Video-LLaVA / llava /eval /
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20.3 kB
# Evaluation code for GQA.
# Computes a suite of metrics such as accuracy, consistency, plausibility and scores per question type and length.
# Visit for all information about the dataset, including examples, visualizations, paper and slides.
# Metrics:
# - Accuracy: Standard accuracy, computed over the balanced version of the dataset, which is more robust against
# cheating by making educated guesses. For each question-answer pair (q,a), we give 1 point if the
# predicted answer p matches a and 0 otherwise, and average over all questions in the dataset.
# - Consistency: A metric for the level of model's consistency across different questions. For each question-answer
# pair (q,a), we define a set Eq={q1, q2, ..., qn} of entailed questions, the answers to which can
# be unambiguously inferred given (q,a).
# Denote Q the set of all questions the model answered correctly. For each question q in Q, we
# measure the model's accuracy over the entailed questions Eq to get the score sq and finally
# average these results across all questions in Q.
# - Validity: Measures whether the model gives a "valid" answer - one that can theoretically be an answer
# to the question (e.g. a color to a color question, yes/no to a binary question etc.).
# We provide a set of valid answers to each questions over the final answer vocabulary, in
# the choices file, and use it to compute average validity across the dataset.
# - Plausibility: Measures whether the model answers are plausible, e.g. one that make sense in the real world,
# e.g. not answering "purple" to a question about apple color (unless it's really purple).
# We provide a set of all plausible answers to each questions, computed by looking at all
# attributes and relations hold for various objects throughout the whole dataset scene graphs,
# and use it to compute average model plausibility across the data.
# - Grounding: Only for attention models. Measures whether the model looks at the relevant regions in the
# image when answering a question. Each question in the dataset is annotated with the visual regions
# they refer to, which are then used to compute the level to which the model has a correct visual attention,
# which will allow to identify whether it really answers based on the image of by language-based guesses.
# Supports both spatial features and object-based features.
# - Distribution: Measures the overall match between the true answer distribution for different questions,
# vs the overall distribution predicted by the model through its answers for all the data.
# We use chi-square statistic to measure the degree of similarity between the distributions,
# giving indication to the level of overall world-knowledge of the model
# - Accuracy per type: accuracy per question structural types (logic, compare, choose), and semantic type
# (questions about attributes, relations, categories, objects or the whole scene).
# - Accuracy for length: accuracy as a function of the question length, in terms of (1) words number, and semantic
# complexity - number of reasoning steps.
# We may support additional metrics (e.g. coverage) in the future.
# Files format:
# - predictions file format: JSON array: [{"questionId": str, "prediction": str}]
# - attentions file format: JSON array:
# Spatial attention: [{"questionId": str, "attention": [mapSize x mapSize: float] }].
# Object-based attention:[{"questionId": str, "attention": [[x0, y0, x1, y1, float] x #regions] }]. 0 < x,y < 1.
# - questions and choices files are provided as part of the dataset.
# see for information about their format.
# If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send an email,
# at We hope you'll enjoy using the GQA dataset! :)
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
import argparse
import os.path
import glob
import json
import math
##### Arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--tier', default="val", type=str, help="Tier, e.g. train, val")
parser.add_argument('--scenes', default="{tier}_sceneGraphs.json", type=str, help="Scene graphs file name format.")
parser.add_argument('--questions', default="{tier}_all_questions.json", type=str, help="Questions file name format.")
parser.add_argument('--choices', default="{tier}_choices.json", type=str, help="Choices file name format.")
parser.add_argument('--predictions', default="{tier}_predictions.json", type=str, help="Answers file name format.")
parser.add_argument('--attentions', default="{tier}_attentions.json", type=str, help="Attentions file name format.")
parser.add_argument('--consistency', action="store_true",
help="True to compute consistency score (Need to provide answers to questions in val_all_questions.json).")
parser.add_argument('--grounding', action="store_true",
help="True to compute grounding score (If model uses attention).")
parser.add_argument('--objectFeatures', action="store_true",
help="True for object-based attention (False for spatial).")
parser.add_argument('--mapSize', default=7, type=int,
help="Optional, only to get attention score. Images features map size, mapSize * mapSize")
args = parser.parse_args()
"Please make sure to use our provided visual features as for better comparability. We provide both spatial and object-based features trained on GQA train set.")
"In particular please avoid using features from since they were trained on images contained in the GQA validation set and thus may give false scores improvement.\n")
if not args.consistency:
print("Please consider using --consistency to compute consistency scores for entailed questions.")
print("If you do so, please provide answers to all questions in val_all_questions.json.\n")
if not args.grounding:
print("Please consider using --grounding to compute attention scores.")
print("If you do so, please provide attention maps through --attentions.\n")
##### Files Loading
def loadFile(name):
# load standard json file
if os.path.isfile(name):
with open(name) as file:
data = json.load(file)
# load file chunks if too big
elif os.path.isdir(name.split(".")[0]):
data = {}
chunks = glob.glob('{dir}/{dir}_*.{ext}'.format(dir=name.split(".")[0], ext=name.split(".")[1]))
for chunk in chunks:
with open(chunk) as file:
raise Exception("Can't find {}".format(name))
return data
# Load scene graphs
print("Loading scene graphs...")
scenes = loadFile(args.scenes.format(tier=args.tier))
print('Failed to load scene graphs -- cannot evaluate grounding')
scenes = None # for testdev
# Load questions
print("Loading questions...")
questions = loadFile(args.questions)
# Load choices
print("Loading choices...")
choices = loadFile(args.choices.format(tier=args.tier))
print('Failed to load choices -- cannot evaluate validity or plausibility')
choices = None # for testdev
# Load predictions and turn them into a dictionary
print("Loading predictions...")
predictions = loadFile(args.predictions.format(tier=args.tier))
predictions = {p["questionId"]: p["prediction"] for p in predictions}
# Make sure all question have predictions
for qid in questions:
if (qid not in predictions) and (args.consistency or questions[qid]["isBalanced"]):
print("no prediction for question {}. Please add prediction for all questions.".format(qid))
raise Exception("missing predictions")
# Load attentions and turn them into a dictionary
attentions = None
if args.grounding:
with open(args.attentions.format(tier=args.tier)) as attentionsFile:
attentions = json.load(attentionsFile)
attentions = {a["questionId"]: a["attention"] for a in attentions}
##### Scores data structures initialization
# book to float
def toScore(b):
return float(1 if b else 0)
# Compute average of a list
def avg(l):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return float(sum(l)) / len(l)
def wavg(l, w):
if sum(w) == 0:
return None
return float(sum(l[i] * w[i] for i in range(len(l)))) / sum(w)
# Initialize data structure to track all metrics: e.g. accuracy, validity and plausibility, as well as
# accuracy per question type, length and number of reasoning steps.
scores = {
"accuracy": [], # list of accuracies per question (1 if correct else 0). Will be averaged ultimately.
"binary": [], # list of accuracies per a binary question (1 if correct else 0). Will be averaged ultimately.
"open": [], # list of accuracies per an open question (1 if correct else 0). Will be averaged ultimately.
"validity": [], # list of validity per question (1 if valid else 0).
"plausibility": [], # list of plausibility per question (1 if plausible else 0).
"consistency": [], # list of consistency scores for entailed questions.
"accuracyPerStructuralType": defaultdict(list),
# list of question accuracies for each structural type (e.g. compare, logic questions).
"accuracyPerSemanticType": defaultdict(list),
# list of question accuracies for each semantic type (e.g. questions about an object, an attribute, a relation).
"accuracyPerLength": defaultdict(list), # list of question accuracies per question's word number.
"accuracyPerSteps": defaultdict(list),
# list of question accuracies per question's reasoning length (steps number).
"grounding": [] # list of grounding scores for each question.
# Initialize golden and predicted histograms per each question group. Used to compute the distribution metric.
dist = {
"gold": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)),
"predicted": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
##### Question lengths - words numbers and reasoning steps number
# Compute question length (words number)
def getWordsNum(question):
return len(question["question"].split())
# Compute number of reasoning steps (excluding the final "querying" step which doesn't increase effective reasoning length)
def getStepsNum(question):
return len([c for c in question["semantic"] if not (any([o in "{}: {}".format(c["operation"], c["argument"])
for o in ["exist", "query: name", "choose name"]]))])
##### Functions for question annotations
# Utility function for converting question annotations string keys to slices
def toSlice(strSlice):
sliceLims = (int(n) for n in strSlice.split(':'))
return apply(slice, sliceLims)
# Utility function for converting question annotations string keys to indexes list:
# "1" => [0]
# "1:3" => [1, 2]
# "4:9:2" => [4, 6, 8]
def intsFromSlice(strSlice):
slice_obj = get_slice_obj(slicearg)
return (range(slice_obj.start or 0, slice_obj.stop or -1, slice_obj.step or 1))
##### Functions for validity and plausibility
def belongs(element, group, question):
# normalization ()
if "Common" in question["types"]["detailed"]:
group = ["color", "material", "shape"]
return element in group
##### Functions for consistency scores (for entailed questions ("inferred"))
def updateConsistency(questionId, question, questions):
inferredQuestions = [eid for eid in question["entailed"] if eid != questionId]
if correct and len(inferredQuestions) > 0:
cosnsitencyScores = []
for eid in inferredQuestions:
gold = questions[eid]["answer"]
predicted = predictions[eid]
score = toScore(predicted == gold)
##### Functions for grounding score (optional, only for attention models)
# Utility functions for working with bounding boxes.
# c = (x0, y0, x1, y1), r = (r0, r1)
def yrange(c):
return (c[1], c[3])
def xrange(c):
return (c[0], c[2])
def length(r):
if r is None:
return 0
return float(r[1] - r[0])
def size(c):
return length(xrange(c)) * length(yrange(c))
def intersection(r1, r2):
ir = (max(r1[0], r2[0]), min(r1[1], r2[1]))
if ir[1] > ir[0]:
return ir
return None
def intersectionSize(c1, c2):
return length(intersection(xrange(c1), xrange(c2))) * length(intersection(yrange(c1), yrange(c2)))
def intersectionRate(c1, c2):
return float(intersectionSize(c1, c2)) / size(c1)
# Get spatial cell
def getCell(i, j):
edge = float(1) / args.mapSize
return (edge * i, edge * j, edge * (i + 1), edge * (j + 1))
# Get bounding box of objectId in sceneGraph
def getRegion(sceneGraph, objectId):
obj = sceneGraph["objects"][objectId]
x0 = float(obj["x"]) / sceneGraph["width"]
y0 = float(obj["y"]) / sceneGraph["height"]
x1 = float(obj["x"] + obj["w"]) / sceneGraph["width"]
y1 = float(obj["y"] + obj["h"]) / sceneGraph["height"]
return (x0, y0, x1, y1)
# Compute grounding score. Computer amount of attention (probability) given to each of the regions
# the question and answers refer to.
def computeGroundingScore(question, sceneGraph, attentionMap):
## prepare gold regions
regions = []
# add question regions
regions += [getRegion(sceneGraph, pointer) for pointer in question["annotations"]["question"].values()]
# add answer regions
regions += [getRegion(sceneGraph, pointer) for pointer in question["annotations"]["fullAnswer"].values()]
# add all the image if the question refers to the whole scene
if any(("scene" in c) for c in question["semantic"]):
regions.append((0, 0, 1, 1))
# prepare attention map
if args.objectFeatures:
cells = [((x0, y0, x1, y1), attention) for x0, y0, x1, y1, attention in cells]
cells = [(getCell(i, j), attentionMap[i][j]) for i in range(args.mapSize) for j in range(args.mapSize)]
# compare attention map to gold regions
scores = []
for region in regions:
for cell, attention in cells:
scores.append(attention * intersectionRate(cell, region))
return sum(scores)
##### Functions for distribution score
# Compute chi square statistic of gold distribution vs predicted distribution,
# averaged over all question groups
def chiSquare(goldDist, predictedDist):
sumScore, sumOverall = 0, 0
for group in goldDist:
score, overall = 0, 0
for ans in goldDist[group]:
e = goldDist[group][ans]
o = predictedDist[group].get(ans, 0)
score += ((float(o - e) ** 2) / e)
overall += goldDist[group][ans]
sumScore += score * overall
sumOverall += overall
avgScore = float(sumScore) / sumOverall
return avgScore
##### Main score computation
# Loop over the questions and compute mterics
for qid, question in tqdm(questions.items()):
# Compute scores over the balanced dataset (more robust against cheating by making educated guesses)
if question["isBalanced"]:
gold = question["answer"]
predicted = predictions[qid]
correct = (predicted == gold)
score = toScore(correct)
wordsNum = getWordsNum(question)
stepsNum = getStepsNum(question)
# Update accuracy
answerType = "open" if question["types"]["structural"] == "query" else "binary"
# Update validity score
valid = (
belongs(predicted, choices[qid]["valid"], question) if choices
else False)
# Update plausibility score
plausible = (
belongs(predicted, choices[qid]["plausible"], question) if choices
else False)
# Optionally compute grounding (attention) score
if attentions is not None:
groundingScore = computeGroundingScore(question, scenes[question["imageId"]], attentions[qid])
if groundingScore is not None:
# Update histograms for gold and predicted answers
globalGroup = question["groups"]["global"]
if globalGroup is not None:
dist["gold"][globalGroup][gold] += 1
dist["predicted"][globalGroup][predicted] += 1
if args.consistency:
# Compute consistency (for entailed questions)
updateConsistency(qid, question, questions)
# Compute distribution score
scores["distribution"] = chiSquare(dist["gold"], dist["predicted"]) / 100
# Average scores over all questions (in the balanced dataset) and print scores
metrics = [
detailedMetrics = [
("accuracyPerStructuralType", "Accuracy / structural type"),
("accuracyPerSemanticType", "Accuracy / semantic type"),
("accuracyPerSteps", "Accuracy / steps number"),
("accuracyPerLength", "Accuracy / words number")
subMetrics = {
"attr": "attribute",
"cat": "category",
"global": "scene",
"obj": "object",
"rel": "relation"
# average
for k in metrics:
if isinstance(scores[k], list):
scores[k] = avg(scores[k]) * 100
for k, _ in detailedMetrics:
for t in scores[k]:
scores[k][t] = avg(scores[k][t]) * 100, len(scores[k][t])
# print
for m in metrics:
# skip grounding and consistency scores if not requested
if m == "grounding" and not args.grounding:
if m == "consistency" and not args.consistency:
# print score
print("{title}: {score:.2f}{suffix}".format(title=m.capitalize(), score=scores[m],
suffix=" (lower is better)" if m == "distribution" else "%"))
for m, mPrintName in detailedMetrics:
# print metric title
for t in sorted(list(scores[m].keys())):
# set sub-metric title
tName = t
if isinstance(scores[k], list):
tName = subMetrics.get(t, t).capitalize()
# print score
print(" {title}: {score:.2f}{suffix} ({amount} questions)".format(title=tName,
score=scores[m][t][0], suffix="%",