πŸ”§ Update backend app configuration
history blame
No virus
4.56 kB
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from flask_cors import CORS
import socket
import argparse
# import importlib
# import asyncio
# from multiprocessing import Process
import gradio as gr
from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI
app = Flask(__name__)
def portConnection(port : int):
s = socket.socket(
socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = s.connect_ex(("localhost", port))
if result == 0: return True
return False
global visable
global process_map
visable = []
process_map = {}
def Root():
return jsonify({"message" :"everything is up amd running... πŸš€",})
# pass
# async def subprocess(metadata):
# # fetch the module
# try :
# DONT_LISTEN_TO = ['GradioModule', 'register']
# mode = importlib.import_module(metadata)
# fn, names = [], []
# for fn_key in dir(mode):
# # print(fn_key, type(getattr(mode, fn_key)))
# attr = getattr(mode, fn_key)
# # p = print(dir(attr)) if fn_key == "Hello_World" else None
# if callable(attr) and not fn_key.startswith("__") and "__decorator__" in dir(attr) and attr.__decorator__ == "__gradio__":
# fn.append((getattr(mode, fn_key)))
# names.append(getattr(mode, fn_key)().__name__)
# print(fn, names)
# except Exception as e:
# print(e)
# raise e
# asyncio.create_task(src.resources.module.tabularGradio(fn, names, listen=2000, metadata=metadata, name=metadata.split('.')[-1]))
# return
# @app.route("/api/append/module" , methods=["POST"])
# def append_module():
# current = request.json
# # task_cb = Process(target=subprocess, args=(current['module'],))
# # run module until
# return jsonify({"executed" : True,
# "process" : "ended" })
@app.route("/api/iframe/source", methods=["POST"])
def iframe_source():
data = request.json
if data['type'] == 'gradio':
port = data['port']
src_href = f'http://localhost:{port}'
return jsonify({"iframe_src": src_href})
return jsonify({"error": "Invalid iframe type"}), 400
@app.route("/api/preview_vnc", methods=["POST"])
def preview_vnc():
data = request.json
vmid = data['vmID']
nodeid = data['nodeid']
proxmox = ProxmoxAPI('proxmox-domain', user='api', password='password', verify_ssl=False)
config = proxmox.nodes(nodeid).qemu(vmid).vncproxy.create(websocket=1)
ticket ='api', password='password')['data']['ticket']
port = config['data']['port']
host = 'proxmox-domain'
src_href = f'https://{host}:8006/?console=kvm&novnc=1&node={nodeid}&resize=1&vmid={vmid}&path=api2/json/nodes/{nodeid}/qemu/{vmid}/vncwebsocket/port/{port}/vncticket/{ticket}'
return jsonify({"iframe_src": src_href})
@app.route("/api/proxmox/vnc", methods=["POST"])
def create_proxmox_vnc():
data = request.json
vmid = data['vmid']
node = data['node']
proxmox = ProxmoxAPI('proxmox-domain', user='user@pam', password='password', verify_ssl=False)
config = proxmox.nodes(node).qemu(vmid).vncproxy.create(websocket=1)
ticket ='user@pam', password='password')['data']['ticket']
port = config['data']['port']
host = 'proxmox-domain'
src_href = f'https://{host}:8006/?console=kvm&novnc=1&node={node}&resize=1&vmid={vmid}&path=api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/vncwebsocket/port/{port}/vncticket/{ticket}'
return jsonify({"iframe_src": src_href})
@app.route("/api/append/port" , methods=["POST"])
def append_port():
current = request.json
return jsonify({"executed" : True})
@app.route("/api/append/connection", methods=["POST"])
def append_connection():
current = request.json
return jsonify({"executed" : True})
@app.route("/api/remove/port" , methods=["POST"])
def remove_port():
current = request.json
return jsonify({"executed" : True,
"ports" : current['port']})
@app.route("/api/open/ports", methods=["GET"])
def open_ports():
return jsonify(visable)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="location of flask api port on local host", default=5000)
args = parser.parse_args()"", port=args.port, debug=True)