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# Please cite "4D Spatio-Temporal ConvNets: Minkowski Convolutional Neural
# Networks", CVPR'19 ( if you use any part
# of the code.
import torch
import numpy as np
from import Sequence
def fnv_hash_vec(arr):
assert arr.ndim == 2
# Floor first for negative coordinates
arr = arr.copy()
arr = arr.astype(np.uint64, copy=False)
hashed_arr = np.uint64(14695981039346656037) * \
np.ones(arr.shape[0], dtype=np.uint64)
for j in range(arr.shape[1]):
hashed_arr *= np.uint64(1099511628211)
hashed_arr = np.bitwise_xor(hashed_arr, arr[:, j])
return hashed_arr
def ravel_hash_vec(arr):
Ravel the coordinates after subtracting the min coordinates.
assert arr.ndim == 2
arr = arr.copy()
arr -= arr.min(0)
arr = arr.astype(np.uint64, copy=False)
arr_max = arr.max(0).astype(np.uint64) + 1
keys = np.zeros(arr.shape[0], dtype=np.uint64)
# Fortran style indexing
for j in range(arr.shape[1] - 1):
keys += arr[:, j]
keys *= arr_max[j + 1]
keys += arr[:, -1]
return keys
def sparse_quantize(coords,
r'''Given coordinates, and features (optionally labels), the function
generates quantized (voxelized) coordinates.
coords (:attr:`numpy.ndarray` or :attr:`torch.Tensor`): a matrix of size
:math:`N \times D` where :math:`N` is the number of points in the
:math:`D` dimensional space.
feats (:attr:`numpy.ndarray` or :attr:`torch.Tensor`, optional): a matrix of size
:math:`N \times D_F` where :math:`N` is the number of points and
:math:`D_F` is the dimension of the features.
labels (:attr:`numpy.ndarray`, optional): labels associated to eah coordinates.
ignore_label (:attr:`int`, optional): the int value of the IGNORE LABEL.
set_ignore_label_when_collision (:attr:`bool`, optional): use the `ignore_label`
when at least two points fall into the same cell.
return_index (:attr:`bool`, optional): True if you want the indices of the
quantized coordinates. False by default.
hash_type (:attr:`str`, optional): Hash function used for quantization. Either
`ravel` or `fnv`. `ravel` by default.
quantization_size (:attr:`float`, :attr:`list`, or
:attr:`numpy.ndarray`, optional): the length of the each side of the
hyperrectangle of of the grid cell.
.. note::
Please check `examples/` for the usage.
use_label = labels is not None
use_feat = feats is not None
if not use_label and not use_feat:
return_index = True
assert hash_type in [
'ravel', 'fnv'
], "Invalid hash_type. Either ravel, or fnv allowed. You put hash_type=" + hash_type
assert coords.ndim == 2, \
"The coordinates must be a 2D matrix. The shape of the input is " + str(coords.shape)
if use_feat:
assert feats.ndim == 2
assert coords.shape[0] == feats.shape[0]
if use_label:
assert coords.shape[0] == len(labels)
# Quantize the coordinates
dimension = coords.shape[1]
if isinstance(quantization_size, (Sequence, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)):
assert len(
) == dimension, "Quantization size and coordinates size mismatch."
quantization_size = [i for i in quantization_size]
elif np.isscalar(quantization_size): # Assume that it is a scalar
quantization_size = [quantization_size for i in range(dimension)]
raise ValueError('Not supported type for quantization_size.')
discrete_coords = np.floor(coords / np.array(quantization_size))
# Hash function type
if hash_type == 'ravel':
key = ravel_hash_vec(discrete_coords)
key = fnv_hash_vec(discrete_coords)
if use_label:
_, inds, counts = np.unique(key, return_index=True, return_counts=True)
filtered_labels = labels[inds]
if set_ignore_label_when_collision:
filtered_labels[counts > 1] = ignore_label
if return_index:
return inds, filtered_labels
return discrete_coords[inds], feats[inds], filtered_labels
_, inds, inds_reverse = np.unique(key, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
if use_feat:
voxel_feats = np.zeros((len(np.unique(key)), feats.shape[1]), dtype=feats.dtype)
for i in range(len(np.unique(key))):
# voxel_feats[i] = np.mean(feats[inds_reverse == i], axis=0)
# voxel_feats[i] = np.median(feats[inds_reverse == i], axis=0)
voxel_center = np.mean(coords[inds_reverse == i], axis=0)
distances = np.linalg.norm(coords[inds_reverse == i] - voxel_center, axis=1)
central_point_idx = np.argmin(distances)
voxel_feats[i] = feats[inds_reverse == i][central_point_idx]
if return_index:
return inds, inds_reverse, voxel_feats
if return_index:
return inds, inds_reverse
if use_feat:
return discrete_coords[inds], feats[inds]
return discrete_coords[inds]