Tools / film /douban /
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import requests
from lxml import etree
import pandas as pd
import re
from ...tool import Tool
from typing import List
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
class ComingMovieInfo(TypedDict):
date: str
title: str
cate: str
region: str
wantWatchPeopleNum: str
link: str
class PlayingMovieInfo(TypedDict):
title: str
score: str
region: str
director: str
actors: str
link: str
class DoubanAPI:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._endpoint = ""
self._headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
def fetch_page(self, url: str):
"""fetch_page(url: str) print html text of url"""
s = requests.session()
s.keep_alive = False
response = s.get(url, headers=self._headers, verify=False)
return response
def get_coming(self) -> List[ComingMovieInfo]:
response = self.fetch_page(f"{self._endpoint}/coming")
ret: List[ComingMovieInfo] = []
parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8")
tree = etree.HTML(response.text, parser=parser)
movies_table_path = '//*[@id="content"]/div/div[1]/table/tbody'
movies_table = tree.xpath(movies_table_path)
for filmChild in movies_table[0].iter("tr"):
filmTime = filmChild.xpath("td[1]/text()")[0].strip()
filmName = filmChild.xpath("td[2]/a/text()")[0]
filmType = filmChild.xpath("td[3]/text()")[0].strip()
filmRegion = filmChild.xpath("td[4]/text()")[0].strip()
filmWantWatching = filmChild.xpath("td[5]/text()")[0].strip()
filmLink = filmChild.xpath("td[2]/a/@href")[0]
return ret
def get_now_playing(self) -> List[PlayingMovieInfo]:
# Get the movie list currently on show, the movie list of different cities is the same
response = self.fetch_page(f"{self._endpoint}/cinema/nowplaying/beijing/")
ret: List[PlayingMovieInfo] = []
parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8")
tree = etree.HTML(response.text, parser=parser)
movies_table_path = './/div[@id="nowplaying"]/div[2]/ul'
movies_table = tree.xpath(movies_table_path)
for filmChild in movies_table[0]:
filmName = filmChild.xpath("@data-title")[0]
filmScore = filmChild.xpath("@data-score")[0]
filmRegion = filmChild.xpath("@data-region")[0]
filmDirector = filmChild.xpath("@data-director")[0]
filmActors = filmChild.xpath("@data-actors")[0]
filmLink = filmChild.xpath("ul/li[1]/a/@href")[0]
return ret
def get_movie_detail(self, url: str) -> str:
response = self.fetch_page(url)
parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8")
tree = etree.HTML(response.text, parser=parser)
info_path = './/div[@class="subject clearfix"]/div[2]'
director = tree.xpath(f"{info_path}/span[1]/span[2]/a/text()")[0]
actors = []
actors_spans = tree.xpath(f"{info_path}/span[3]/span[2]")[0]
for actors_span in actors_spans:
actors = "、".join(actors[:3])
types = []
spans = tree.xpath(f"{info_path}")[0]
for span in spans.iter("span"):
if "property" in span.attrib and span.attrib["property"] == "v:genre":
types = "、".join(types)
for span in spans:
if span.text == "制片国家/地区:":
region = span.tail.strip()
Synopsis = tree.xpath('.//div[@class="related-info"]/div/span')[0].text.strip()
detail = f"是一部{region}{types}电影,由{director}导演,{actors}等人主演.\n剧情简介:{Synopsis}"
return detail
def build_tool(config) -> Tool:
tool = Tool(
"Film Search Plugin",
"search for up-to-date film information.",
name_for_model="Film Search",
description_for_model="Plugin for search for up-to-date film information.",
if "debug" in config and config["debug"]:
douban_api = config["douban_api"]
douban_api = DoubanAPI()
def coming_out_filter(args: str):
"""coming_out_filter(args: str) prints the details of the filtered [outNum] coming films now according to region, cate and outNum.
args is a list like 'str1, str2, str3, str4'
str1 represents Production country or region. If you cannot find a region, str1 is 全部
str2 represents movie's category. If you cannot find a category, str2 is 全部
str3 can be a integer number that agent want to get. If you cannot find a number, str2 is 100. If the found movie's num is less than str2, Final Answer only print [the found movie's num] movies.
str4 can be a True or False that refluct whether agent want the result sorted by people number which look forward to the movie.
Final answer should be complete.
This is an example:
Thought: I need to find the upcoming Chinese drama movies and the top 2 most wanted movies
Action: coming_out_filter
Action Input: {"args" : "中国, 剧情, 2, True"}
Observation: {"date":{"23":"04月28日","50":"07月"},"title":{"23":"长空之王","50":"热烈"},"cate":{"23":"剧情 / 动作","50":"剧情 / 喜剧"},"region":{"23":"中国大陆","50":"中国大陆"},"wantWatchPeopleNum":{"23":"39303人","50":"26831人"}}
Thought: I now know the top 2 upcoming Chinese drama movies
Final Answer: 即将上映的中国剧情电影有2部:长空之王、热烈,大家最想看的前2部分别是:长空之王、热烈。
args = re.findall(r"\b\w+\b", args)
region = args[0]
if region == "全部":
region = ""
cate = args[1]
if cate == "全部":
cate = ""
outNum = int(args[2])
WantSort = True if args[3] == "True" else False
coming_movies = []
for movie in douban_api.get_coming():
if (cate in movie["cate"]) and (region in movie["region"]):
"date": movie["date"],
"title": movie["title"],
"cate": movie["cate"],
"region": movie["region"],
"wantWatchPeopleNum": int(
movie["wantWatchPeopleNum"].replace("人", "")
"link": movie["link"],
# Sort by people that are looking forward to the movie
if WantSort:
coming_movies = sorted(
coming_movies, key=lambda x: x["wantWatchPeopleNum"], reverse=True
ret = {
"date": {},
"title": {},
"cate": {},
"region": {},
"wantWatchPeopleNum": {},
for i, movie in enumerate(coming_movies[:outNum]):
i = str(i)
ret["date"][i] = movie["date"]
ret["title"][i] = movie["title"]
ret["cate"][i] = movie["cate"]
ret["region"][i] = movie["region"]
ret["wantWatchPeopleNum"][i] = "{}人".format(movie["wantWatchPeopleNum"])
return ret
def now_playing_out_filter(args: str):
"""NowPlayingOutFilter(args: str) prints the details of the filtered [outNum] playing films now according to region, scoreSort
args is a list like 'str1, str2, str3'
str1 can be '中国','日本' or other Production country or region. If you cannot find a region, str1 is 全部
str2 can be a integer number that agent want to get. If you cannot find a number, str2 is 100. If the found movie's num is less than str2, Final Answer only print [the found movie's num] movies.
str3 can be a True or False that refluct whether agent want the result sorted by score.
Final answer should be complete.
This is an example:
Input: 您知道现在有正在上映中国的电影吗?请输出3部
Thought: I need to find the currently playing movies with the highest scores
Action: now_playing_out_filter
Action Input: {"args" : "全部, 3, True"}
Observation: {"title":{"34":"切腹","53":"吉赛尔","31":"小森林 夏秋篇"},"score":{"34":"9.4","53":"9.2","31":"9.0"},"region":{"34":"日本","53":"西德","31":"日本"},"director":{"34":"小林正树","53":"Hugo Niebeling","31":"森淳一"},"actors":{"34":"仲代达矢 / 石浜朗 / 岩下志麻","53":"卡拉·弗拉奇 / 埃里克·布鲁恩 / Bruce Marks","31":"桥本爱 / 三浦贵大 / 松冈茉优"}}
Thought: I now know the currently playing movies with the highest scores
Final Answer: 现在上映的评分最高的3部电影是:切腹、吉赛尔、小森林 夏秋篇
args = re.findall(r"\b\w+\b", args)
region = args[0]
if region == "全部":
region = ""
outNum = int(args[1])
scoreSort = True if args[2] == "True" else False
playing_movies = []
for movie in douban_api.get_now_playing():
if region in movie["region"]:
"title": movie["title"],
"score": float(movie["score"]),
"region": movie["region"],
"director": movie["director"],
"actors": movie["actors"],
"link": movie["link"],
# Sort by score
if scoreSort:
playing_movies = sorted(
playing_movies, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True
ret = {
"title": {},
"score": {},
"region": {},
"director": {},
"actors": {},
for i, movie in enumerate(playing_movies[:outNum]):
i = str(i)
ret["title"][i] = movie["title"]
ret["score"][i] = "{}".format(movie["score"])
ret["region"][i] = movie["region"]
ret["director"][i] = movie["director"]
ret["actors"][i] = movie["actors"]
return ret
def print_detail(args: str):
"""parsing_detail_page(args) prints the details of a movie, giving its name.
args is a list like 'str1'
str1 is target movie's name.
step1: apply function parse_coming_page and parse_nowplaying_page and get all movie's links and other infomation.
step2: get the target movie's link from df_coming or df_nowplaying
step3: get detail from step2's link
This is an example:
Input: "电影流浪地球2怎么样?"
Thought: I need to find the movie's information
Action: print_detail
Action Input: {"args" : "流浪地球2"}
Observation: "是一部中国大陆的科幻、冒险、灾难电影,由郭帆导演,吴京、刘德华、李雪健等人主演.\n剧情简介:太阳即将毁灭,人类在地球表面建造出巨大的推进器,寻找新的家园。然而宇宙之路危机四伏,为了拯救地球,流浪地球时代的年轻人再次挺身而出,展开争分夺秒的生死之战。"
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer: 流浪地球2是一部中国大陆的科幻、冒险、灾难电影,由郭帆导演,吴京、刘德华、李雪健等人主演,剧情简介是太阳即将毁灭,人类在地球表面建造出巨大的推进器,寻找新的家园,然而宇宙之路危机四伏,为了拯救地球,流浪地球时代的年轻人再次挺身而出,
args = re.findall(r"\b\w+\b", args)
filmName = args[0]
link = None
if link is None:
for movie in douban_api.get_coming():
if movie["title"] == filmName:
link = movie["link"]
if link is None:
for movie in douban_api.get_now_playing():
if movie["title"] == filmName:
link = movie["link"]
if link is None:
return "没有找到该电影"
return "{}{}".format(filmName, douban_api.get_movie_detail(link))
return tool