Runtime error
Runtime error
from import load_single_tools, STQuestionAnswerer | |
tool_name, tool_url = "Map", "" | |
class BaiduMapAPI: | |
def __init__(self, ak: str, sk: str): | |
self.ak = ak | | = sk | |
self.base_url = "" | |
def generate_url_with_sn(self, url: str) -> str: | |
""" | |
生成百度地图API请求中的SN码 | |
:param url: API请求的URL | |
:return: SN码 | |
""" | |
query_str = url[len("") - 1 :] | |
encoded_str = quote(query_str, safe="/:=&?#+!$,;'@()*[]") | |
raw_str = encoded_str + | |
sn = hashlib.md5(urllib.parse.quote_plus(raw_str).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() | |
url_with_sn = f"{url}&sn={sn}" | |
return url_with_sn | |
def get_location(self, address: str) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: | |
""" | |
该函数仅适用于中国境内地图(内陆),this function only suitable for locations in Mainland China | |
根据地址获取地点经纬度, return the coordinates | |
:param address: 地址 | |
:return: 地点经纬度 (纬度, 经度),若无法获取则返回None; return (latitute, longitute) | |
""" | |
url = f"{self.base_url}/geocoding/v3/?address={address}&output=json&ak={self.ak}&callback=showLocation" | |
url = self.generate_url_with_sn(url) | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
json_text = response.text[len("showLocation&&showLocation(") : -1] | |
data = json.loads(json_text) | |
if data["status"] == 0: | |
result = data["result"] | |
location = result["location"] | |
return location["lat"], location["lng"] | |
else: | |
return None | |
def get_address_by_coordinates(self, lat: float, lng: float) -> Optional[str]: | |
""" | |
该函数仅适用于中国境内地图(内陆),this function only suitable for locations in Mainland China | |
根据经纬度获取地点名称 | |
:param lat: 纬度 | |
:param lng: 经度 | |
:return: 地点名称列表,包含经纬度,具体地址等信息,若无法获取则返回None | |
""" | |
url = f"{self.base_url}/reverse_geocoding/v3/?location={lat},{lng}&output=json&ak={self.ak}" | |
url = self.generate_url_with_sn(url) | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
data = response.json() | |
if data["status"] == 0: | |
result = data["result"]["formatted_address"] | |
return result | |
else: | |
return None | |
def get_nearby_places( | |
self, location: Tuple[float, float], radius: int, keyword: Optional[str] = "餐厅" | |
) -> List[str]: | |
""" | |
该函数仅适用于中国境内地图(内陆),this function only suitable for locations in Mainland China | |
查询某位置附近的地点 | |
:param location: 地点的经纬度 (纬度, 经度) | |
:param radius: 查询半径(单位:米) | |
:param keyword: 查询关键词(必选) | |
:return: 地点名称列表 | |
""" | |
lat, lng = location | |
url = f"{self.base_url}/place/v2/search?query={keyword}&location={lat},{lng}&radius={radius}&output=json&ak={self.ak}" | |
if keyword: | |
url += f"&query={keyword}" | |
url = self.generate_url_with_sn(url) | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
data = response.json() | |
if data["status"] == 0: | |
results = data["results"] | |
place_names = [result["name"] for result in results] | |
return place_names | |
else: | |
return [] | |
def get_route(self, origin: str, destination: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: | |
""" | |
该函数仅适用于中国境内地图(内陆),this function only suitable for locations in Mainland China | |
查询两地之间的路线 | |
:param origin: 起点地址 | |
:param destination: 终点地址 | |
:return: 路线描述列表,若无法获取则返回None | |
""" | |
origin_location = self.get_location(origin) | |
destination_location = self.get_location(destination) | |
if origin_location and destination_location: | |
origin_lat, origin_lng = origin_location | |
destination_lat, destination_lng = destination_location | |
url = f"{self.base_url}/direction/v2/transit?origin={origin_lat},{origin_lng}&destination={destination_lat},{destination_lng}&output=json&ak={self.ak}" | |
url = self.generate_url_with_sn(url) | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
data = response.json() | |
if data["status"] == 0: | |
routes = data["result"]["routes"] | |
instructions = [] | |
for route in routes: | |
for step in route["steps"]: | |
for item in step: | |
instructions.append(item["instructions"]) | |
return instructions | |
return None | |
def get_distance(self, origin: str, destination: str) -> float: | |
""" | |
该函数仅适用于中国境内地图(内陆),this function only suitable for locations in Mainland China | |
查询两地之间的距离 | |
:param origin: 起点地址 | |
:param destination: 终点地址 | |
:return: 两地之间距离(米) | |
""" | |
origin_location = self.get_location(origin) | |
destination_location = self.get_location(destination) | |
if origin_location and destination_location: | |
origin_lat, origin_lng = origin_location | |
destination_lat, destination_lng = destination_location | |
url = f"{self.base_url}/direction/v2/transit?origin={origin_lat},{origin_lng}&destination={destination_lat},{destination_lng}&output=json&ak={self.ak}" | |
url = self.generate_url_with_sn(url) | |
print(url) | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
data = response.json() | |
if data["status"] == 0: | |
distance = data["result"]["routes"][0]["distance"] | |
return distance | |
return None | |
ak = "Your Own AK" | |
sk = "Your OWN SK" | |
api = BaiduMapAPI(ak, sk) | |
location = api.get_location("清华大学") | |
print(location) | |
name = api.get_address_by_coordinates(location[0], location[1]) | |
print(name) | |
if location: | |
nearby_places = api.get_nearby_places(location, radius=1000, keyword="餐馆") | |
print(nearby_places) | |
if nearby_places: | |
print(f'附近的餐馆有:{", ".join(nearby_places)}') | |
else: | |
print("附近没有找到相关地点") | |
else: | |
print("无法获取地点经纬度") | |
directions = api.get_route("北京市海淀区中关村", "北京市朝阳区国贸") | |
print("北京市海淀区中关村、北京市朝阳区国贸两地路线") | |
if directions: | |
for i, direction in enumerate(directions, start=1): | |
print(f"路线{i}:{direction}") | |
else: | |
print("无法获取路线信息") | |
distance = api.get_distance("北京市海淀区中关村", "北京市朝阳区国贸") | |
print("北京市海淀区中关村、北京市朝阳区国贸两地距离为:", distance, "米") | |