wikipedia-protection /
abhi12ravi's picture
history blame
No virus
7.66 kB
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def fetch_pageviews(title):
import pageviewapi
retry_count = 0
page_views = pageviewapi.per_article('en.wikipedia', title, '20150701', '20210607', access='all-access', agent='all-agents', granularity='daily')
view_counter = 0
for i in range (0, len(page_views['items'])):
view_counter += page_views['items'][i]['views']
return view_counter
def fetch_details_from_info_page(title):
import requests
url = "" + title
html_content = requests.get(url)
df_list = pd.read_html(html_content.text) # this parses all the tables in webpages to a list
#Get Features from all tables
#Basic info table
display_title = df_list[1][1][0]
except IndexError:
print("IndexError for Basic info table, so skipping")
print("Display Title = ", display_title)
# Process Table 1 - Basic Information
dict_table1 = df_list[1].to_dict()
#Declare vars
page_length = ""
page_id = ""
number_page_watchers = ""
number_page_watchers_recent_edits = ""
page_views_past_30days = ""
number_of_redirects = ""
page_views_past_30days = ""
total_edits = ""
recent_number_of_edits = ""
number_distinct_authors = ""
number_categories = ""
for key, value in dict_table1[0].items():
if value == 'Page length (in bytes)':
page_length = dict_table1[1][key]
print("Page Length = ", page_length)
elif (value == 'Page ID'):
page_id = dict_table1[1][key]
print("Scrapped Page ID = ", page_id)
elif value == 'Number of page watchers':
number_page_watchers = dict_table1[1][key]
print("Number of Page Watchers = ", number_page_watchers)
elif value == 'Number of page watchers who visited recent edits':
number_page_watchers_recent_edits = dict_table1[1][key]
print("Number of Page Watchers with recent edits = ", number_page_watchers_recent_edits)
elif value == 'Number of redirects to this page':
number_of_redirects = dict_table1[1][key]
print("Number of redirects = ", number_of_redirects)
elif value == 'Page views in the past 30 days':
page_views_past_30days = dict_table1[1][key]
print("Page views past 30 days = ", page_views_past_30days)
#Process Table 3 - Edit History
dict_table3 = df_list[3].to_dict()
for key, value in dict_table3[0].items():
if value == 'Total number of edits':
total_edits = dict_table3[1][key]
print("Total Edits = ", total_edits)
elif value == 'Recent number of edits (within past 30 days)':
recent_number_of_edits = dict_table3[1][key]
print("Recent number of edits = ", recent_number_of_edits)
elif value == 'Recent number of distinct authors':
number_distinct_authors = dict_table3[1][key]
print("Distinct authors =", number_distinct_authors)
except IndexError:
print("Couldn't find the Edit History Table, so skipping...")
#Page properties Table
categories_string = df_list[4][0][0]
number_categories = ""
if categories_string.startswith("Hidden categories"):
#Get number of categories
for c in categories_string:
if c.isdigit():
number_categories = number_categories + c
print("Total number of categories = ", number_categories)
except IndexError:
print("Couldn't find the Page Properties Table, so skipping...")
print("============================================== EOP ======================================")
features_dict = { 'page_length': page_length,
'page_id': page_id,
'number_page_watchers': number_page_watchers,
'number_page_watchers_recent_edits': number_page_watchers_recent_edits,
'number_of_redirects' : number_of_redirects,
'page_views_past_30days' :page_views_past_30days,
'total_edits': total_edits,
'recent_number_of_edits': recent_number_of_edits,
'number_distinct_authors': number_distinct_authors,
'number_categories': number_categories }
return features_dict
# MAP page_views and features_dict to np input array
def mapping_function(page_views, features_dict):
features_of_test_sample = np.empty([12,])
features_of_test_sample[0] = features_dict['page_id']
features_of_test_sample[1] = page_views
features_of_test_sample[2] = features_dict['page_length']
features_of_test_sample[3] = features_dict['number_page_watchers']
features_of_test_sample[4] = features_dict ['number_page_watchers_recent_edits']
features_of_test_sample[5] = features_dict['number_of_redirects']
features_of_test_sample[6] = features_dict['page_views_past_30days']
features_of_test_sample[7] = features_dict['total_edits']
features_of_test_sample[8] = features_dict['recent_number_of_edits']
features_of_test_sample[9] = features_dict['number_distinct_authors']
features_of_test_sample[10] = features_dict['number_categories']
features_of_test_sample[11] = features_dict['page_id']
wikipedia_url = "" + str(features_dict['page_id'])
return features_of_test_sample, wikipedia_url
def get_features(title):
#Get pageview
page_views = fetch_pageviews(title)
print('Tilte:', title, 'View Count:',page_views)
#Get features from info pages
features_dict = fetch_details_from_info_page(title)
#MAP both to numpy array
features_of_test_sample, wikipedia_url = mapping_function(page_views, features_dict)
return features_of_test_sample, wikipedia_url
def predict_protection_level(title):
import pickle
features_of_test_sample, wikipedia_url = get_features(title)
print("Page URL: ", wikipedia_url)
#Load the model
filename = 'rfmodel.sav'
loaded_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
#print("Features 1st row:", X_test[0])
y_pred = loaded_model.predict([features_of_test_sample])
print("Predicted protection_level: ", y_pred[0])
predicted_protection_level = y_pred
if(predicted_protection_level == 0):
predicted_protection_level_str = "unprotected"
elif(predicted_protection_level == 1):
predicted_protection_level_str = "autoconfirmed"
elif(predicted_protection_level == 2):
predicted_protection_level_str = "extendedconfirmed"
elif(predicted_protection_level == 3):
predicted_protection_level_str = "sysop"
return predicted_protection_level_str
def main():
predicted_protection_level_str = predict_protection_level("Donald Trump")
print("Protection level:", predicted_protection_level_str)
if __name__=='__main__':