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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import typing as tp
from audiocraft.data.audio import audio_write
from audiocraft.data.audio_utils import convert_audio
import flashy
import torch
import torchmetrics
from ..environment import AudioCraftEnvironment
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FrechetAudioDistanceMetric(torchmetrics.Metric):
"""Fréchet Audio Distance computation based on official TensorFlow implementation from Google Research.
From: D.C. Dowson & B.V. Landau The Fréchet distance between
multivariate normal distributions
The Fréchet distance between two multivariate gaussians,
`X ~ N(mu_x, sigma_x)` and `Y ~ N(mu_y, sigma_y)`, is `d^2`.
d^2 = (mu_x - mu_y)^2 + Tr(sigma_x + sigma_y - 2 * sqrt(sigma_x*sigma_y))
= (mu_x - mu_y)^2 + Tr(sigma_x) + Tr(sigma_y)
- 2 * Tr(sqrt(sigma_x*sigma_y)))
To use this FAD computation metric, you need to have the proper Frechet Audio Distance tool setup
from: https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/frechet_audio_distance
We provide the below instructions as reference but we do not guarantee for further support
in frechet_audio_distance installation. This was tested with python 3.10, cuda 11.8, tensorflow 2.12.0.
We recommend installing the frechet_audio_distance library in a dedicated env (e.g. conda).
1. Get the code and models following the repository instructions. We used the steps below:
git clone git@github.com:google-research/google-research.git
git clone git@github.com:tensorflow/models.git
mkdir google-research/tensorflow_models
touch google-research/tensorflow_models/__init__.py
cp -r models/research/audioset google-research/tensorflow_models/
touch google-research/tensorflow_models/audioset/__init__.py
echo "from .vggish import mel_features, vggish_params, vggish_slim" > \
# we can now remove the tensorflow models repository
# rm -r models
cd google-research
Follow the instructions to download the vggish checkpoint. AudioCraft base configuration
assumes it is placed in the AudioCraft reference dir.
Note that we operate the following changes for the code to work with TensorFlow 2.X and python 3:
- Update xrange for range in:
- Update `tf_record = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(filename).next()` to
`tf_record = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(filename).__next__()` in
- Update `import vggish_params as params` to `from . import vggish_params as params` in:
- Add flag to provide a given batch size for running the AudioSet model in:
flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 64,
'Number of samples in the batch for AudioSet model.')
Ensure you pass the flag to the create_embeddings_beam.create_pipeline function, adding:
`batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size` to the provided parameters.
2. Follow instructions for the library installation and a valid TensorFlow installation
# e.g. instructions from: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/pip
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit=11.8.0
python3 -m pip install nvidia-cudnn-cu11== tensorflow==2.12.*
mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d
echo 'CUDNN_PATH=$(dirname $(python -c "import nvidia.cudnn;print(nvidia.cudnn.__file__)"))' \
>> $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh
>> $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh
source $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh
# Verify install: on a machine with GPU device
python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"
Now install frechet_audio_distance required dependencies:
# We assume we already have TensorFlow installed from the above steps
pip install apache-beam numpy scipy tf_slim
Finally, follow remaining library instructions to ensure you have a working frechet_audio_distance setup
(you may want to specify --model_ckpt flag pointing to the model's path).
3. AudioCraft's FrechetAudioDistanceMetric requires 2 environment variables pointing to the python executable
and Tensorflow library path from the above installation steps:
e.g. assuming we have installed everything in a dedicated conda env
with python 3.10 that is currently active:
export TF_PYTHON_EXE="$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/python"
export TF_LIBRARY_PATH="$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/cudnn/lib"
Finally you may want to export the following variable:
See: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/gpu#limiting_gpu_memory_growth
You can save those environment variables in your training conda env, when currently active:
e.g. assuming the env with TensorFlow and frechet_audio_distance install is named ac_eval,
and the training conda env is named audiocraft:
# activate training env
conda activate audiocraft
# get path to all envs
# export pointers to evaluation env for using TensorFlow in FrechetAudioDistanceMetric
touch $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh
echo 'export TF_PYTHON_EXE="$CONDA_ENV_DIR/ac_eval/bin/python"' >> \
echo 'export TF_LIBRARY_PATH="$CONDA_ENV_DIR/ac_eval/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/cudnn/lib"' >> \
# optionally:
echo 'export TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true' >> $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh
# you may need to reactivate the audiocraft env for this to take effect
bin (Path or str): Path to installed frechet audio distance code.
model_path (Path or str): Path to Tensorflow checkpoint for the model
used to compute statistics over the embedding beams.
format (str): Audio format used to save files.
log_folder (Path or str, optional): Path where to write process logs.
def __init__(self, bin: tp.Union[Path, str], model_path: tp.Union[Path, str],
format: str = "wav", batch_size: tp.Optional[int] = None,
log_folder: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Path, str]] = None):
self.model_sample_rate = VGGISH_SAMPLE_RATE
self.model_channels = VGGISH_CHANNELS
self.model_path = AudioCraftEnvironment.resolve_reference_path(model_path)
assert Path(self.model_path).exists(), f"Could not find provided model checkpoint path at: {self.model_path}"
self.format = format
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.bin = bin
self.tf_env = {"PYTHONPATH": str(self.bin)}
self.python_path = os.environ.get('TF_PYTHON_EXE') or 'python'
logger.info("Python exe for TF is %s", self.python_path)
if 'TF_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
self.tf_env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ['TF_LIBRARY_PATH']
if 'TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH' in os.environ:
logger.info("Env for TF is %r", self.tf_env)
self.add_state("total_files", default=torch.tensor(0.), dist_reduce_fx="sum")
def reset(self, log_folder: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Path, str]] = None):
"""Reset torchmetrics.Metrics state."""
log_folder = Path(log_folder or tempfile.mkdtemp())
self.tmp_dir = log_folder / 'fad'
self.samples_tests_dir = self.tmp_dir / 'tests'
self.samples_background_dir = self.tmp_dir / 'background'
self.manifest_tests = self.tmp_dir / 'files_tests.cvs'
self.manifest_background = self.tmp_dir / 'files_background.cvs'
self.stats_tests_dir = self.tmp_dir / 'stats_tests'
self.stats_background_dir = self.tmp_dir / 'stats_background'
self.counter = 0
def update(self, preds: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor,
sizes: torch.Tensor, sample_rates: torch.Tensor,
stems: tp.Optional[tp.List[str]] = None):
"""Update torchmetrics.Metrics by saving the audio and updating the manifest file."""
assert preds.shape == targets.shape, f"preds={preds.shape} != targets={targets.shape}"
num_samples = preds.shape[0]
assert num_samples == sizes.size(0) and num_samples == sample_rates.size(0)
assert stems is None or num_samples == len(set(stems))
for i in range(num_samples):
self.total_files += 1 # type: ignore
self.counter += 1
wav_len = int(sizes[i].item())
sample_rate = int(sample_rates[i].item())
pred_wav = preds[i]
target_wav = targets[i]
pred_wav = pred_wav[..., :wav_len]
target_wav = target_wav[..., :wav_len]
stem_name = stems[i] if stems is not None else f'sample_{self.counter}_{flashy.distrib.rank()}'
# dump audio files
pred_wav = convert_audio(
pred_wav.unsqueeze(0), from_rate=sample_rate,
to_rate=self.model_sample_rate, to_channels=1).squeeze(0)
self.samples_tests_dir / stem_name, pred_wav, sample_rate=self.model_sample_rate,
format=self.format, strategy="peak")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Exception occured when saving tests files for FAD computation: {repr(e)} - {e}")
# for the ground truth audio, we enforce the 'peak' strategy to avoid modifying
# the original audio when writing it
target_wav = convert_audio(
target_wav.unsqueeze(0), from_rate=sample_rate,
to_rate=self.model_sample_rate, to_channels=1).squeeze(0)
self.samples_background_dir / stem_name, target_wav, sample_rate=self.model_sample_rate,
format=self.format, strategy="peak")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Exception occured when saving background files for FAD computation: {repr(e)} - {e}")
def _get_samples_name(self, is_background: bool):
return 'background' if is_background else 'tests'
def _create_embedding_beams(self, is_background: bool, gpu_index: tp.Optional[int] = None):
if is_background:
input_samples_dir = self.samples_background_dir
input_filename = self.manifest_background
stats_name = self.stats_background_dir
input_samples_dir = self.samples_tests_dir
input_filename = self.manifest_tests
stats_name = self.stats_tests_dir
beams_name = self._get_samples_name(is_background)
log_file = self.tmp_dir / f'fad_logs_create_beams_{beams_name}.log'
logger.info(f"Scanning samples folder to fetch list of files: {input_samples_dir}")
with open(input_filename, "w") as fout:
for path in Path(input_samples_dir).glob(f"*.{self.format}"):
cmd = [
self.python_path, "-m",
"--model_ckpt", f"{self.model_path}",
"--input_files", f"{str(input_filename)}",
"--stats", f"{str(stats_name)}",
if self.batch_size is not None:
cmd += ["--batch_size", str(self.batch_size)]
logger.info(f"Launching frechet_audio_distance embeddings main method: {' '.join(cmd)} on {beams_name}")
env = os.environ
if gpu_index is not None:
env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_index)
process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdout=open(log_file, "w"), env={**env, **self.tf_env}, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return process, log_file
def _compute_fad_score(self, gpu_index: tp.Optional[int] = None):
cmd = [
self.python_path, "-m", "frechet_audio_distance.compute_fad",
"--test_stats", f"{str(self.stats_tests_dir)}",
"--background_stats", f"{str(self.stats_background_dir)}",
logger.info(f"Launching frechet_audio_distance compute fad method: {' '.join(cmd)}")
env = os.environ
if gpu_index is not None:
env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_index)
result = subprocess.run(cmd, env={**env, **self.tf_env}, capture_output=True)
if result.returncode:
"Error with FAD computation from stats: \n %s \n %s",
result.stdout.decode(), result.stderr.decode()
raise RuntimeError("Error while executing FAD computation from stats")
# result is "FAD: (d+).(d+)" hence we remove the prefix with (d+) being one digit or more
fad_score = float(result.stdout[4:])
return fad_score
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Error parsing FAD score from command stdout: {e}")
def _log_process_result(self, returncode: int, log_file: tp.Union[Path, str], is_background: bool) -> None:
beams_name = self._get_samples_name(is_background)
if returncode:
with open(log_file, "r") as f:
error_log = f.read()
logger.info(f"Successfully computed embedding beams on {beams_name} samples.")
def _parallel_create_embedding_beams(self, num_of_gpus: int):
assert num_of_gpus > 0
logger.info("Creating embeddings beams in a parallel manner on different GPUs")
tests_beams_process, tests_beams_log_file = self._create_embedding_beams(is_background=False, gpu_index=0)
bg_beams_process, bg_beams_log_file = self._create_embedding_beams(is_background=True, gpu_index=1)
tests_beams_code = tests_beams_process.wait()
bg_beams_code = bg_beams_process.wait()
self._log_process_result(tests_beams_code, tests_beams_log_file, is_background=False)
self._log_process_result(bg_beams_code, bg_beams_log_file, is_background=True)
def _sequential_create_embedding_beams(self):
logger.info("Creating embeddings beams in a sequential manner")
tests_beams_process, tests_beams_log_file = self._create_embedding_beams(is_background=False)
tests_beams_code = tests_beams_process.wait()
self._log_process_result(tests_beams_code, tests_beams_log_file, is_background=False)
bg_beams_process, bg_beams_log_file = self._create_embedding_beams(is_background=True)
bg_beams_code = bg_beams_process.wait()
self._log_process_result(bg_beams_code, bg_beams_log_file, is_background=True)
def _local_compute_frechet_audio_distance(self):
"""Compute Frechet Audio Distance score calling TensorFlow API."""
num_of_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() if torch.cuda.is_available() else 0
if num_of_gpus > 1:
fad_score = self._compute_fad_score(gpu_index=0)
return fad_score
def compute(self) -> float:
"""Compute metrics."""
assert self.total_files.item() > 0, "No files dumped for FAD computation!" # type: ignore
fad_score = self._local_compute_frechet_audio_distance()
logger.warning(f"FAD score = {fad_score}")
fad_score = flashy.distrib.broadcast_object(fad_score, src=0)
return fad_score