Zengyf-CVer's picture
app update
# Watermarking Lab
# 创建人:曾逸夫
# 创建时间:2022-08-10
# 功能描述:单一图片加水印 透明度 字体颜色
import math
import sys
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from util.fonts_opt import is_fonts
ROOT_PATH = sys.path[0] # 根目录
DESCRIPTION = '''# Watermarking Lab'''
def Hex_to_RGB(hex):
r = int(hex[1:3], 16)
g = int(hex[3:5], 16)
b = int(hex[5:7], 16)
return r, g, b
def watermarking(img, text, text_size, text_font, wm_location, wm_trans, wm_textColor):
# 参考:https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/ImageDraw.html?highlight=text#example-draw-partial-opacity-text
img_base = img.convert("RGBA")
txt = Image.new('RGBA', img_base.size, (255, 255, 255, 0))
text_size = int(text_size)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
font = ImageFont.truetype(f"./fonts/{text_font}.ttf", text_size)
textwidth, textheight = draw.textsize(text, font)
width, height = img_base.size # 图片尺寸
# ---------- 水印位置 ----------
if wm_location == "center":
x = width / 2 - textwidth / 2
y = height / 2 - textheight / 2
elif wm_location == "bottom right":
x = width - textwidth - text_size
y = height - textheight - text_size
elif wm_location == "bottom left":
x = text_size
y = height - textheight - text_size
elif wm_location == "top right":
x = width - textwidth - text_size
y = text_size
elif wm_location == "top left":
x = text_size
y = text_size
r, g, b = Hex_to_RGB(wm_textColor)
draw.text((x, y), text, fill=(r, g, b, math.ceil(float(wm_trans) * 255)), font=font)
img_combined = Image.alpha_composite(img_base, txt)
return img_combined
def main():
is_fonts(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts") # 检查字体文件
with gr.Blocks(css='style.css') as gyd:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
input_img = gr.Image(image_mode="RGB", source="upload", type="pil", label="原始图片")
with gr.Row():
wm_location = gr.Radio(choices=["center", "bottom right", "bottom left", "top right", "top left"],
with gr.Row():
wm_text = gr.Textbox(value="水印内容", label="水印内容")
with gr.Row():
wm_textFont = gr.Dropdown(choices=["SimSun", "TimesNewRoman", "malgun"], value="SimSun", label="字体")
with gr.Row():
wm_textSize = gr.Number(value=50, label="文字大小")
with gr.Row():
wm_textTrans = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=1, step=0.1, label="水印透明度")
with gr.Row():
wm_textColor = gr.ColorPicker(label="水印颜色")
with gr.Row():
btn_01 = gr.Button(value='加水印', variant="primary")
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
output_img = gr.Image(type="pil", label="水印图片")
with gr.Row():
example_list = [[
"./img_examples/bus.jpg", "Watermarking Text", 50, "TimesNewRoman", "bottom right", "0.9", "#FFFFFF"],
["./img_examples/zidane.jpg", "水印文字", 50, "SimSun", "center", "0.5", "#2488C6"]]
[input_img, wm_text, wm_textSize, wm_textFont, wm_location, wm_textTrans, wm_textColor],
inputs=[input_img, wm_text, wm_textSize, wm_textFont, wm_location, wm_textTrans, wm_textColor],
if __name__ == '__main__':