James Stevenson
added lib
import datetime
import re
import sys
import time
import tweepy
from Pinpoint.ConfigManager import ConfigManager
class Twitter:
Twitter aggregator class
tweepy_api = None
def __init__(self):
twitter_config = ConfigManager.getTwitterConfig()
consumer_key = twitter_config["consumer_key"]
consumer_secret = twitter_config["consumer_secret"]
access_token = twitter_config["access_token"]
access_token_secret = twitter_config["access_token_secret"]
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
self.tweepy_api = tweepy.API(auth)
def get_tweet(self, tweet_info, attempts=1):
returns a list of up to two tweets. This is because the provided tweet could be a quoted tweet. If this is the case
we take that as two seperate tweets. Otherwise one tweet is returned with the necessary extracted data.
:param tweet_info:
:return: a list of up to two tweets with the necessary data extracted as defined in the serilizer.
# If we've received several errors in a row then it's probably not going to fix itself.
if attempts > 5:
return []
list_of_tweets = []
tweet = None
retweets = tweet_info.retweet_count
likes = tweet_info.favorite_count
date = tweet_info.created_at.timestamp()
# Gets full tweet if normal tweet or re-tweet
if tweet_info.retweeted:
tweet = tweet_info.retweeted_status.full_text
retweets = tweet_info.retweeted_status.retweet_count
likes = tweet_info.retweeted_status.favorite_count
tweet_info = self.tweepy_api.get_status(id=tweet_info.id, tweet_mode='extended')
# Gets author of tweet
source = tweet_info.full_text.split(":", 1)[0]
regex = r"RT @(.+)"
matchObj = re.match(regex, source)
if matchObj:
source = matchObj.group(1)
source = "self"
except AttributeError as e:
# Gets full tweet and sets author to self
tweet = tweet_info.full_text
source = "self"
# For quotes retweets we take the quoted tweet and the parent tweet as two seperate tweets.
if tweet_info.is_quote_status:
quoted_id = tweet_info.quoted_status_id
quoted_tweet_info = self.tweepy_api.get_status(id=quoted_id, tweet_mode='extended')
quoted_tweet_text = quoted_tweet_info.full_text
quoted_source = quoted_tweet_info.user.name
quoted_retweets = quoted_tweet_info.retweet_count
quoted_likes = quoted_tweet_info.favorite_count
quoted_date = quoted_tweet_info.created_at.timestamp()
# As this function can return two tweets (i.e. a quoted tweet and normal tweet) the tweets are added to a list
Serializer.createPostDict(date=quoted_date, post_text=quoted_tweet_text, likes=quoted_likes,
comments='', shares=quoted_retweets, source=quoted_source))
except AttributeError as e:
print("Tweepy Twitter api error. On attempt {} \n {}".format(attempts, e))
# As this function can return two tweets (i.e. a quoted tweet and normal tweet) the tweets are added to a list
if tweet is not None:
Serializer.createPostDict(date=date, post_text=tweet, likes=likes, comments='', shares=retweets,
except tweepy.RateLimitError as e:
print("Tweepy Twitter api rate limit reached. On attempt {} \n {}".format(attempts, e))
return self.get_tweet(tweet_info, attempts + 1) # if error, try again.
except tweepy.TweepError as e:
print("Tweepy Twitter api error. On attempt {} \n {}".format(attempts, e))
return list_of_tweets
def get_posts(self, username, attempts=1):
Loops through all tweets for the provided user
:param username:
:return: a list of serilised tweets
# If a participant has enteres their username with spaces in error this will format it.
username = username.replace(" ", "")
# Checks attempts. If exceeded return empty list.
if attempts > 3:
return []
list_of_tweets = []
# If an @ symbol has been added to the string then it's removed.
if str(username).startswith("@"):
username = username[1:]
for tweet_info in tweepy.Cursor(self.tweepy_api.user_timeline, id=username, tweet_mode='extended').items():
# As this function can return two tweets (i.e. a quoted tweet and normal tweet) the tweets are added to a list
list_of_tweets = list_of_tweets + self.get_tweet(tweet_info)
except tweepy.error.TweepError as e:
print("Tweepy Twitter api error on user {}. On Attempt {} .\n {}".format(username, attempts, e))
return self.get_posts(username, sys.maxsize) # Unlinkely to be an error that can be fixed by waiting
return list_of_tweets
def get_user(self, user_name):
Gets a Twepy user object for a given user name
:param user_name: a string representation of a Twitter username
:return: a Tweepy user object, None if no user found
user = None
user = self.tweepy_api.get_user(user_name)
return user
def is_valid_user(self, user_name):
Gets a Twepy user object for a given user name
:param user_name: a string representation of a Twitter username
:return: None if doesn't exist or suspended, user object if valid.
user = None
user = self.tweepy_api.get_user(user_name)
if user.suspended:
user = None
return user
def get_user_post_frequency(self, user_name):
A utility function used to retrieve a users post frequency
:param user_name:
user = self.tweepy_api.get_user(user_name)
created_at_time = user.created_at
number_of_posts = user.statuses_count
current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
elapse_time = current_date - created_at_time
frequency = number_of_posts / elapse_time.days
return frequency
def get_follower_following_frequency(self, user_name):
A utility function used to retrieve a users follower/ following frequency
:param user_name:
user = self.tweepy_api.get_user(user_name)
followers_count = user.followers_count
following_count = user.friends_count
ration = following_count / followers_count
return ration