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import gradio as gr
import ljspeechimportable
import torch
import numpy as np
import styletts2importable
import re
def split_and_recombine_text(text, desired_length=200, max_length=400):
"""Split text it into chunks of a desired length trying to keep sentences intact."""
# normalize text, remove redundant whitespace and convert non-ascii quotes to ascii
text = re.sub(r'\n\n+', '\n', text)
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
text = re.sub(r'[“”]', '"', text)
rv = []
in_quote = False
current = ""
split_pos = []
pos = -1
end_pos = len(text) - 1
def seek(delta):
nonlocal pos, in_quote, current
is_neg = delta < 0
for _ in range(abs(delta)):
if is_neg:
pos -= 1
current = current[:-1]
pos += 1
current += text[pos]
if text[pos] == '"':
in_quote = not in_quote
return text[pos]
def peek(delta):
p = pos + delta
return text[p] if p < end_pos and p >= 0 else ""
def commit():
nonlocal rv, current, split_pos
current = ""
split_pos = []
while pos < end_pos:
c = seek(1)
# do we need to force a split?
if len(current) >= max_length:
if len(split_pos) > 0 and len(current) > (desired_length / 2):
# we have at least one sentence and we are over half the desired length, seek back to the last split
d = pos - split_pos[-1]
# no full sentences, seek back until we are not in the middle of a word and split there
while c not in '!?.\n ' and pos > 0 and len(current) > desired_length:
c = seek(-1)
# check for sentence boundaries
elif not in_quote and (c in '!?\n' or (c == '.' and peek(1) in '\n ')):
# seek forward if we have consecutive boundary markers but still within the max length
while pos < len(text) - 1 and len(current) < max_length and peek(1) in '!?.':
c = seek(1)
if len(current) >= desired_length:
# treat end of quote as a boundary if its followed by a space or newline
elif in_quote and peek(1) == '"' and peek(2) in '\n ':
# clean up, remove lines with only whitespace or punctuation
rv = [s.strip() for s in rv]
rv = [s for s in rv if len(s) > 0 and not re.match(r'^[\s\.,;:!?]*$', s)]
return rv
theme = gr.themes.Base(
font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont('Libre Franklin'), gr.themes.GoogleFont('Public Sans'), 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'],
def synthesize(text, voice, lngsteps, password, progress=gr.Progress()):
if text.strip() == "":
raise gr.Error("You must enter some text")
texts = split_and_recombine_text(text)
v = voice.lower()
audios = []
for t in progress.tqdm(texts):
audios.append(styletts2importable.inference(t, voices[v], alpha=0.3, beta=0.7, diffusion_steps=lngsteps, embedding_scale=1))
return (24000, np.concatenate(audios))
def ljsynthesize(text, steps, progress=gr.Progress()):
noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
if text.strip() == "":
raise gr.Error("You must enter some text")
texts = split_and_recombine_text(text)
audios = []
for t in progress.tqdm(texts):
audios.append(ljspeechimportable.inference(t, noise, diffusion_steps=steps, embedding_scale=1))
return (24000, np.concatenate(audios))
with gr.Blocks() as libritts: # just realized it isn't vctk but libritts but i'm too lazy to change it rn
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
inp = gr.Textbox(label="Text", info="What would you like StyleTTS 2 to read? It works better on full sentences.", interactive=True)
voice = gr.Dropdown(voicelist, label="Voice", info="Select a default voice.", value='m-us-2', interactive=True)
multispeakersteps = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=3, step=1, label="Diffusion Steps", info="Theoretically, higher should be better quality but slower, but we cannot notice a difference. Try with lower steps first - it is faster", interactive=True)
# use_gruut = gr.Checkbox(label="Use alternate phonemizer (Gruut) - Experimental")
with gr.Column(scale=1):
btn = gr.Button("Synthesize", variant="primary")
audio = gr.Audio(interactive=False, label="Synthesized Audio")
btn.click(synthesize, inputs=[inp, voice, multispeakersteps], outputs=[audio], concurrency_limit=4)
with gr.Blocks() as lj:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
ljinp = gr.Textbox(label="Text", info="What would you like StyleTTS 2 to read? It works better on full sentences.", interactive=True)
ljsteps = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=20, value=3, step=1, label="Diffusion Steps", info="Theoretically, higher should be better quality but slower, but we cannot notice a difference. Try with lower steps first - it is faster", interactive=True)
with gr.Column(scale=1):
ljbtn = gr.Button("Synthesize", variant="primary")
ljaudio = gr.Audio(interactive=False, label="Synthesized Audio")
ljbtn.click(ljsynthesize, inputs=[ljinp, ljsteps], outputs=[ljaudio], concurrency_limit=4)
with gr.Blocks(title="StyleTTS 2", css="", theme=theme) as demo:
gr.DuplicateButton("Duplicate Space")
gr.TabbedInterface([libritts, lj], ['Multi-Voice', 'LJSpeech'])
Original Demo by [mrfakename](https://twitter.com/realmrfakename). I am not affiliated with the StyleTTS 2 authors.
Run this demo locally using Docker:
docker run -it -p 7860:7860 --platform=linux/amd64 --gpus all registry.hf.space/styletts2-styletts2:latest python app.py
""") # Please do not remove this line.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# demo.queue(api_open=False, max_size=15).launch(show_api=False)
demo.queue(api_open=True, max_size=15).launch(show_api=True)