whisperspeech / app.py
Tonic's picture
Update layout, as in "Create a Huggingface demo page #39" @gongouveia (#7)
b6a8499 verified
import spaces
import tempfile
import wave
import gradio as gr
import os
import re
import torch
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
from whisperspeech.pipeline import Pipeline
from whisperspeech.languages import LANGUAGES
from whisperspeech.utils import resampler
title = """# 🙋🏻‍♂️ Welcome to🌟Collabora🌬️💬📝WhisperSpeech
You can use this ZeroGPU Space to test out the current model [🌬️💬📝collabora/whisperspeech](https://huggingface.co/collabora/whisperspeech). 🌬️💬📝collabora/whisperspeech is An Open Source text-to-speech system built by inverting Whisper. Install it and use your command line interface locally with `pip install whisperspeech`. It's like Stable Diffusion but for speech – both powerful and easily customizable : so you can use it programmatically in your own pipelines! [Contribute to whisperspeech here](https://github.com/collabora/WhisperSpeech)
You can also use 🌬️💬📝WhisperSpeech by cloning this space. 🧬🔬🔍 Simply click here: <a style="display:inline-block" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/Tonic/laion-whisper?duplicate=true"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-Duplicate%20Space-blue?labelColor=white&style=flat&logo=&logoWidth=14" alt="Duplicate Space"></a></h3>
We're **celebrating the release of the whisperspeech** at [the LAION community, if you love open source ai learn more here : https://laion.ai/](https://laion.ai/) big thanks to the folks at huggingface for the community grant 🤗
### How to Use
Input text with the language identifiers provided to create a multilingual speech. Optionally you can add an audiosample to make a voice print.Scroll down and try the api <3 Gradio.
This space runs on ZeroGPU, so **you need to be patient** while you acquire the GPU and load the model the first time you make a request!
text_examples = [
["<en> WhisperSpeech is an opensource library that helps you hack whisper."],
["<de> WhisperSpeech is multi-lingual <es> y puede cambiar de idioma <hi> मध्य वाक्य में"],
["<en> The big difference between Europe <fr> et les Etats Unis <pl> jest to, że mamy tak wiele języków <uk> тут, в Європі"]
def parse_multilingual_text(input_text):
pattern = r"<(\w+)>\s(.*?)\s(?=<\w+>|$)"
segments = re.findall(pattern, input_text)
return [(lang, text.strip()) for lang, text in segments if lang in LANGUAGES.keys()]
def generate_segment_audio(text, lang, speaker_audio, pipe):
if not isinstance(text, str):
text = text.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(text, bytes) else str(text)
speaker_audio_data = speaker_audio
audio_data = pipe.generate(text, speaker_audio_data, lang)
resample_audio = resampler(newsr=24000)
audio_data_resampled = next(resample_audio([{'sample_rate': 24000, 'samples': audio_data.cpu()}]))['samples_24k']
audio_np = audio_data_resampled.cpu().numpy()
# Debug statement print("Shape after resampling:", audio_np.shape)
return audio_np
def concatenate_audio_segments(segments):
concatenated_audio = np.concatenate(segments , axis=1)
return concatenated_audio
def whisper_speech_demo(multilingual_text, speaker_audio):
segments = parse_multilingual_text(multilingual_text)
if not segments:
return None, "No valid language segments found. Please use the format: <lang> text"
pipe = Pipeline()
if not hasattr(pipe, 's2a'):
return None, "Pipeline initialization failed. s2a model not loaded."
speaker_url = speaker_audio if speaker_audio is not None else None
audio_segments = []
for lang, text in segments:
text_str = text if isinstance(text, str) else str(text)
audio_np = generate_segment_audio(text_str, lang, speaker_url, pipe)
# Debug statement print("Audio segment shape:", audio_np.shape)
concatenated_audio = concatenate_audio_segments(audio_segments)
# Debug statement print("Final concatenated audio shape:", concatenated_audio.shape)
concatenated_audio = concatenated_audio / np.max(np.abs(concatenated_audio))
return (24000, concatenated_audio.T)
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
output_audio = gr.Audio(label="🌟Collabora🌬️💬📝WhisperSpeech", show_download_button=True)
generate_button = gr.Button("🌟Collabora🌬️💬📝WhisperSpeech")
with gr.Row(equal_height=True):
with gr.Column():
text_input = gr.Textbox(label="Enter multilingual text💬📝", placeholder="e.g., <en> Hello <fr> Bonjour <es> Hola", lines = 10 )
with gr.Accordion("Available Languages and Their Tags", open=False):
gr.Markdown("\n".join([f"`<{lang}>` {LANGUAGES[lang]}" for lang in LANGUAGES])),
with gr.Accordion("Try Multilingual Text Examples", open=False):
label="Try these text examples to get started !🌟🌬️"
speaker_input = gr.Audio( sources=["upload", "microphone"],label="Upload or Record Speaker Audio (optional)🌬️💬")
# gr.Examples(examples=examples, inputs=[text_input, speaker_input], outputs=output_audio,cache_examples=True, label ='Plug and Play with this Examples !🌟🌬️'),
generate_button.click(whisper_speech_demo, inputs=[text_input, speaker_input], outputs=output_audio)