','apple','cow']
def CLIP_multi_object_recognition(img, list_of_objects):
Algorithm based on CLIP to test presence of multiple objects.
Currently has a debugging print call in.
# Loop over list of objects, test for presence of each inidividually, making sure that non of the other objects is part of test set
for i_object in list_of_objects:
# Create list with objects not in test set (all objects which arent i_object)
untested_objects = [x for x in list_of_objects if x!= i_object]
# Create set going into clip object recogniser and test this set using standard recognition function
CLIP_test_classes = Object_set_creator(included_object=i_object, excluded_objects_list=untested_objects)
i_object_present = CLIP_object_recognition(img, i_object, CLIP_test_classes)
# Stop loop and return false if one of the objects is not recognised by CLIP
if i_object_present == False:
return False
# Return true if all objects were recognised
return True
def CLIP_multi_object_recognition_DSwrapper(img, representations, task_specific_label=None):
Dashboard wrapper of CLIP_multi_object_recognition
Note that the task_specific_label is not used for this classifier.
list_of_objects = representations.split(', ')
return CLIP_multi_object_recognition(img,list_of_objects)
###### Negation
def CLIP_object_negation(img, present_object, absent_object):
Algorithm based on CLIP to test negation prompts
# Create sets of objects for present and absent object
tested_classes_present = Object_set_creator(
included_object=present_object, excluded_objects_list=[absent_object])
tested_classes_absent = Object_set_creator(
included_object=absent_object, excluded_objects_list=[present_object],set_length=10)
# Use CLIP object recognition to test for objects.
presence_test = CLIP_object_recognition(img, present_object, tested_classes_present)
absence_test = CLIP_object_recognition(img, absent_object, tested_classes_absent)
if presence_test==True and absence_test==False:
return True
return False
###### Counting / arithmetic
test_image ='pages/Functions/test_imageIII.jpeg')
object_classes = ['cat','remote']
object_counts = [2,2]
def DETR_multi_object_counting(img, object_classes, object_counts, confidence_treshold=0.5):
# Apply Detr to image
inputs = DetrFeatureExtractor_import(images=img, return_tensors="pt")
outputs = DetrModel_import(**inputs)
# Convert outputs (bounding boxes and class logits) to COCO API
target_sizes = torch.tensor([img.size[::-1]])
results = DetrFeatureExtractor_import.post_process_object_detection(
outputs, threshold=confidence_treshold, target_sizes=target_sizes)[0]
# Create dict with value_counts
count_dict = pd.Series(results['labels'].numpy())
count_dict =
count_dict = count_dict.value_counts().to_dict()
# Create dict for correct response
label_dict = dict(zip(object_classes, object_counts))
# Return False is the count for a given label does not match
for i_item in label_dict.items():
# Check whether current label item exists in count dict, else return false
if i_item[0] not in count_dict:
return False
# Now that we checked the label item is in count dict, check that the count matches
if int(count_dict[i_item[0]])==int(i_item[1]): # Adding type control for comparison due to str read in
print("oberserved: "+str(count_dict[i_item[0]]))
return False
# If all match, return true
return True
def DETR_multi_object_counting_DSwrapper(img, representations, Task_specific_label):
Dashboard wrapper of DETR_multi_object_counting
list_of_objects = representations.split(', ')
object_counts = Task_specific_label.split(', ')
return DETR_multi_object_counting(img,list_of_objects, object_counts, confidence_treshold=0.5)