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@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def formatRecipeFromLLM(text):
  formated_rec_box: formatedText,
  html_content = read_html_file("cookgpt.html")
- descriptionFindRecipe="## Welcome to CookGPT\n CookGPT is an innovative AI-based chef that combines the charm of traditional Indian cooking with the efficiency of modern technology. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast, a busy professional, or someone looking for culinary inspiration from Indian Kitchen, CookGPT is designed to make your cooking experience delightful, personalized, and effortless."
  descriptionAddRecipe="## What your favorite Dish? \n Users will have the capability to contribute their custom recipes by either adding them manually or uploading video content. These recipes will be subject to upvoting by other users, and those receiving positive feedback will be scheduled for fine-tuning our Language Model (LLM). This collaborative approach allows the community to actively participate in refining and enhancing the model based on the most appreciated and valued recipes."
  descriptionFineTune="## Miss something here? \n As soon as the verified added recipes hit 10k mark the fine tuning process will start automatically \n new model will be created and updated automatically\nFinetuning Parameters Customization, we will keep rebuilding the based model untill all the recipes are covered"
  with gr.Blocks() as demo:
  formated_rec_box: formatedText,
  html_content = read_html_file("cookgpt.html")
+ descriptionFindRecipe="Inferencing might be slow as I am running this on free CPU if you want to try out please let me know I will enable GPU or deploy quantized version <br><br> ## Welcome to CookGPT\n CookGPT is an innovative AI-based chef that combines the charm of traditional Indian cooking with the efficiency of modern technology. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast, a busy professional, or someone looking for culinary inspiration from Indian Kitchen, CookGPT is designed to make your cooking experience delightful, personalized, and effortless."
  descriptionAddRecipe="## What your favorite Dish? \n Users will have the capability to contribute their custom recipes by either adding them manually or uploading video content. These recipes will be subject to upvoting by other users, and those receiving positive feedback will be scheduled for fine-tuning our Language Model (LLM). This collaborative approach allows the community to actively participate in refining and enhancing the model based on the most appreciated and valued recipes."
  descriptionFineTune="## Miss something here? \n As soon as the verified added recipes hit 10k mark the fine tuning process will start automatically \n new model will be created and updated automatically\nFinetuning Parameters Customization, we will keep rebuilding the based model untill all the recipes are covered"
  with gr.Blocks() as demo: