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A red colored car.,一辆红色的汽车。,颜色,DrawBench
A black colored car.,一辆黑色的汽车。,颜色,DrawBench
A pink colored car.,一辆粉红色的汽车。,颜色,DrawBench
A black colored dog.,一只黑色的狗。,颜色,DrawBench
A red colored dog.,一只红色的狗。,颜色,DrawBench
A blue colored dog.,一只蓝色的狗。,颜色,DrawBench
A green colored banana.,一个绿色的香蕉。,颜色,DrawBench
A red colored banana.,一个红色的香蕉。,颜色,DrawBench
A black colored banana.,一个黑色的香蕉。,颜色,DrawBench
A black colored sandwich.,一个黑色的三明治。,颜色,DrawBench
An orange colored sandwich.,一个橙色的三明治。,颜色,DrawBench
A pink colored giraffe.,一只粉红色的长颈鹿。,颜色,DrawBench
A yellow colored giraffe.,一只黄色的长颈鹿。,颜色,DrawBench
A red car and a white sheep.,一辆红色的汽车和一只白色的羊。,颜色,DrawBench
A green apple and a black backpack.,一个绿色的苹果和一个黑色的背包。,颜色,DrawBench
A green cup and a blue cell phone.,一个绿色的杯子和一个蓝色的手机。,颜色,DrawBench
A yellow book and a red vase.,一本黄色的书和一个红色的花瓶。,颜色,DrawBench
A white car and a red sheep.,一辆白色的汽车和一只红色的羊。,颜色,DrawBench
A brown bird and a blue bear.,一只棕色的鸟和一只蓝色的熊。,颜色,DrawBench
A black apple and a green backpack.,一个黑色的苹果和一个绿色的背包。,颜色,DrawBench
A blue cup and a green cell phone.,一个蓝色的杯子和一个绿色的手机。,颜色,DrawBench
A red book and a yellow vase.,一本红色的书和一个黄色的花瓶。,颜色,DrawBench
A horse riding an astronaut.,一匹马骑着一个宇航员。,矛盾,DrawBench
A pizza cooking an oven.,一块披萨烤着一个烤箱。,矛盾,DrawBench
A bird scaring a scarecrow.,一只正在吓唬稻草人的鸟。,矛盾,DrawBench
A blue coloured pizza.,一块蓝色的披萨。,矛盾,DrawBench
Hovering cow abducting aliens.,盘旋的奶牛正在绑架外星人。,矛盾,DrawBench
A panda making latte art.,一只正在制作拿铁拉花的熊猫。,矛盾,DrawBench
A shark in the desert.,一只沙漠中的鲨鱼。,矛盾,DrawBench
An elephant under the sea.,一只海底的大象。,矛盾,DrawBench
Rainbow coloured penguin.,彩虹色的企鹅。,矛盾,DrawBench
A fish eating a pelican.,一只正在吃鹈鹕的鱼。,矛盾,DrawBench
One car on the street.,街上有一辆车。,计数,DrawBench
Two cars on the street.,街上有两辆车。,计数,DrawBench
Four cars on the street.,街上有四辆车。,计数,DrawBench
Five cars on the street.,街上有五辆车。,计数,DrawBench
One dog on the street.,街上有一条狗。,计数,DrawBench
Two dogs on the street.,街上有两条狗。,计数,DrawBench
Three dogs on the street.,街上有三条狗。,计数,DrawBench
Four dogs on the street.,街上有四条狗。,计数,DrawBench
Five dogs on the street.,街上有五条狗。,计数,DrawBench
One cat and one dog sitting on the grass.,一只猫和一只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
One cat and two dogs sitting on the grass.,一只猫和两只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
One cat and three dogs sitting on the grass.,一只猫和三只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
Two cats and one dog sitting on the grass.,两只猫和一只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
Two cats and two dogs sitting on the grass.,两只猫和两只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
Two cats and three dogs sitting on the grass.,两只猫和三只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
Three cats and one dog sitting on the grass.,三只猫和一只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
Three cats and two dogs sitting on the grass.,三只猫和两只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
Three cats and three dogs sitting on the grass.,三只猫和三只狗坐在草地上。,计数,DrawBench
A triangular purple flower pot. A purple flower pot in the shape of a triangle.,一个三角形的紫色花盆。一个三角形的紫色花盆。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
"A triangular orange picture frame. An orange picture frame in the shape of a
A triangular pink stop sign. A pink stop sign in the shape of a triangle.,一个三角形的粉色停车标志。一个三角形的粉红色停车标志。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A cube made of denim. A cube with the texture of denim.,一个牛仔布制成的立方体。一个具有牛仔布纹理的立方体。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A sphere made of kitchen tile. A sphere with the texture of kitchen tile.,一个厨房瓷砖制成的球体。一个具有厨房瓷砖纹理的球体。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A cube made of brick. A cube with the texture of brick.,一个用砖制成的立方体。一个具有砖块纹理的立方体。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A collection of nail is sitting on a table.,桌子上放着一堆钉子。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A single clock is sitting on a table.,桌子上放着一只钟。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A couple of glasses are sitting on a table.,桌子上放着两个玻璃杯。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
An illustration of a large red elephant sitting on a small blue mouse.,一只红色的大象坐在一只蓝色的小老鼠上面的插图。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
An illustration of a small green elephant standing behind a large red mouse.,一只绿色的小象站在一只红色的大老鼠后面的插画。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A small blue book sitting on a large red book.,一本蓝色的小书放在一本红色的大书上。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
"A stack of 3 plates. A blue plate is on the top, sitting on a blue plate. The blue
plate is in the middle, sitting on a green plate. The green plate is on the
"A stack of 3 cubes. A red cube is on the top, sitting on a red cube. The red cube is
in the middle, sitting on a green cube. The green cube is on the bottom.",三个立方体叠放。一个红色的立方体在上面,放在另一个红色立方体上,这个红色的立方体在中间,放在另一个绿色的立方体上。这个绿色立方体在底部。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
"A stack of 3 books. A green book is on the top, sitting on a red book. The red book
is in the middle, sitting on a blue book. The blue book is on the bottom.",三本书叠放。一本绿皮书在上面,放在另一本红皮书上。这本红皮书在中间,放在另一本蓝皮书上。这本蓝皮书在底部。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
"An emoji of a baby panda wearing a red hat, green gloves, red shirt, and green pants.",熊猫宝宝戴着红帽子、绿手套,穿着红衬衫和绿裤子的表情符号。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
"An emoji of a baby panda wearing a red hat, blue gloves, green shirt, and blue pants.",熊猫宝宝戴着红帽子、蓝手套,穿着绿衬衫和蓝裤子的表情符号。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A fisheye lens view of a turtle sitting in a forest.,一只海龟坐在森林里的鱼眼镜头。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
A cross-section view of a brain.,大脑的横截面图。,DALL-E图像生成器,DrawBench
"A vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other,
propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.",一种由两个轮子组成的交通工具,一个轮子在另一个轮子后面,它们固定在一个框架内,由踏板推动,可以用连接在前轮上的把手操纵。,描述,DrawBench
"A large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public
on a fixed route and for a fare.",一种通过公路载客的大型机动车辆,通常在固定路线上为公众服务并收取一定费用。,描述,DrawBench
"A small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine.",一种用桨、帆或引擎在水上推进的小船。,描述,DrawBench
A connection point by which firefighters can tap into a water supply.,供消防员接入给水系统的连接点。,描述,DrawBench
"A machine next to a parking space in a street, into which the driver puts money
so as to be authorized to park the vehicle for a particular length of time.",路边停车位旁的一种机器,司机将钱投入其中,以便获得在某段时间内停车的授权。,描述,DrawBench
"A device consisting of a circular canopy of cloth on a folding metal frame supported
by a central rod, used as protection against rain or sometimes sun.",一种由一个圆形布篷和一个中心杆支撑的折叠金属框架组成的装置,用于防雨或者防晒。,描述,DrawBench
"A separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.",一个人的单独座位,通常有一个靠背和四条腿。,描述,DrawBench
"An appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store
food and drink.",一种人工保持低温并用于储存食物和饮料的器具或隔间。,描述,DrawBench
A mechanical or electrical device for measuring time.,一种用于测量时间的机械或电气装置。,描述,DrawBench
"An instrument used for cutting cloth, paper, and other thin material, consisting
of two blades laid one on top of the other and fastened in the middle so as
to allow them to be opened and closed by a thumb and finger inserted through
rings on the end of their handles.",一种用于切割布、纸和其他薄材料的工具,由两个刀片组成,一个放在另一个上面,它们在中间固定,以便用拇指和手指插入手柄末端的环来进行开闭操作。,描述,DrawBench
"A large plant-eating domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and
tail, used for riding, racing, and to carry and pull loads.",一种大型食草驯养哺乳动物,有坚实的蹄子以及飘动的鬃毛和尾巴,用于骑乘、赛跑、搬运和拉重物。,描述,DrawBench
"A long curved fruit which grows in clusters and has soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin
when ripe.",一种长而弯曲的果实,成簇生长,成熟时果肉柔软多汁,果皮呈黄色。,描述,DrawBench
"A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable
claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.",一种小型家养食肉哺乳动物,有柔软的皮毛,短鼻子和可伸缩的爪子,被广泛用作宠物或捕鼠,并且已经培育出许多品种。,描述,DrawBench
"A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute
sense of smell, nonretractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining
"An organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as
the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.",脊椎动物头骨中的一种软神经组织器官,是感觉、智力和神经活动的协调中心。,描述,DrawBench
"An American multinational technology company that focuses on artificial
intelligence, search engine, online advertising, cloud computing, computer
software, quantum computing, e-commerce, and consumer electronics.",一家专注于人工智能、搜索引擎、在线广告、云计算、计算机软件、量子计算、电子商务和消费电子产品的美国跨国科技公司。,描述,DrawBench
"A large keyboard musical instrument with a wooden case enclosing a soundboard and
metal strings, which are struck by hammers when the keys are depressed. The
strings' vibration is stopped by dampers when the keys are released and can
be regulated for length and volume by two or three pedals.",一种大型键盘乐器,有一个木箱,里面有音板和金属弦,当键盘被按下时,锤子会敲击它们,当键盘被松开时,弦的振动由阻尼器停止,可以通过两个或三个踏板调节弦的长度和音量。,描述,DrawBench
"A type of digital currency in which a record of transactions is maintained and new
units of currency are generated by the computational solution of mathematical
problems, and which operates independently of a central bank.",一种数字货币,其中保存交易记录,通过数学问题的计算解生成新的货币单位,独立于中央银行运行。,描述,DrawBench
"A large thick-skinned semiaquatic African mammal, with massive jaws and large tusks.",非洲一种大型厚皮半水栖哺乳动物,具有巨大的颚和长牙。,描述,DrawBench
"A machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human
movements and functions automatically.",一种类似人的机器,能够自动复制人的特定动作和功能。,描述,DrawBench
Paying for a quarter-sized pizza with a pizza-sized quarter.,用四分之一披萨大小的25分硬币来支付四分之一个披萨。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
"An oil painting of a couple in formal evening wear going home get caught in a heavy
downpour with no umbrellas.",一幅油画,描述的是一对夫妇穿着正式的晚礼服回家,遇上倾盆大雨,他们没有带雨伞。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
"A grocery store refrigerator has pint cartons of milk on the top shelf, quart
cartons on the middle shelf, and gallon plastic jugs on the bottom shelf.",杂货店冰箱的顶部架子上放着一品脱的牛奶,中间架子上放着一夸脱的牛奶,底部架子上放着一加仑的塑料瓶。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
"In late afternoon in January in New England, a man stands in the shadow of a maple
"An elephant is behind a tree. You can see the trunk on one side and the back
legs on the other.",一头大象在一棵树的后面。你可以看到一边是象鼻,另一边是后腿。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
A pear cut into seven pieces arranged in a ring.,一个梨子被切成七块,排列成一个环。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
"A donkey and an octopus are playing a game. The donkey is holding a rope on one end,
the octopus is holding onto the other. The donkey holds the rope in its
mouth. A cat is jumping over the rope.",一头驴和一只章鱼在玩游戏。驴子在一端拿着绳子,章鱼在另一端拿着绳子。驴子把绳子叼在嘴里。一只猫正在跳过绳子。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
"Supreme Court Justices play a baseball game with the FBI. The FBI is at bat, the
justices are on the field.",最高法院法官与联邦调查局进行棒球比赛。轮到联邦调查局击球了,法官们在运动场上。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
"Abraham Lincoln touches his toes while George Washington does chin-ups. Lincoln is
barefoot. Washington is wearing boots.",亚伯拉罕·林肯触摸他的脚趾,乔治·华盛顿做引体向上。林肯光着脚。华盛顿穿着靴子。,加里·马库斯等人。,DrawBench
A wine glass on top of a dog.,一个红酒杯放在一条狗上面。,位置,DrawBench
A bicycle on top of a boat.,一辆自行车放在一条小船上面。,位置,DrawBench
An umbrella on top of a spoon.,一把伞放在一个勺子上面。,位置,DrawBench
A laptop on top of a teddy bear.,一个笔记本放在一只泰迪熊上面。,位置,DrawBench
A giraffe underneath a microwave.,一只长颈鹿藏在一个微波炉下面。,位置,DrawBench
A donut underneath a toilet.,一个甜甜圈放在一个厕所下面。,位置,DrawBench
A tennis racket underneath a traffic light.,一个网球拍放在一个红绿灯下面。,位置,DrawBench
A zebra underneath a broccoli.,一只斑马藏在一只花椰菜下面。,位置,DrawBench
A banana on the left of an apple.,一个香蕉在一个苹果左边。,位置,DrawBench
A car on the left of a bus.,一辆公共汽车左边有一辆汽车。,位置,DrawBench
A cat on the left of a dog.,一只猫在一条狗的右边。,位置,DrawBench
A pizza on the right of a suitcase.,一个披萨在一个皮箱右边。,位置,DrawBench
A cat on the right of a tennis racket.,一只猫在一个网球拍右边。,位置,DrawBench
A stop sign on the right of a refrigerator.,一个冰箱右侧有一个停车标志。,位置,DrawBench
A sheep to the right of a wine glass.,一只羊在一个红酒杯右边。,位置,DrawBench
A zebra to the right of a fire hydrant.,一只斑马在一个消防栓右边。,位置,DrawBench
A church with stained glass windows depicting a hamburger and french fries.,一个带有彩色玻璃窗的教堂,窗上有汉堡包和炸薯条的图案。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"Painting of the orange cat Otto von Garfield, Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of
Lauenburg, Minister-President of Prussia.
Depicted wearing a Prussian Pickelhaube and eating his favorite meal - lasagna.",橘猫奥托·冯·加菲尔德,俾斯麦·舍恩豪森伯爵,劳恩堡公爵,普鲁士部长兼总统的画像。被描绘成穿着普鲁士皮克豪布,吃着它最喜欢的食物-千层面。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A baby fennec sneezing onto a strawberry, detailed, macro, studio light, droplets,
backlit ears.",一个婴儿冲着草莓打喷嚏,细节,宏观,工作室灯光,水滴,背光耳朵。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A photo of a confused grizzly bear in calculus class.,微积分课上一只迷惑不解的灰熊的照片。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"An ancient Egyptian painting depicting an argument over whose turn it is to take
out the trash.",一幅古埃及绘画,描绘了一场关于轮到谁倒垃圾的争论。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A fluffy baby sloth with a knitted hat trying to figure out a laptop, close up, highly
detailed, studio lighting, screen reflecting in its eyes.",一只毛茸茸的小树懒,戴着一顶针织帽子,试图搞定一台笔记本电脑,特写,非常细致,工作室灯光,屏幕反射在眼睛里。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A tiger in a lab coat with a 1980s Miami vibe, turning a well oiled science content
machine, digital art.",一只穿着实验服的老虎,带着80年代迈阿密的气息,开启了一台运转良好的科学内容机器,数字艺术。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Lego Arnold Schwarzenegger.,乐高·阿诺德·施瓦辛格。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A yellow and black bus cruising through the rainforest.,一辆黄黑色的巴士在雨林中穿梭。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A medieval painting of the wifi not working.,一幅描绘wifi坏掉的中世纪画作。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"An IT-guy trying to fix hardware of a PC tower is being tangled by the PC cables
like Laokoon. Marble, copy after Hellenistic original from ca. 200 BC. Found
in the Baths of Trajan, 1506.",一个IT人员试图修复PC塔的硬件,却被像Laokoon这样的PC电缆缠住了。大理石,仿照约公元前200年的希腊原作。1506年在图拉真的浴场发现。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"35mm macro shot a kitten licking a baby duck, studio lighting.",35毫米微距拍摄一只小猫舔一只小鸭子,工作室灯光。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
McDonalds Church.,麦当劳教堂。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"Photo of an athlete cat explaining it's latest scandal at a press conference to
Greek statue of a man tripping over a cat.,一座男人被猫绊倒的希腊雕像。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"An old photograph of a 1920s airship shaped like a pig, floating over a wheat field.",一张20世纪20年代的飞艇的旧照片,形状像一头猪,漂浮在麦田上。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Photo of a cat singing in a barbershop quartet.,一只猫在理发店四重奏中唱歌的照片。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A painting by Grant Wood of an astronaut couple, american gothic style.",一幅格兰特·伍德的宇航员夫妇的画作,美国哥特式风格。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
An oil painting portrait of the regal Burger King posing with a Whopper.,一幅皇家汉堡王与皇堡合影的油画肖像。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A keyboard made of water, the water is made of light, the light is turned off.",一个由水制成的键盘,水是由灯光制成的,灯光是关闭的。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Hyper-realistic photo of an abandoned industrial site during a storm.,风暴中废弃工业场地的超现实照片。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A screenshot of an iOS app for ordering different types of milk.,用于订购不同种类牛奶的iOS应用程序的屏幕截图。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A real life photography of super mario, 8k Ultra HD.",超级马里奥的真实生活照片,8k超高清。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Colouring page of large cats climbing the eifel tower in a cyberpunk future.,在赛博朋克的未来,大型猫科动物们爬上埃菲尔铁塔的彩色页面。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Photo of a mega Lego space station inside a kid's bedroom.,孩子卧室里的巨型乐高空间站照片。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A spider with a moustache bidding an equally gentlemanly grasshopper a good day during
his walk to work.",一只长着胡子的蜘蛛在去上班的路上向一只同样绅士的蚱蜢问好。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A photocopy of a photograph of a painting of a sculpture of a giraffe.,一幅长颈鹿雕塑画的照片复印件。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A bridge connecting Europe and North America on the Atlantic Ocean, bird's eye view.",大西洋上连接欧洲和北美的桥梁,鸟瞰图。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A maglev train going vertically downward in high speed, New York Times
A magnifying glass over a page of a 1950s batman comic.,一个放在50年代蝙蝠侠漫画上的放大镜。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A car playing soccer, digital art.",一辆踢足球的汽车,数字艺术。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Darth Vader playing with raccoon in Mars during sunset.,日落时分,达斯·维德在火星上与浣熊玩耍。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A 1960s poster warning against climate change.,一张20世纪60年代警示气候变化的海报。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Illustration of a mouse using a mushroom as an umbrella.,一张老鼠把蘑菇作为雨伞的插图。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
"A realistic photo of a Pomeranian dressed up like a 1980s professional wrestler
with neon green and neon orange face paint and bright green wrestling tights
with bright orange boots.",一张打扮成20世纪80年代职业摔跤手的博美犬的写实照片,脸上涂有霓虹绿和霓虹橙色的颜料,穿着亮绿色的摔跤紧身裤和亮橙色的靴子。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
A pyramid made of falafel with a partial solar eclipse in the background.,一个炸鹰嘴豆丸子做成的金字塔,背景是日偏食。,Reddit论坛,DrawBench
Bears playing football,踢足球的熊,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Dolphins spinning a hula hoop,转呼啦圈的海豚,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Wolf in a suit,穿西服的狼,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Rabbit in a skirt,穿裙子的兔子,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Cat in a tuxedo,穿燕尾服的猫,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Crocodile in a sweater,穿毛衣的鳄鱼,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Horse in skates,穿滑冰鞋的马,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Fox with wine cup,拿酒杯的狐狸,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Peacock on the phone,打电话的孔雀,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Giraffe playing basketball,打篮球的长颈鹿,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Parrot in a navy suit,海军装鹦鹉,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Dog with sunglasses,戴墨镜的小狗,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Little witch,小魔女,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Totoro with an umbrella,打伞的龙猫,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Snake playing harmonica,吹口琴的蛇,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
Orangutan playing the piano,弹钢琴的猩猩,拟人化动物/卡通形象,ERNIE-VILG
The Chicago Spire,芝加哥尖塔,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Guizhou Huangguoshu Waterfall,贵州黄果树瀑布,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Thousand Miao Households in Guizhou,贵州千户苗寨,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
International Commerce Centre,环球贸易广场,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Buckingham Palace,白金汉宫,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Matterhorn of the Disneyland in California,加州迪士尼乐园的马特洪峰,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Field of Mars,战神广场,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Maisons-Laffitte Castle,拉斐特之家城堡,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Hangzhou West Lake,杭州西湖,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
"The New Tokyo City Hall, Japan",日本东京都厅,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
"Tokyo Tower, Japan",日本东京塔,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou,杭州灵隐寺,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Pantheon in Italy,意大利万神殿,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Vancouver House,温哥华一号公馆,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
The Potala Palace,布达拉宫,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Bird Nest in Beijing,北京鸟巢,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Forbidden City in Beijing,北京故宫,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Temple of Heaven in Beijing,北京天坛,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Shanghai World Financial Center,上海环球金融中心,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Holy Brasilia Cathedral,圣巴西利亚大教堂,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Palace of Versailles,凡尔赛宫,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
The Oriental Pearl,东方明珠,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Little Triumphal Arch,小凯旋门,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Bar Street in Shichahai,什刹海的酒吧街,地理类,ERNIE-VILG
Zongzi and corn boiled in the pot,锅里煮着粽子和玉米,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A red vacuum cup on the left of the black laptop,黑色笔记本电脑左边有一个红色保温杯,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A pouting little boy is standing in front of the supermarket shelf,超市货架前站着一个撅着嘴的小男孩,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A puppet cat jumping on the table to play with cups,跳上桌子玩杯子的布偶猫,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
The teacher is lecturing on the platform,讲台上老师在讲课,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A woman in black picks up hardware tools in front of the shelf,穿黑衣服的女人在货架前挑五金工具,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
The lotus in the pond is in bloom,池塘里的莲花开了,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
Antique vases on mahogany shelves,古董花瓶摆在红木架子上,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
The cashier is standing next to the counter,收银员站在柜台旁边,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
The express bill is stuck on the parcel,快递盒上贴着快递单,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
Beef cut on the chopping board,案板上切好的牛肉,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
Audiences holding fluorescent sticks in the auditorium,在观众席举着荧光棒的观众,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
There is a fill light on the display,显示器上面有个补光灯,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A man making faces in the setting sun,在夕阳下做鬼脸的男人,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A cat fell down the stairs,在楼梯上摔倒的猫,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
There is a wooden tea table in front of the sofa in the living room,客厅的沙发前有一张木质茶几,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A dog is reading a thick book,一只狗在看书,很厚的书,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A cat is on the left of a dog,一只猫在一只狗左边,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A white dove is standing on the green grass,一只白鸽站在绿色的草地上,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A man is standing on the moon,一个人站在月球上,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A small red ball in a big green block,一个小红球在一个大绿块内部,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A man and a woman play billiards face to face,一对男女面对面打桌球,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
The bookshelf is full of books,书架上摆满了书,多物+属性描述+关系描述,ERNIE-VILG
A new tent,一顶新帐篷,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A line of egrets in the air,一行在空中的白鹭,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A full moon,一轮满月,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
An open ink bottle,一瓶打开的墨水瓶,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A tank of clean water,一缸清水,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A snowy mountain,一座雪山,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A colorful snake,一条色彩斑斓的蛇,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A glass of bubbling soda,一杯冒泡的汽水,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A roll of wet toilet paper,一卷打湿的卫生纸,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
An ignited kitchen sink,一个点火的灶台,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A spotted cat,一只斑点花猫,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A dorkable husky,一只呆萌哈士奇,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A Puppet Cat,一只布偶猫,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A kitten,一只小奶猫,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A crying girl,一个大哭女孩,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
An open packet of potato chips,一包开封的薯片,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A pancake,一张烙饼,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A fireman fighting a fire,一位正在救火的消防员,单物+属性描述,ERNIE-VILG
A burning fish,身上着火的鱼,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
The chicken head grows on the cow,鸡头长在奶牛身上,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A jellyfish riding a rocket,骑着火箭的水母,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
"Eagle head, lion body and horse tail",鹰头狮身马尾巴,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A lion with a dragon's head,龙头狮子,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A sweet potato is flying the plane,红薯开飞机,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A rabbit with a fox's head,狐狸脑袋的兔子,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A owl with a lion's face,狮子脸的猫头鹰,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A quail looks like a frog,像青蛙的鹌鹑,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A goat spitting spider silk,吐蜘蛛丝的山羊,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A frog looks like a tomato,像西红柿的青蛙,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A lobster with a helmet riding a motorcycle,戴头盔骑摩托的龙虾,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A parrot looks like a shar pei,沙皮鹦鹉,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A car without doors,没有门的汽车,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A motorcycle without wheels,没有轮子的摩托车,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A water bottle without cover,没有盖的水瓶,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A pair of shoes without soles,没有底的鞋子,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A door without a handle,没有把手的门,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A hanger without hooks,没有勾的衣架,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
Six winged chicken,六翅鸡,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A goblet full of thorns,全是刺的高脚杯,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
Green rain in the sky,天上下绿色的雨,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
A giraffe like a turtle,像乌龟的长颈鹿,反事实,ERNIE-VILG
Microgram of iris japonica,蝴蝶花微距图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The front view of a Gundam model,高达模型正面,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The close-up of a chip,芯片近距离特写,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
Top view of Xizhimen Interchange,西直门立交俯视图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The shadow of a black cat lying on its stomach,趴着的黑猫背影,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The aerial view of Bird's Nest,鸟巢鸟瞰图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The front view of tea cup,茶杯正面图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The top View of an apple,苹果俯视图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The close-up of a corn,玉米近景特写,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The upward view of the LED,仰视LED灯,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The top view of the seal,海豹俯视图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The close-up of a chameleon,变色龙特写,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
side face of a puppet cat,布偶猫侧脸,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The bottom view of Canton Tower,广州塔仰视图,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The head up view of a star poster,平视明星海报,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
The close-up of miniature bonsai,微缩盆景特写,不同视角,ERNIE-VILG
Scratch painting of butterfly,蝴蝶刮画,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Crayon painting of potted plants,蜡笔画盆栽,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Green Landscape Painting of Mountain,青绿山水画山,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Bicycle painted by the marker,马克笔画自行车,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Apple painted by colored pencil,苹果彩铅画,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Leather shoes painted by pen,皮鞋钢笔画,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Cherry Blossom Digital Oil Painting,樱花数字油画,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Watercolor painting of plant,植物水彩,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Gouache of the sky,水粉画天空,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Impressionist painting of the elephant,印象派大象,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Futurist painting of the building,未来派大厦,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Rose in watercolor style,水彩风格玫瑰,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Watercolor of sunset,水彩日落,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Boundary painting of the gate tower,城楼界画,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Classical oil painting of the lion,古典油画狮子,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
Chinese painting of grapes,国画葡萄,不同风格,ERNIE-VILG
A photographer who is following the actors,跟拍演员的摄影师,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A statue in the middle of the rainy day square,雨天广场中间的雕像,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
There is a boat on the foggy lake,雾蒙蒙的湖面上有一艘船,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A farmyard surrounded by beautiful flowers,美丽的鲜花围绕的农家小院,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A man shooting a basketball,投篮的男人,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A farmer sowing seeds,播种的农民,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A cashier of milk tea shop,奶茶店收银员,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A tallyman who is tallying,正在理货的理货员,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A nurse is changing the intravenous fluids,换吊瓶的护士,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
Paper boats on the lake,湖面上的纸船,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
Farmers working in the sun,太阳下正在耕作的农民,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
A woman typing in the office,在办公室打字的女人,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
Audiences making bullet comments,发弹幕的观众,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG
The singer who is having a concert,开演唱会的歌手,不同时间/场景,ERNIE-VILG