import util as cu | |
import gradio as gr | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
from io import StringIO | |
from urllib.parse import urlparse | |
chunk_separator = '<span class="chunk-separator">[...]</span>\n\n' | |
def get_url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples(atom_support_l): | |
url_to_supporting_cid_sets = defaultdict(set) | |
url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples = defaultdict(list) | |
for atom_support in atom_support_l: | |
for url, aggmatch_determination in atom_support.items(): | |
if aggmatch_determination['true']: | |
for cid, ctext in zip(aggmatch_determination['id_l'], aggmatch_determination['chunk_text_l']): | |
if cid not in url_to_supporting_cid_sets[url]: | |
url_to_supporting_cid_sets[url].add(cid) | |
url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples[url].append((cid, ctext)) | |
# now sort each list of chunks | |
for url, cid_ctext_tuple_l in url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples.items(): | |
url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples[url] = sorted(cid_ctext_tuple_l, key=lambda x: x[0]) | |
# pprint.pp(url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples) | |
return url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples | |
def output_credit_dist(msg, cur_idx, _out_credit, _out_claims): | |
print('Start output_credit_dist.') | |
_out_credit.truncate(0) | | | |
_out_claims.truncate(0) | | | |
print(cu.style_str, file=_out_credit) | |
print(cu.style_str, file=_out_claims) | |
atoms_l, atom_topkmatches_l, credit_l = [], [], [] | |
if len(msg) > 10: | |
atoms_l = cu.get_atoms_list(msg) | |
atoms_l = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 10, atoms_l)) | |
if atoms_l: | |
atom_topkmatches_l = cu.get_atom_topk_matches_l_concurrent(atoms_l, max_workers=8) | |
print('Got atom chunk matches') | |
atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l = cu.aggregate_atom_topkmatches_l(atom_topkmatches_l) | |
print('Aggregated atom chunk matches') | |
atom_support_l = cu.get_atmom_support_l_from_atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l_concurrent(atoms_l, atomidx_w_single_url_aggmatch_l, max_workers=8) | |
print('Got atom support list') | |
credit_dist = cu.credit_atom_support_list(atom_support_l) | |
print('Computed credit distribution') | |
url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples = get_url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples(atom_support_l) | |
url_to_title = {} | |
for atom_topkmatches in atom_topkmatches_l: | |
for match in atom_topkmatches: | |
url_to_title[match['metadata']['url']] = match['metadata']['title'] | |
credit_l = [(url, w) for url, w in credit_dist.items()] | |
credit_l = sorted(credit_l, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) | |
print('Computed credit_l') | |
if not atom_topkmatches_l: | |
print(f"<div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"<div class=\"doc-title\">No sources were found that are relevant this target.</div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"</div>", file=_out_credit) | |
return '', _out_credit.getvalue() | |
if not credit_l: | |
print(f"<div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"<div class=\"doc-title\">No sources were found that strongly support this target.</div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"</div>", file=_out_credit) | |
for url, w in credit_l: | |
match_text = chunk_separator.join([x[1] for x in url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples[url]]) | |
print(f"{url} cids: {[x[0] for x in url_to_supporting_cid_ctext_tuples[url]]}") | |
print(f"<div>", file=_out_credit) | |
favicon = f"<img src=\"{urlparse(url).netloc}\"/>" | |
print(f"<div class=\"doc-title\">{favicon}  {url_to_title[url]}<score>{100*w:.0f}%</score></div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"<div class=\"doc-url\"><a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a></div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"<div class=\"doc-text\">{match_text}</div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"</div>", file=_out_credit) | |
print(f"<div>", file=_out_claims) | |
print(f"<div class=\"section-title\">Breakdown of article support for each extracted claim</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
for j, atom_support in enumerate(atom_support_l): | |
n_urls = len(atom_support.keys()) | |
n_support = sum([1 if determination['true'] else 0 for determination in atom_support.values()]) | |
print(f"<div class=\"claim-header\"><strong>Claim {j+1} ({n_support}/{n_urls}):</strong> \"{atoms_l[j]}\"</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
for url, aggmatch_determination in atom_support.items(): | |
title = url_to_title[url] | |
print(f"<div class=\"claim-doc-title\">{title}</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
print(f"<div class=\"claim-doc-url\"><a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a></div>", file=_out_claims) | |
print(f"<div class=\"claim-determination\"><strong>Determination:</strong> {'Supported' if aggmatch_determination['true'] else 'NOT supported'}.</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
print(f"<div class=\"claim-text\"><strong>Rationale:</strong> {aggmatch_determination['rationale']}</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
for cid, ctext in zip(aggmatch_determination['id_l'], aggmatch_determination['chunk_text_l']): | |
print(f"<div class=\"claim-text\"><strong>Chunk {cid}:</strong> {ctext}</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
print(f"</div>", file=_out_claims) | |
cur_idx[0] = 0 | |
print('End output_credit_dist.') | |
return 'Show claim breakdown', _out_credit.getvalue() | |
def toggle_output(cur_idx, _out_credit, _out_claims): | |
if cur_idx[0] < 0: | |
return '' | |
cur_idx[0] += 1 | |
if cur_idx[0] % 2 == 0: | |
return 'Show claim breakdown', _out_credit.getvalue() | |
return 'Back to attribution', _out_claims.getvalue() | |
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Default(text_size="lg")) as demo: | |
_out_credit_var = gr.State(StringIO) | |
_out_claims_var = gr.State(StringIO) | |
cur_idx_var = gr.State([0]) | |
msg = gr.Textbox(label='Target') | |
results_box = gr.HTML(label='Matches') | |
toggle = gr.Button("") | |
msg.submit(output_credit_dist, [msg, cur_idx_var, _out_credit_var, _out_claims_var], [toggle, results_box], queue=False) | |, [cur_idx_var, _out_credit_var, _out_claims_var], [toggle, results_box], queue=False) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
demo.queue() | |
demo.launch() |