import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import copy | |
def compute_rollout_attention(all_layer_matrices, start_layer=0): | |
# adding residual consideration | |
num_tokens = all_layer_matrices[0].shape[1] | |
eye = torch.eye(num_tokens).to(all_layer_matrices[0].device) | |
all_layer_matrices = [all_layer_matrices[i] + eye for i in range(len(all_layer_matrices))] | |
matrices_aug = [all_layer_matrices[i] / all_layer_matrices[i].sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) | |
for i in range(len(all_layer_matrices))] | |
joint_attention = matrices_aug[start_layer] | |
for i in range(start_layer + 1, len(matrices_aug)): | |
joint_attention = matrices_aug[i].matmul(joint_attention) | |
return joint_attention | |
# rule 5 from paper | |
def avg_heads(cam, grad): | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]) | |
grad = grad.reshape(-1, grad.shape[-2], grad.shape[-1]) | |
cam = grad * cam | |
cam = cam.clamp(min=0).mean(dim=0) | |
return cam | |
# rules 6 + 7 from paper | |
def apply_self_attention_rules(R_ss, R_sq, cam_ss): | |
R_sq_addition = torch.matmul(cam_ss, R_sq) | |
R_ss_addition = torch.matmul(cam_ss, R_ss) | |
return R_ss_addition, R_sq_addition | |
# rules 10 + 11 from paper | |
def apply_mm_attention_rules(R_ss, R_qq, R_qs, cam_sq, apply_normalization=True, apply_self_in_rule_10=True): | |
R_ss_normalized = R_ss | |
R_qq_normalized = R_qq | |
if apply_normalization: | |
R_ss_normalized = handle_residual(R_ss) | |
R_qq_normalized = handle_residual(R_qq) | |
R_sq_addition = torch.matmul(R_ss_normalized.t(), torch.matmul(cam_sq, R_qq_normalized)) | |
if not apply_self_in_rule_10: | |
R_sq_addition = cam_sq | |
R_ss_addition = torch.matmul(cam_sq, R_qs) | |
return R_sq_addition, R_ss_addition | |
# normalization- eq. 8+9 | |
def handle_residual(orig_self_attention): | |
self_attention = orig_self_attention.clone() | |
diag_idx = range(self_attention.shape[-1]) | |
# computing R hat | |
self_attention -= torch.eye(self_attention.shape[-1]).to(self_attention.device) | |
assert self_attention[diag_idx, diag_idx].min() >= 0 | |
# normalizing R hat | |
self_attention = self_attention / self_attention.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) | |
self_attention += torch.eye(self_attention.shape[-1]).to(self_attention.device) | |
return self_attention | |
class GeneratorOurs: | |
def __init__(self, model_usage, save_visualization=False): | |
self.model_usage = model_usage | |
self.save_visualization = save_visualization | |
def handle_self_attention_lang(self, blocks): | |
for blk in blocks: | |
grad = blk.attention.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_t_t_add, R_t_i_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i, cam) | |
self.R_t_t += R_t_t_add | |
self.R_t_i += R_t_i_add | |
def handle_self_attention_image(self, blocks): | |
for blk in blocks: | |
grad = blk.attention.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_i_i_add, R_i_t_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_i_i, self.R_i_t, cam) | |
self.R_i_i += R_i_i_add | |
self.R_i_t += R_i_t_add | |
def handle_co_attn_self_lang(self, block): | |
grad = block.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = block.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = block.lang_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_t_t_add, R_t_i_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i, cam) | |
self.R_t_t += R_t_t_add | |
self.R_t_i += R_t_i_add | |
def handle_co_attn_self_image(self, block): | |
grad = block.visn_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = block.visn_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = block.visn_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_i_i_add, R_i_t_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_i_i, self.R_i_t, cam) | |
self.R_i_i += R_i_i_add | |
self.R_i_t += R_i_t_add | |
def handle_co_attn_lang(self, block): | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam_t_i = block.visual_attention.att.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam_t_i = block.visual_attention.att.get_attn().detach() | |
grad_t_i = block.visual_attention.att.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam_t_i = avg_heads(cam_t_i, grad_t_i) | |
R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition = apply_mm_attention_rules(self.R_t_t, self.R_i_i, self.R_i_t, cam_t_i, | |
apply_normalization=self.normalize_self_attention, | |
apply_self_in_rule_10=self.apply_self_in_rule_10) | |
return R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition | |
def handle_co_attn_image(self, block): | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam_i_t = block.visual_attention_copy.att.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam_i_t = block.visual_attention_copy.att.get_attn().detach() | |
grad_i_t = block.visual_attention_copy.att.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam_i_t = avg_heads(cam_i_t, grad_i_t) | |
R_i_t_addition, R_i_i_addition = apply_mm_attention_rules(self.R_i_i, self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i, cam_i_t, | |
apply_normalization=self.normalize_self_attention, | |
apply_self_in_rule_10=self.apply_self_in_rule_10) | |
return R_i_t_addition, R_i_i_addition | |
def generate_ours(self, input, index=None, use_lrp=True, normalize_self_attention=True, apply_self_in_rule_10=True, | |
method_name="ours"): | |
self.use_lrp = use_lrp | |
self.normalize_self_attention = normalize_self_attention | |
self.apply_self_in_rule_10 = apply_self_in_rule_10 | |
kwargs = {"alpha": 1} | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.eye(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.eye(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
if index is None: | |
index = np.argmax(output.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1) | |
one_hot = np.zeros((1, output.size()[-1]), dtype=np.float32) | |
one_hot[0, index] = 1 | |
one_hot_vector = one_hot | |
one_hot = torch.from_numpy(one_hot).requires_grad_(True) | |
one_hot = torch.sum(one_hot * output) | |
model.zero_grad() | |
one_hot.backward(retain_graph=True) | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
model.relprop(torch.tensor(one_hot_vector).to(output.device), **kwargs) | |
# language self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.layer | |
self.handle_self_attention_lang(blocks) | |
# image self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.r_layers | |
self.handle_self_attention_image(blocks) | |
# cross attn layers | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers | |
for i, blk in enumerate(blocks): | |
# in the last cross attention module, only the text cross modal | |
# attention has an impact on the CLS token, since it's the first | |
# token in the language tokens | |
if i == len(blocks) - 1: | |
break | |
# cross attn- first for language then for image | |
R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition = self.handle_co_attn_lang(blk) | |
R_i_t_addition, R_i_i_addition = self.handle_co_attn_image(blk) | |
self.R_t_i += R_t_i_addition | |
self.R_t_t += R_t_t_addition | |
self.R_i_t += R_i_t_addition | |
self.R_i_i += R_i_i_addition | |
# language self attention | |
self.handle_co_attn_self_lang(blk) | |
# image self attention | |
self.handle_co_attn_self_image(blk) | |
# take care of last cross attention layer- only text | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn- first for language then for image | |
R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition = self.handle_co_attn_lang(blk) | |
self.R_t_i += R_t_i_addition | |
self.R_t_t += R_t_t_addition | |
# language self attention | |
self.handle_co_attn_self_lang(blk) | |
# disregard the [CLS] token itself | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |
class GeneratorOursAblationNoAggregation: | |
def __init__(self, model_usage, save_visualization=False): | |
self.model_usage = model_usage | |
self.save_visualization = save_visualization | |
def handle_self_attention_lang(self, blocks): | |
for blk in blocks: | |
grad = blk.attention.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_t_t_add, R_t_i_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i, cam) | |
self.R_t_t = R_t_t_add | |
self.R_t_i = R_t_i_add | |
def handle_self_attention_image(self, blocks): | |
for blk in blocks: | |
grad = blk.attention.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_i_i_add, R_i_t_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_i_i, self.R_i_t, cam) | |
self.R_i_i = R_i_i_add | |
self.R_i_t = R_i_t_add | |
def handle_co_attn_self_lang(self, block): | |
grad = block.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = block.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = block.lang_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_t_t_add, R_t_i_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i, cam) | |
self.R_t_t = R_t_t_add | |
self.R_t_i = R_t_i_add | |
def handle_co_attn_self_image(self, block): | |
grad = block.visn_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam = block.visn_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam = block.visn_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
R_i_i_add, R_i_t_add = apply_self_attention_rules(self.R_i_i, self.R_i_t, cam) | |
self.R_i_i = R_i_i_add | |
self.R_i_t = R_i_t_add | |
def handle_co_attn_lang(self, block): | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam_t_i = block.visual_attention.att.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam_t_i = block.visual_attention.att.get_attn().detach() | |
grad_t_i = block.visual_attention.att.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam_t_i = avg_heads(cam_t_i, grad_t_i) | |
R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition = apply_mm_attention_rules(self.R_t_t, self.R_i_i, self.R_i_t, cam_t_i, | |
apply_normalization=self.normalize_self_attention) | |
return R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition | |
def handle_co_attn_image(self, block): | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
cam_i_t = block.visual_attention_copy.att.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
else: | |
cam_i_t = block.visual_attention_copy.att.get_attn().detach() | |
grad_i_t = block.visual_attention_copy.att.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam_i_t = avg_heads(cam_i_t, grad_i_t) | |
R_i_t_addition, R_i_i_addition = apply_mm_attention_rules(self.R_i_i, self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i, cam_i_t, | |
apply_normalization=self.normalize_self_attention) | |
return R_i_t_addition, R_i_i_addition | |
def generate_ours_no_agg(self, input, index=None, use_lrp=False, normalize_self_attention=True, | |
method_name="ours_no_agg"): | |
self.use_lrp = use_lrp | |
self.normalize_self_attention = normalize_self_attention | |
kwargs = {"alpha": 1} | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.eye(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.eye(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
if index is None: | |
index = np.argmax(output.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1) | |
one_hot = np.zeros((1, output.size()[-1]), dtype=np.float32) | |
one_hot[0, index] = 1 | |
one_hot_vector = one_hot | |
one_hot = torch.from_numpy(one_hot).requires_grad_(True) | |
one_hot = torch.sum(one_hot * output) | |
model.zero_grad() | |
one_hot.backward(retain_graph=True) | |
if self.use_lrp: | |
model.relprop(torch.tensor(one_hot_vector).to(output.device), **kwargs) | |
# language self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.layer | |
self.handle_self_attention_lang(blocks) | |
# image self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.r_layers | |
self.handle_self_attention_image(blocks) | |
# cross attn layers | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers | |
for i, blk in enumerate(blocks): | |
# in the last cross attention module, only the text cross modal | |
# attention has an impact on the CLS token, since it's the first | |
# token in the language tokens | |
if i == len(blocks) - 1: | |
break | |
# cross attn- first for language then for image | |
R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition = self.handle_co_attn_lang(blk) | |
R_i_t_addition, R_i_i_addition = self.handle_co_attn_image(blk) | |
self.R_t_i = R_t_i_addition | |
self.R_t_t = R_t_t_addition | |
self.R_i_t = R_i_t_addition | |
self.R_i_i = R_i_i_addition | |
# language self attention | |
self.handle_co_attn_self_lang(blk) | |
# image self attention | |
self.handle_co_attn_self_image(blk) | |
# take care of last cross attention layer- only text | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn- first for language then for image | |
R_t_i_addition, R_t_t_addition = self.handle_co_attn_lang(blk) | |
self.R_t_i = R_t_i_addition | |
self.R_t_t = R_t_t_addition | |
# language self attention | |
self.handle_co_attn_self_lang(blk) | |
# disregard the [CLS] token itself | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |
class GeneratorBaselines: | |
def __init__(self, model_usage, save_visualization=False): | |
self.model_usage = model_usage | |
self.save_visualization = save_visualization | |
def generate_transformer_attr(self, input, index=None, method_name="transformer_attr"): | |
kwargs = {"alpha": 1} | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.eye(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.eye(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
if index == None: | |
index = np.argmax(output.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1) | |
one_hot = np.zeros((1, output.size()[-1]), dtype=np.float32) | |
one_hot[0, index] = 1 | |
one_hot_vector = one_hot | |
one_hot = torch.from_numpy(one_hot).requires_grad_(True) | |
one_hot = torch.sum(one_hot * output) | |
model.zero_grad() | |
one_hot.backward(retain_graph=True) | |
model.relprop(torch.tensor(one_hot_vector).to(output.device), **kwargs) | |
# language self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.layer | |
for blk in blocks: | |
grad = blk.attention.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
self.R_t_t += torch.matmul(cam, self.R_t_t) | |
# image self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.r_layers | |
for blk in blocks: | |
grad = blk.attention.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
self.R_i_i += torch.matmul(cam, self.R_i_i) | |
# cross attn layers | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers | |
for i, blk in enumerate(blocks): | |
# in the last cross attention module, only the text cross modal | |
# attention has an impact on the CLS token, since it's the first | |
# token in the language tokens | |
if i == len(blocks) - 1: | |
break | |
# language self attention | |
grad = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
self.R_t_t += torch.matmul(cam, self.R_t_t) | |
# image self attention | |
grad = blk.visn_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam = blk.visn_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
self.R_i_i += torch.matmul(cam, self.R_i_i) | |
# take care of last cross attention layer- only text | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn cam will be the one used for the R_t_i matrix | |
cam_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
grad_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam_t_i = avg_heads(cam_t_i, grad_t_i) | |
# self.R_t_i = torch.matmul(self.R_t_t.t(), torch.matmul(cam_t_i, self.R_i_i)) | |
self.R_t_i = cam_t_i | |
# language self attention | |
grad = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam = avg_heads(cam, grad) | |
self.R_t_t += torch.matmul(cam, self.R_t_t) | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |
def generate_partial_lrp(self, input, index=None, method_name="partial_lrp"): | |
kwargs = {"alpha": 1} | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.zeros(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
if index == None: | |
index = np.argmax(output.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1) | |
one_hot = np.zeros((1, output.size()[-1]), dtype=np.float32) | |
one_hot[0, index] = 1 | |
one_hot_vector = one_hot | |
model.relprop(torch.tensor(one_hot_vector).to(output.device), **kwargs) | |
# last cross attention + self- attention layer | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn cam will be the one used for the R_t_i matrix | |
cam_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam_t_i = cam_t_i.reshape(-1, cam_t_i.shape[-2], cam_t_i.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
self.R_t_i = cam_t_i | |
# language self attention | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_cam().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
self.R_t_t = cam | |
# normalize to get non-negative cams | |
self.R_t_t = (self.R_t_t - self.R_t_t.min()) / (self.R_t_t.max() - self.R_t_t.min()) | |
self.R_t_i = (self.R_t_i - self.R_t_i.min()) / (self.R_t_i.max() - self.R_t_i.min()) | |
# disregard the [CLS] token itself | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |
def generate_raw_attn(self, input, method_name="raw_attention"): | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.zeros(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# last cross attention + self- attention layer | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn cam will be the one used for the R_t_i matrix | |
cam_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn().detach() | |
cam_t_i = cam_t_i.reshape(-1, cam_t_i.shape[-2], cam_t_i.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
# self.R_t_i = torch.matmul(self.R_t_t.t(), torch.matmul(cam_t_i, self.R_i_i)) | |
self.R_t_i = cam_t_i | |
# language self attention | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
self.R_t_t = cam | |
# disregard the [CLS] token itself | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |
def gradcam(self, cam, grad): | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]) | |
grad = grad.reshape(-1, grad.shape[-2], grad.shape[-1]) | |
grad = grad.mean(dim=[1, 2], keepdim=True) | |
cam = (cam * grad).mean(0).clamp(min=0) | |
return cam | |
def generate_attn_gradcam(self, input, index=None, method_name="gradcam"): | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.eye(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.eye(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
if index == None: | |
index = np.argmax(output.cpu().data.numpy(), axis=-1) | |
one_hot = np.zeros((1, output.size()[-1]), dtype=np.float32) | |
one_hot[0, index] = 1 | |
one_hot = torch.from_numpy(one_hot).requires_grad_(True) | |
one_hot = torch.sum(one_hot.cuda() * output) | |
model.zero_grad() | |
one_hot.backward(retain_graph=True) | |
# last cross attention + self- attention layer | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn cam will be the one used for the R_t_i matrix | |
grad_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn().detach() | |
cam_t_i = self.gradcam(cam_t_i, grad_t_i) | |
# self.R_t_i = torch.matmul(self.R_t_t.t(), torch.matmul(cam_t_i, self.R_i_i)) | |
self.R_t_i = cam_t_i | |
# language self attention | |
grad = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn_gradients().detach() | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
self.R_t_t = self.gradcam(cam, grad) | |
# disregard the [CLS] token itself | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |
def generate_rollout(self, input, method_name="rollout"): | |
output = self.model_usage.forward(input).question_answering_score | |
model = self.model_usage.model | |
# initialize relevancy matrices | |
text_tokens = self.model_usage.text_len | |
image_bboxes = self.model_usage.image_boxes_len | |
# text self attention matrix | |
self.R_t_t = torch.eye(text_tokens, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
# image self attention matrix | |
self.R_i_i = torch.eye(image_bboxes, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of images on text | |
self.R_t_i = torch.zeros(text_tokens, image_bboxes).to(model.device) | |
# impact of text on images | |
self.R_i_t = torch.zeros(image_bboxes, text_tokens).to(model.device) | |
cams_text = [] | |
cams_image = [] | |
# language self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.layer | |
for blk in blocks: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
cams_text.append(cam) | |
# image self attention | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.r_layers | |
for blk in blocks: | |
cam = blk.attention.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
cams_image.append(cam) | |
# cross attn layers | |
blocks = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers | |
for i, blk in enumerate(blocks): | |
# in the last cross attention module, only the text cross modal | |
# attention has an impact on the CLS token, since it's the first | |
# token in the language tokens | |
if i == len(blocks) - 1: | |
break | |
# language self attention | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
cams_text.append(cam) | |
# image self attention | |
cam = blk.visn_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
cams_image.append(cam) | |
# take care of last cross attention layer- only text | |
blk = model.lxmert.encoder.x_layers[-1] | |
# cross attn cam will be the one used for the R_t_i matrix | |
cam_t_i = blk.visual_attention.att.get_attn().detach() | |
cam_t_i = cam_t_i.reshape(-1, cam_t_i.shape[-2], cam_t_i.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
self.R_t_t = compute_rollout_attention(copy.deepcopy(cams_text)) | |
self.R_i_i = compute_rollout_attention(cams_image) | |
self.R_t_i = torch.matmul(self.R_t_t.t(), torch.matmul(cam_t_i, self.R_i_i)) | |
# language self attention | |
cam = blk.lang_self_att.self.get_attn().detach() | |
cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-2], cam.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0) | |
cams_text.append(cam) | |
self.R_t_t = compute_rollout_attention(cams_text) | |
# disregard the [CLS] token itself | |
self.R_t_t[0, 0] = 0 | |
return self.R_t_t, self.R_t_i | |