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from cProfile import label
from code import interact
from multiprocessing.util import ForkAwareThreadLock
import os
import requests
import gradio as gr
# ENV vars
API_URL = os.environ["API_URL"]
HF_TOKEN = os.environ["HF_TOKEN"]
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}"}
comment_syntaxes = {
"C": "/* {} */",
"C++": "/* {} */",
"Java": "/* {} */",
"Golang": "/* {} */",
"Rust": "/* {} */",
"Javascript": "/* {} */",
"PHP": "/* {} */",
"Kotlin": "/* {} */",
"HTML": "<!-- {} -->",
"Python": "#{}",
"Bash": "#{}",
"Ruby": "=begin {} =end",
jsn_trail = {"parameters":
"top_p": 0.9,
"max_new_tokens": 64,
"return_full_text": True,
"do_sample": True,
{"use_cache": True,
"wait_for_model": True,
}, }
def post(jsn):
response = requests.post(API_URL, headers=headers, json=jsn)
return response.json()[0]["generated_text"]
def get_script(lang, instruction):
jsn = {"inputs": comment_syntaxes[lang].format("Programming Language: " + lang) + "\n" + comment_syntaxes[lang].format("Instruction: " + instruction.replace(
'\n', '')) + '\n', **jsn_trail}
return post(jsn)
def feedback(opt):
return post({"inputs": opt, **jsn_trail})
demo = gr.Blocks()
with demo:
"<h1><center>Give Instructions to Generate a Program</center></h1>")
"<p>This project aims to prepare a prompt for BLOOM to generate scripts</p>")
with gr.Row():
dropdown = gr.Dropdown(value="Python",
choices=list(comment_syntaxes.keys()), label="Choose the language")
# with gr.Column:
instruction = gr.Textbox(label="Write an instruction",
value="Create a python function that generates random password with given length using ascii characters ", lines=6)
with gr.Row():
generated_txt = gr.Textbox(lines=5, interactive=False, label="Output")
btn = gr.Button("Generate")
btn.click(get_script, inputs=[dropdown,
instruction], outputs=generated_txt)
feeedback_btn = gr.Button("Feedback")
feedback, inputs=[generated_txt], outputs=generated_txt)
with gr.Row():
"![visitor badge](https://visitor-badge.glitch.me/badge?page_id=abdulmeLINK.programmer-bloom)")
demo.launch(enable_queue=True, debug=True)