import sys |
sys.path.append("..") |
import copy |
import os |
import random |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import numpy as np |
from copy import deepcopy |
from torch_geometric.transforms import Compose |
from torch_geometric.nn.pool import knn_graph |
from torch_geometric.utils.subgraph import subgraph |
from torch_geometric.utils.num_nodes import maybe_num_nodes |
from torch_geometric.data import Data, Batch |
from torch_scatter import scatter_add |
from rdkit import Chem |
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors |
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem |
from .data import ProteinLigandData |
from .protein_ligand import ATOM_FAMILIES |
from .chemutils import enumerate_assemble, list_filter, rand_rotate |
from .dihedral_utils import batch_dihedrals |
allowable_features = { |
'possible_atomic_num_list': list(range(1, 119)), |
'possible_formal_charge_list': [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], |
'possible_chirality_list': [ |
Chem.rdchem.ChiralType.CHI_UNSPECIFIED, |
Chem.rdchem.ChiralType.CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW, |
Chem.rdchem.ChiralType.CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW, |
Chem.rdchem.ChiralType.CHI_OTHER |
], |
'possible_hybridization_list': [ |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.S, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D2, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.UNSPECIFIED |
], |
'possible_numH_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], |
'possible_implicit_valence_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], |
'possible_degree_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], |
'possible_bonds': [ |
Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE, |
Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE, |
Chem.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE, |
Chem.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC |
], |
'possible_bond_dirs': [ |
Chem.rdchem.BondDir.NONE, |
Chem.rdchem.BondDir.ENDUPRIGHT, |
Chem.rdchem.BondDir.ENDDOWNRIGHT |
] |
} |
def mol_to_graph_data_obj_simple(mol): |
""" |
Converts rdkit mol object to graph Data object required by the pytorch |
geometric package. NB: Uses simplified atom and bond features, and represent |
as indices |
:param mol: rdkit mol object |
:return: graph data object with the attributes: x, edge_index, edge_attr |
""" |
num_atom_features = 2 |
atom_features_list = [] |
for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): |
atom_feature = [allowable_features['possible_atomic_num_list'].index( |
atom.GetAtomicNum())] + [allowable_features[ |
'possible_chirality_list'].index(atom.GetChiralTag())] |
atom_features_list.append(atom_feature) |
x = torch.tensor(np.array(atom_features_list), dtype=torch.long) |
num_bond_features = 2 |
if len(mol.GetBonds()) > 0: |
edges_list = [] |
edge_features_list = [] |
for bond in mol.GetBonds(): |
i = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() |
j = bond.GetEndAtomIdx() |
edge_feature = [allowable_features['possible_bonds'].index( |
bond.GetBondType())] + [allowable_features[ |
'possible_bond_dirs'].index( |
bond.GetBondDir())] |
edges_list.append((i, j)) |
edge_features_list.append(edge_feature) |
edges_list.append((j, i)) |
edge_features_list.append(edge_feature) |
edge_index = torch.tensor(np.array(edges_list).T, dtype=torch.long) |
edge_attr = torch.tensor(np.array(edge_features_list), |
dtype=torch.long) |
else: |
edge_index = torch.empty((2, 0), dtype=torch.long) |
edge_attr = torch.empty((0, num_bond_features), dtype=torch.long) |
data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr) |
return data |
class RefineData(object): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
def __call__(self, data): |
protein_element = data.protein_element |
is_H_protein = (protein_element == 1) |
if torch.sum(is_H_protein) > 0: |
not_H_protein = ~is_H_protein |
data.protein_atom_name = list(compress(data.protein_atom_name, not_H_protein)) |
data.protein_atom_to_aa_type = data.protein_atom_to_aa_type[not_H_protein] |
data.protein_element = data.protein_element[not_H_protein] |
data.protein_is_backbone = data.protein_is_backbone[not_H_protein] |
data.protein_pos = data.protein_pos[not_H_protein] |
ligand_element = data.ligand_element |
is_H_ligand = (ligand_element == 1) |
if torch.sum(is_H_ligand) > 0: |
not_H_ligand = ~is_H_ligand |
data.ligand_atom_feature = data.ligand_atom_feature[not_H_ligand] |
data.ligand_element = data.ligand_element[not_H_ligand] |
data.ligand_pos = data.ligand_pos[not_H_ligand] |
index_atom_H = torch.nonzero(is_H_ligand)[:, 0] |
index_changer = -np.ones(len(not_H_ligand), dtype=np.int64) |
index_changer[not_H_ligand] = np.arange(torch.sum(not_H_ligand)) |
new_nbh_list = [value for ind_this, value in zip(not_H_ligand, data.ligand_nbh_list.values()) if ind_this] |
data.ligand_nbh_list = {i: [index_changer[node] for node in neigh if node not in index_atom_H] for i, neigh |
in enumerate(new_nbh_list)} |
ind_bond_with_H = np.array([(bond_i in index_atom_H) | (bond_j in index_atom_H) for bond_i, bond_j in |
zip(*data.ligand_bond_index)]) |
ind_bond_without_H = ~ind_bond_with_H |
old_ligand_bond_index = data.ligand_bond_index[:, ind_bond_without_H] |
data.ligand_bond_index = torch.tensor(index_changer)[old_ligand_bond_index] |
data.ligand_bond_type = data.ligand_bond_type[ind_bond_without_H] |
return data |
class FocalBuilder(object): |
def __init__(self, close_threshold=0.8, max_bond_length=2.4): |
self.close_threshold = close_threshold |
self.max_bond_length = max_bond_length |
super().__init__() |
def __call__(self, data: ProteinLigandData): |
ligand_masked_pos = data.ligand_masked_pos |
protein_pos = data.protein_pos |
context_idx = data.context_idx |
masked_idx = data.masked_idx |
old_bond_index = data.ligand_bond_index |
has_unmask_atoms = context_idx.nelement() > 0 |
if has_unmask_atoms: |
ind_edge_index_candidate = [ |
(context_node in context_idx) and (mask_node in masked_idx) |
for mask_node, context_node in zip(*old_bond_index) |
] |
bridge_bond_index = old_bond_index[:, ind_edge_index_candidate] |
idx_generated_in_whole_ligand = bridge_bond_index[0] |
idx_focal_in_whole_ligand = bridge_bond_index[1] |
index_changer_masked = torch.zeros(masked_idx.max() + 1, dtype=torch.int64) |
index_changer_masked[masked_idx] = torch.arange(len(masked_idx)) |
idx_generated_in_ligand_masked = index_changer_masked[idx_generated_in_whole_ligand] |
pos_generate = ligand_masked_pos[idx_generated_in_ligand_masked] |
data.idx_generated_in_ligand_masked = idx_generated_in_ligand_masked |
data.pos_generate = pos_generate |
index_changer_context = torch.zeros(context_idx.max() + 1, dtype=torch.int64) |
index_changer_context[context_idx] = torch.arange(len(context_idx)) |
idx_focal_in_ligand_context = index_changer_context[idx_focal_in_whole_ligand] |
idx_focal_in_compose = idx_focal_in_ligand_context |
data.idx_focal_in_compose = idx_focal_in_compose |
data.idx_protein_all_mask = torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.long) |
data.y_protein_frontier = torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.bool) |
else: |
assign_index = radius(x=ligand_masked_pos, y=protein_pos, r=4., num_workers=16) |
if assign_index.size(1) == 0: |
dist = torch.norm(data.protein_pos.unsqueeze(1) - data.ligand_masked_pos.unsqueeze(0), p=2, dim=-1) |
assign_index = torch.nonzero(dist <= torch.min(dist) + 1e-5)[0:1].transpose(0, 1) |
idx_focal_in_protein = assign_index[0] |
data.idx_focal_in_compose = idx_focal_in_protein |
data.pos_generate = ligand_masked_pos[assign_index[1]] |
data.idx_generated_in_ligand_masked = torch.unique(assign_index[1]) |
data.idx_protein_all_mask = data.idx_protein_in_compose |
y_protein_frontier = torch.zeros_like(data.idx_protein_all_mask, |
dtype=torch.bool) |
y_protein_frontier[torch.unique(idx_focal_in_protein)] = True |
data.y_protein_frontier = y_protein_frontier |
return data |
class AtomComposer(object): |
def __init__(self, protein_dim, ligand_dim, knn): |
super().__init__() |
self.protein_dim = protein_dim |
self.ligand_dim = ligand_dim |
self.knn = knn |
def __call__(self, data: ProteinLigandData): |
ligand_context_pos = data['ligand_context_pos'] |
ligand_context_feature_full = data['ligand_context_feature_full'] |
protein_pos = data['protein_pos'] |
protein_atom_feature = data['protein_atom_feature'] |
len_ligand_ctx = len(ligand_context_pos) |
len_protein = len(protein_pos) |
data['compose_pos'] = torch.cat([ligand_context_pos, protein_pos], dim=0) |
len_compose = len_ligand_ctx + len_protein |
ligand_context_feature_full_expand = torch.cat([ |
ligand_context_feature_full, |
torch.zeros([len_ligand_ctx, self.protein_dim - self.ligand_dim], dtype=torch.long) |
], dim=1) |
data['compose_feature'] = torch.cat([ligand_context_feature_full_expand, protein_atom_feature], dim=0) |
data['idx_ligand_ctx_in_compose'] = torch.arange(len_ligand_ctx, dtype=torch.long) |
data['idx_protein_in_compose'] = torch.arange(len_protein, dtype=torch.long) + len_ligand_ctx |
data = self.get_knn_graph(data, self.knn, len_ligand_ctx, len_compose, num_workers=16) |
return data |
@staticmethod |
def get_knn_graph(data: ProteinLigandData, knn, len_ligand_ctx, len_compose, num_workers=1, ): |
data['compose_knn_edge_index'] = knn_graph(data['compose_pos'], knn, flow='target_to_source', num_workers=num_workers) |
id_compose_edge = data['compose_knn_edge_index'][0, |
:len_ligand_ctx * knn] * len_compose + data['compose_knn_edge_index'][1, :len_ligand_ctx * knn] |
id_ligand_ctx_edge = data['ligand_context_bond_index'][0] * len_compose + data['ligand_context_bond_index'][1] |
idx_edge = [torch.nonzero(id_compose_edge == id_) for id_ in id_ligand_ctx_edge] |
idx_edge = torch.tensor([a.squeeze() if len(a) > 0 else torch.tensor(-1) for a in idx_edge], dtype=torch.long) |
data['compose_knn_edge_type'] = torch.zeros(len(data['compose_knn_edge_index'][0]), |
dtype=torch.long) |
data['compose_knn_edge_type'][idx_edge[idx_edge >= 0]] = data['ligand_context_bond_type'][idx_edge >= 0] |
data['compose_knn_edge_feature'] = torch.cat([ |
torch.ones([len(data['compose_knn_edge_index'][0]), 1], dtype=torch.long), |
torch.zeros([len(data['compose_knn_edge_index'][0]), 3], dtype=torch.long), |
], dim=-1) |
data['compose_knn_edge_feature'][idx_edge[idx_edge >= 0]] = F.one_hot(data['ligand_context_bond_type'][idx_edge >= 0], |
num_classes=4) |
return data |
class FeaturizeProteinAtom(object): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.atomic_numbers = torch.LongTensor([6, 7, 8, 16, 34]) |
self.max_num_aa = 20 |
@property |
def feature_dim(self): |
return self.atomic_numbers.size(0) + self.max_num_aa + 1 |
def __call__(self, data: ProteinLigandData): |
element = data['protein_element'].view(-1, 1) == self.atomic_numbers.view(1, -1) |
amino_acid = F.one_hot(data['protein_atom_to_aa_type'], num_classes=self.max_num_aa) |
is_backbone = data['protein_is_backbone'].view(-1, 1).long() |
x = torch.cat([element, amino_acid, is_backbone], dim=-1) |
data['protein_atom_feature'] = x |
return data |
class FeaturizeLigandAtom(object): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.atomic_numbers = torch.LongTensor([6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17]) |
@property |
def num_properties(self): |
return len(ATOM_FAMILIES) |
@property |
def feature_dim(self): |
return self.atomic_numbers.size(0) + len(ATOM_FAMILIES) |
def __call__(self, data: ProteinLigandData): |
element = data['ligand_element'].view(-1, 1) == self.atomic_numbers.view(1, -1) |
x = torch.cat([element, data['ligand_atom_feature']], dim=-1) |
data['ligand_atom_feature_full'] = x |
return data |
class FeaturizeLigandBond(object): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
def __call__(self, data: ProteinLigandData): |
data['ligand_bond_feature'] = F.one_hot((data['ligand_bond_type'] - 1)%3, num_classes=3) |
neighbor_dict = {} |
mol = data['moltree'].mol |
for i, atom in enumerate(mol.GetAtoms()): |
neighbor_dict[i] = [n.GetIdx() for n in atom.GetNeighbors()] |
data['ligand_neighbors'] = neighbor_dict |
return data |
class LigandCountNeighbors(object): |
@staticmethod |
def count_neighbors(edge_index, symmetry, valence=None, num_nodes=None): |
assert symmetry == True, 'Only support symmetrical edges.' |
if num_nodes is None: |
num_nodes = maybe_num_nodes(edge_index) |
if valence is None: |
valence = torch.ones([edge_index.size(1)], device=edge_index.device) |
valence = valence.view(edge_index.size(1)) |
return scatter_add(valence, index=edge_index[0], dim=0, dim_size=num_nodes).long() |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
def __call__(self, data): |
data['ligand_num_neighbors'] = self.count_neighbors( |
data['ligand_bond_index'], |
symmetry=True, |
num_nodes=data['ligand_element'].size(0), |
) |
data['ligand_atom_valence'] = self.count_neighbors( |
data['ligand_bond_index'], |
symmetry=True, |
valence=data['ligand_bond_type'], |
num_nodes=data['ligand_element'].size(0), |
) |
return data |
class LigandRandomMask(object): |
def __init__(self, min_ratio=0.0, max_ratio=1.2, min_num_masked=1, min_num_unmasked=0): |
super().__init__() |
self.min_ratio = min_ratio |
self.max_ratio = max_ratio |
self.min_num_masked = min_num_masked |
self.min_num_unmasked = min_num_unmasked |
def __call__(self, data: ProteinLigandData): |
ratio = np.clip(random.uniform(self.min_ratio, self.max_ratio), 0.0, 1.0) |
num_atoms = data.ligand_element.size(0) |
num_masked = int(num_atoms * ratio) |
if num_masked < self.min_num_masked: |
num_masked = self.min_num_masked |
if (num_atoms - num_masked) < self.min_num_unmasked: |
num_masked = num_atoms - self.min_num_unmasked |
idx = np.arange(num_atoms) |
np.random.shuffle(idx) |
idx = torch.LongTensor(idx) |
masked_idx = idx[:num_masked] |
context_idx = idx[num_masked:] |
data.ligand_masked_element = data.ligand_element[masked_idx] |
data.ligand_masked_feature = data.ligand_atom_feature[masked_idx] |
data.ligand_masked_pos = data.ligand_pos[masked_idx] |
data.ligand_context_element = data.ligand_element[context_idx] |
data.ligand_context_feature_full = data.ligand_atom_feature_full[context_idx] |
data.ligand_context_pos = data.ligand_pos[context_idx] |
data.ligand_context_bond_index, data.ligand_context_bond_feature = subgraph( |
context_idx, |
data.ligand_bond_index, |
edge_attr=data.ligand_bond_feature, |
relabel_nodes=True, |
) |
data.ligand_context_num_neighbors = LigandCountNeighbors.count_neighbors( |
data.ligand_context_bond_index, |
symmetry=True, |
num_nodes=context_idx.size(0), |
) |
data.ligand_frontier = data.ligand_context_num_neighbors < data.ligand_num_neighbors[context_idx] |
data._mask = 'random' |
return data |
class LigandBFSMask(object): |
def __init__(self, min_ratio=0.0, max_ratio=1.2, min_num_masked=1, min_num_unmasked=0, vocab=None): |
super().__init__() |
self.min_ratio = min_ratio |
self.max_ratio = max_ratio |
self.min_num_masked = min_num_masked |
self.min_num_unmasked = min_num_unmasked |
self.vocab = vocab |
self.vocab_size = vocab.size() |
@staticmethod |
def get_bfs_perm_motif(moltree, vocab): |
for i, node in enumerate(moltree.nodes): |
node.nid = i |
node.wid = vocab.get_index(node.smiles) |
bfs_queue = [0] |
bfs_perm = [] |
bfs_focal = [] |
visited = {bfs_queue[0]} |
while len(bfs_queue) > 0: |
current = bfs_queue.pop(0) |
bfs_perm.append(current) |
next_candid = [] |
for motif in moltree.nodes[current].neighbors: |
if motif.nid in visited: continue |
next_candid.append(motif.nid) |
visited.add(motif.nid) |
bfs_focal.append(current) |
random.shuffle(next_candid) |
bfs_queue += next_candid |
return bfs_perm, bfs_focal |
def __call__(self, data): |
bfs_perm, bfs_focal = self.get_bfs_perm_motif(data['moltree'], self.vocab) |
ratio = np.clip(random.uniform(self.min_ratio, self.max_ratio), 0.0, 1.0) |
num_motifs = len(bfs_perm) |
num_masked = int(num_motifs * ratio) |
if num_masked < self.min_num_masked: |
num_masked = self.min_num_masked |
if (num_motifs - num_masked) < self.min_num_unmasked: |
num_masked = num_motifs - self.min_num_unmasked |
num_unmasked = num_motifs - num_masked |
context_motif_ids = bfs_perm[:-num_masked] |
context_idx = set() |
for i in context_motif_ids: |
context_idx = context_idx | set(data['moltree'].nodes[i].clique) |
context_idx = torch.LongTensor(list(context_idx)) |
if num_masked == num_motifs: |
data['current_wid'] = torch.tensor([self.vocab_size]) |
data['current_atoms'] = torch.tensor([data['protein_contact_idx']]) |
data['next_wid'] = torch.tensor([data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_perm[-num_masked]].wid]) |
else: |
data['current_wid'] = torch.tensor([data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_focal[-num_masked]].wid]) |
data['next_wid'] = torch.tensor([data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_perm[-num_masked]].wid]) |
current_atoms = data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_focal[-num_masked]].clique |
data['current_atoms'] = torch.cat([torch.where(context_idx == i)[0] for i in current_atoms]) + len(data['protein_pos']) |
data['ligand_context_element'] = data['ligand_element'][context_idx] |
data['ligand_context_feature_full'] = data['ligand_atom_feature_full'][context_idx] |
data['ligand_context_pos'] = data['ligand_pos'][context_idx] |
data['ligand_center'] = torch.mean(data['ligand_pos'], dim=0) |
data['num_atoms'] = torch.tensor([len(context_idx) + len(data['protein_pos'])]) |
if len(data['ligand_context_pos']) > 0: |
sample_idx = random.sample(data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_perm[0]].clique, 2) |
data['dm_ligand_idx'] = torch.cat([torch.where(context_idx == i)[0] for i in sample_idx]) |
data['dm_protein_idx'] = torch.sort(torch.norm(data['protein_pos'] - data['ligand_context_pos'][data['dm_ligand_idx'][0]], dim=-1)).indices[:4] |
data['true_dm'] = torch.norm(data['protein_pos'][data['dm_protein_idx']].unsqueeze(1) - data['ligand_context_pos'][data['dm_ligand_idx']].unsqueeze(0), dim=-1).reshape(-1) |
else: |
data['true_dm'] = torch.tensor([]) |
data['protein_alpha_carbon_index'] = torch.tensor([i for i, name in enumerate(data['protein_atom_name']) if name =="CA"]) |
data['alpha_carbon_indicator'] = torch.tensor([True if name =="CA" else False for name in data['protein_atom_name']]) |
data['protein_contact'] = torch.tensor(data['protein_contact']) |
if len(context_motif_ids) > 0: |
cand_labels, cand_mols = enumerate_assemble(data['moltree'].mol, context_idx.tolist(), |
data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_focal[-num_masked]], |
data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_perm[-num_masked]]) |
data['cand_labels'] = cand_labels |
data['cand_mols'] = [mol_to_graph_data_obj_simple(mol) for mol in cand_mols] |
else: |
data['cand_labels'], data['cand_mols'] = torch.tensor([]), [] |
data['ligand_context_bond_index'], data['ligand_context_bond_feature'] = subgraph( |
context_idx, |
data['ligand_bond_index'], |
edge_attr=data['ligand_bond_feature'], |
relabel_nodes=True, |
) |
data['ligand_context_num_neighbors'] = LigandCountNeighbors.count_neighbors( |
data['ligand_context_bond_index'], |
symmetry=True, |
num_nodes=context_idx.size(0), |
) |
data['ligand_frontier'] = data['ligand_context_num_neighbors'] < data['ligand_num_neighbors'][context_idx] |
data['_mask'] = 'bfs' |
rotatable_ids = [] |
for i, id in enumerate(bfs_focal): |
if data['moltree'].nodes[id].rotatable: |
rotatable_ids.append(i) |
if len(rotatable_ids) == 0: |
data['ligand_torsion_xy_index'] = torch.tensor([]) |
data['dihedral_mask'] = torch.tensor([]).bool() |
data['ligand_element_torsion'] = torch.tensor([]) |
data['ligand_pos_torsion'] = torch.tensor([]) |
data['ligand_feature_torsion'] = torch.tensor([]) |
data['true_sin'], data['true_cos'], data['true_three_hop'] = torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]) |
data['xn_pos'], data['yn_pos'], data['y_pos'] = torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]) |
else: |
num_unmasked = random.sample(rotatable_ids, 1)[0] |
current_idx = torch.LongTensor(data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_focal[num_unmasked]].clique) |
next_idx = torch.LongTensor(data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_perm[num_unmasked + 1]].clique) |
current_idx_set = set(data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_focal[num_unmasked]].clique) |
next_idx_set = set(data['moltree'].nodes[bfs_perm[num_unmasked + 1]].clique) |
all_idx = set() |
for i in bfs_perm[:num_unmasked + 2]: |
all_idx = all_idx | set(data['moltree'].nodes[i].clique) |
all_idx = list(all_idx) |
x_id = current_idx_set.intersection(next_idx_set).pop() |
y_id = (current_idx_set - {x_id}).pop() |
data['ligand_torsion_xy_index'] = torch.cat([torch.where(torch.LongTensor(all_idx) == i)[0] for i in [x_id, y_id]]) |
x_pos, y_pos = deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][x_id]), deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][y_id]) |
xn, yn = deepcopy(data['ligand_neighbors'][x_id]), deepcopy(data['ligand_neighbors'][y_id]) |
xn.remove(y_id) |
yn.remove(x_id) |
xn, yn = xn[:3], yn[:3] |
xn, yn = list_filter(xn, all_idx), list_filter(yn, all_idx) |
xn_pos, yn_pos = torch.zeros(3, 3), torch.zeros(3, 3) |
xn_pos[:len(xn)], yn_pos[:len(yn)] = deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][xn]), deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][yn]) |
xn_idx, yn_idx = torch.cartesian_prod(torch.arange(3), torch.arange(3)).chunk(2, dim=-1) |
xn_idx = xn_idx.squeeze(-1) |
yn_idx = yn_idx.squeeze(-1) |
dihedral_x, dihedral_y = torch.zeros(3), torch.zeros(3) |
dihedral_x[:len(xn)] = 1 |
dihedral_y[:len(yn)] = 1 |
data['dihedral_mask'] = torch.matmul(dihedral_x.view(3, 1), dihedral_y.view(1, 3)).view(-1).bool() |
data['true_sin'], data['true_cos'] = batch_dihedrals(xn_pos[xn_idx], x_pos.repeat(9, 1), y_pos.repeat(9, 1), |
yn_pos[yn_idx]) |
data['true_three_hop'] = torch.linalg.norm(xn_pos[xn_idx] - yn_pos[yn_idx], dim=-1)[data['dihedral_mask']] |
dir = data['ligand_pos'][current_idx[0]] - data['ligand_pos'][current_idx[1]] |
ref = deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][current_idx[0]]) |
next_motif_pos = deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][next_idx]) |
data['ligand_pos'][next_idx] = rand_rotate(dir, ref, next_motif_pos) |
data['ligand_element_torsion'] = data['ligand_element'][all_idx] |
data['ligand_pos_torsion'] = data['ligand_pos'][all_idx] |
data['ligand_feature_torsion'] = data['ligand_atom_feature_full'][all_idx] |
x_pos = deepcopy(data['ligand_pos'][x_id]) |
data['y_pos'] = data['ligand_pos'][y_id] - x_pos |
data['xn_pos'], data['yn_pos'] = torch.zeros(3, 3), torch.zeros(3, 3) |
data['xn_pos'][:len(xn)], data['yn_pos'][:len(yn)] = data['ligand_pos'][xn] - x_pos, data['ligand_pos'][yn] - x_pos |
return data |
class LigandMaskAll(LigandBFSMask): |
def __init__(self, vocab): |
super().__init__(min_ratio=1.0, vocab=vocab) |
class LigandMixedMask(object): |
def __init__(self, min_ratio=0.0, max_ratio=1.2, min_num_masked=1, min_num_unmasked=0, p_random=0.5, p_bfs=0.25, |
p_invbfs=0.25): |
super().__init__() |
self.t = [ |
LigandRandomMask(min_ratio, max_ratio, min_num_masked, min_num_unmasked), |
LigandBFSMask(min_ratio, max_ratio, min_num_masked, min_num_unmasked, inverse=False), |
LigandBFSMask(min_ratio, max_ratio, min_num_masked, min_num_unmasked, inverse=True), |
] |
self.p = [p_random, p_bfs, p_invbfs] |
def __call__(self, data): |
f = random.choices(self.t, k=1, weights=self.p)[0] |
return f(data) |
def get_mask(cfg, vocab): |
if cfg.type == 'bfs': |
return LigandBFSMask( |
min_ratio=cfg.min_ratio, |
max_ratio=cfg.max_ratio, |
min_num_masked=cfg.min_num_masked, |
min_num_unmasked=cfg.min_num_unmasked, |
vocab=vocab |
) |
elif cfg.type == 'random': |
return LigandRandomMask( |
min_ratio=cfg.min_ratio, |
max_ratio=cfg.max_ratio, |
min_num_masked=cfg.min_num_masked, |
min_num_unmasked=cfg.min_num_unmasked, |
) |
elif cfg.type == 'mixed': |
return LigandMixedMask( |
min_ratio=cfg.min_ratio, |
max_ratio=cfg.max_ratio, |
min_num_masked=cfg.min_num_masked, |
min_num_unmasked=cfg.min_num_unmasked, |
p_random=cfg.p_random, |
p_bfs=cfg.p_bfs, |
p_invbfs=cfg.p_invbfs, |
) |
elif cfg.type == 'all': |
return LigandMaskAll() |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError('Unknown mask: %s' % cfg.type) |
def kabsch(A, B): |
assert len(A) == len(B) |
N = A.shape[0] |
centroid_A = np.mean(A, axis=0) |
centroid_B = np.mean(B, axis=0) |
AA = A - np.tile(centroid_A, (N, 1)) |
BB = B - np.tile(centroid_B, (N, 1)) |
H = np.transpose(BB) * AA |
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H) |
R = Vt.T * U.T |
if np.linalg.det(R) < 0: |
Vt[2, :] *= -1 |
R = Vt.T * U.T |
t = -R * centroid_B.T + centroid_A.T |
return R, t |