Abubakar Abid
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import logging, os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3"
import tensorflow as tf
from basic_ops import *
from resnet_module import *
"""This script generates the U-Net architecture according to conf_unet.
class UNet(object):
def __init__(self, conf_unet):
self.depth = conf_unet['depth']
self.dimension = conf_unet['dimension']
self.first_output_filters = conf_unet['first_output_filters']
self.encoding_block_sizes = conf_unet['encoding_block_sizes']
self.downsampling = conf_unet['downsampling']
self.decoding_block_sizes = conf_unet['decoding_block_sizes']
self.skip_method = conf_unet['skip_method']
def __call__(self, inputs, training):
"""Add operations to classify a batch of input images.
inputs: A Tensor representing a batch of input images.
training: A boolean. Set to True to add operations required only when
training the classifier.
A logits Tensor with shape [<batch_size>, self.num_classes].
return self._build_network(inputs, training)
# Composite blocks building the network
def _build_network(self, inputs, training):
# first_convolution
if self.dimension == '2D':
convolution = convolution_2D
elif self.dimension == '3D':
convolution = convolution_3D
inputs = convolution(inputs, self.first_output_filters, 3, 1, False, 'first_convolution')
# encoding_block_1
with tf.variable_scope('encoding_block_1'):
for block_index in range(0, self.encoding_block_sizes[0]):
inputs = res_block(inputs, self.first_output_filters, training, self.dimension,
'res_%d' % block_index)
# encoding_block_i (down) = downsampling + zero or more res_block, i = 2, 3, ..., depth
skip_inputs = [] # for identity skip connections
for i in range(2, self.depth+1):
with tf.variable_scope('encoding_block_%d' % i):
output_filters = self.first_output_filters * (2**(i-1))
# downsampling
downsampling_func = self._get_downsampling_function(self.downsampling[i-2])
inputs = downsampling_func(inputs, output_filters, training, self.dimension,
for block_index in range(0, self.encoding_block_sizes[i-1]):
inputs = res_block(inputs, output_filters, training, self.dimension,
'res_%d' % block_index)
# bottom_block = a combination of same_gto and res_block
with tf.variable_scope('bottom_block'):
output_filters = self.first_output_filters * (2**(self.depth-1))
for block_index in range(0, 1):
current_func = res_block
inputs = current_func(inputs, output_filters, training, self.dimension,
'block_%d' % block_index)
Note: Identity skip connections are between the output of encoding_block_i and
the output of upsampling in decoding_block_i, i = 1, 2, ..., depth-1.
skip_inputs[i] is the output of encoding_block_i now.
len(skip_inputs) == depth - 1
skip_inputs[depth-2] should be combined during decoding_block_depth-1
skip_inputs[0] should be combined during decoding_block_1
# decoding_block_j (up) = upsampling + zero or more res_block, j = depth-1, depth-2, ..., 1
for j in range(self.depth-1, 0, -1):
with tf.variable_scope('decoding_block_%d' % j):
output_filters = self.first_output_filters * (2**(j-1))
# upsampling
upsampling_func = up_transposed_convolution
inputs = upsampling_func(inputs, output_filters, training, self.dimension,
# combine with skip connections
if self.skip_method == 'add':
inputs = tf.add(inputs, skip_inputs[j-1])
elif self.skip_method == 'concat':
inputs = tf.concat([inputs, skip_inputs[j-1]], axis=-1)
for block_index in range(0, self.decoding_block_sizes[self.depth-1-j]):
inputs = res_block(inputs, output_filters, training, self.dimension,
'res_%d' % block_index)
return inputs
def _get_downsampling_function(self, name):
if name == 'down_res_block':
return down_res_block
elif name == 'convolution':
return down_convolution
raise ValueError("Unsupported function: %s." % (name))