EnterpriseAIHub / swagger_actions.json
VishalMysore's picture
Update swagger_actions.json
f01f43a verified
"endpoints" : [
"swaggerurl": "https://fakerestapi.azurewebsites.net/swagger/v1/swagger.json",
"group": "Books Author Activity",
"description": "This is for all the actions related books , Authors, photos and users trying to read books and view photos",
"baseurl": "https://fakerestapi.azurewebsites.net/",
"id": "fakerestapi"
"swaggerurl": "https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json",
"baseurl": "https://petstore3.swagger.io/",
"group": "Petstore API",
"description": "This is for all the actions related to pets",
"id": "petstore"
} ,
"swaggerurl": "https://vishalmysore-instaservice.hf.space/v3/api-docs",
"baseurl": "https://vishalmysore-instaservice.hf.space/",
"group": "Enterprise Support and Tickeing System",
"description": "This action is to create tickets track bugs across the enterprise",
"id": "InstaService"