from collections import defaultdict | |
import json | |
import os | |
import joblib | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import cv2 | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from glob import glob | |
from natsort import natsorted | |
import spaces | |
from import parse_chunks, parse_chunks_hand_frame | |
from lib.models.hawor import HAWOR | |
from lib.eval_utils.custom_utils import cam2world_convert, load_slam_cam | |
from lib.eval_utils.custom_utils import interpolate_bboxes | |
from lib.eval_utils.filling_utils import filling_postprocess, filling_preprocess | |
from lib.vis.renderer import Renderer | |
from hawor.utils.process import get_mano_faces, run_mano, run_mano_left | |
from hawor.utils.rotation import angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix, rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis | |
from import TransformerModel | |
def load_hawor(checkpoint_path): | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from hawor.configs import get_config | |
model_cfg = str(Path(checkpoint_path).parent.parent / 'model_config.yaml') | |
model_cfg = get_config(model_cfg, update_cachedir=True) | |
# Override some config values, to crop bbox correctly | |
if (model_cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.TYPE == 'vit') and ('BBOX_SHAPE' not in model_cfg.MODEL): | |
model_cfg.defrost() | |
assert model_cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE == 256, f"MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE ({model_cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE}) should be 256 for ViT backbone" | |
model_cfg.MODEL.BBOX_SHAPE = [192,256] | |
model_cfg.freeze() | |
model = HAWOR.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, strict=False, cfg=model_cfg) | |
return model, model_cfg | |
def hawor_motion_estimation(args, start_idx, end_idx, seq_folder): | |
model, model_cfg = load_hawor(args.checkpoint) | |
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu') | |
model = | |
model.eval() | |
file = args.video_path | |
video_root = os.path.dirname(file) | |
video = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0] | |
img_folder = f"{video_root}/{video}/extracted_images" | |
imgfiles = np.array(natsorted(glob(f'{img_folder}/*.jpg'))) | |
tracks = np.load(f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/model_tracks.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() | |
img_focal = args.img_focal | |
if img_focal is None: | |
try: | |
with open(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'est_focal.txt'), 'r') as file: | |
img_focal = | |
img_focal = float(img_focal) | |
except: | |
img_focal = 600 | |
print(f'No focal length provided, use default {img_focal}') | |
with open(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'est_focal.txt'), 'w') as file: | |
file.write(str(img_focal)) | |
tid = np.array([tr for tr in tracks]) | |
if os.path.exists(f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/frame_chunks_all.npy'): | |
print("skip hawor motion estimation") | |
frame_chunks_all = joblib.load(f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/frame_chunks_all.npy') | |
return frame_chunks_all, img_focal | |
print(f'Running hawor on {video} ...') | |
left_trk = [] | |
right_trk = [] | |
for k, idx in enumerate(tid): | |
trk = tracks[idx] | |
valid = np.array([t['det'] for t in trk]) | |
is_right = np.concatenate([t['det_handedness'] for t in trk])[valid] | |
if is_right.sum() / len(is_right) < 0.5: | |
left_trk.extend(trk) | |
else: | |
right_trk.extend(trk) | |
left_trk = sorted(left_trk, key=lambda x: x['frame']) | |
right_trk = sorted(right_trk, key=lambda x: x['frame']) | |
final_tracks = { | |
0: left_trk, | |
1: right_trk | |
} | |
tid = [0, 1] | |
img = cv2.imread(imgfiles[0]) | |
img_center = [img.shape[1] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2]# w/2, h/2 | |
H, W = img.shape[:2] | |
model_masks = np.zeros((len(imgfiles), H, W)) | |
bin_size = 128 | |
max_faces_per_bin = 20000 | |
renderer = Renderer(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], img_focal, 'cuda', | |
bin_size=bin_size, max_faces_per_bin=max_faces_per_bin) | |
# get faces | |
faces = get_mano_faces() | |
faces_new = np.array([[92, 38, 234], | |
[234, 38, 239], | |
[38, 122, 239], | |
[239, 122, 279], | |
[122, 118, 279], | |
[279, 118, 215], | |
[118, 117, 215], | |
[215, 117, 214], | |
[117, 119, 214], | |
[214, 119, 121], | |
[119, 120, 121], | |
[121, 120, 78], | |
[120, 108, 78], | |
[78, 108, 79]]) | |
faces_right = np.concatenate([faces, faces_new], axis=0) | |
faces_left = faces_right[:,[0,2,1]] | |
frame_chunks_all = defaultdict(list) | |
for idx in tid: | |
print(f"tracklet {idx}:") | |
trk = final_tracks[idx] | |
# interp bboxes | |
valid = np.array([t['det'] for t in trk]) | |
if valid.sum() < 2: | |
continue | |
boxes = np.concatenate([t['det_box'] for t in trk]) | |
non_zero_indices = np.where(np.any(boxes != 0, axis=1))[0] | |
first_non_zero = non_zero_indices[0] | |
last_non_zero = non_zero_indices[-1] | |
boxes[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1] = interpolate_bboxes(boxes[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1]) | |
valid[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1] = True | |
boxes = boxes[first_non_zero:last_non_zero+1] | |
is_right = np.concatenate([t['det_handedness'] for t in trk])[valid] | |
frame = np.array([t['frame'] for t in trk])[valid] | |
if is_right.sum() / len(is_right) < 0.5: | |
is_right = np.zeros((len(boxes), 1)) | |
else: | |
is_right = np.ones((len(boxes), 1)) | |
frame_chunks, boxes_chunks = parse_chunks(frame, boxes, min_len=1) | |
frame_chunks_all[idx] = frame_chunks | |
if len(frame_chunks) == 0: | |
continue | |
for frame_ck, boxes_ck in zip(frame_chunks, boxes_chunks): | |
print(f"inference from frame {frame_ck[0]} to {frame_ck[-1]}") | |
img_ck = imgfiles[frame_ck] | |
if is_right[0] > 0: | |
do_flip = False | |
else: | |
do_flip = True | |
results = model.inference(img_ck, boxes_ck, img_focal=img_focal, img_center=img_center, do_flip=do_flip) | |
data_out = { | |
"init_root_orient": results["pred_rotmat"][None, :, 0], # (B, T, 3, 3) | |
"init_hand_pose": results["pred_rotmat"][None, :, 1:], # (B, T, 15, 3, 3) | |
"init_trans": results["pred_trans"][None, :, 0], # (B, T, 3) | |
"init_betas": results["pred_shape"][None, :] # (B, T, 10) | |
} | |
# flip left hand | |
init_root = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_root_orient"]) | |
init_hand_pose = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_hand_pose"]) | |
if do_flip: | |
init_root[..., 1] *= -1 | |
init_root[..., 2] *= -1 | |
init_hand_pose[..., 1] *= -1 | |
init_hand_pose[..., 2] *= -1 | |
data_out["init_root_orient"] = angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix(init_root) | |
data_out["init_hand_pose"] = angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix(init_hand_pose) | |
# save camera-space results | |
pred_dict={ | |
k:v.tolist() for k, v in data_out.items() | |
} | |
pred_path = os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx), f"{frame_ck[0]}_{frame_ck[-1]}.json") | |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx))): | |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx))) | |
with open(pred_path, "w") as f: | |
json.dump(pred_dict, f, indent=1) | |
# get hand mask | |
data_out["init_root_orient"] = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_root_orient"]) | |
data_out["init_hand_pose"] = rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(data_out["init_hand_pose"]) | |
if do_flip: # left | |
outputs = run_mano_left(data_out["init_trans"], data_out["init_root_orient"], data_out["init_hand_pose"], betas=data_out["init_betas"]) | |
else: # right | |
outputs = run_mano(data_out["init_trans"], data_out["init_root_orient"], data_out["init_hand_pose"], betas=data_out["init_betas"]) | |
vertices = outputs["vertices"][0].cpu() # (T, N, 3) | |
for img_i, _ in enumerate(img_ck): | |
if do_flip: | |
faces = torch.from_numpy(faces_left).cuda() | |
else: | |
faces = torch.from_numpy(faces_right).cuda() | |
cam_R = torch.eye(3).unsqueeze(0).cuda() | |
cam_T = torch.zeros(1, 3).cuda() | |
cameras, lights = renderer.create_camera_from_cv(cam_R, cam_T) | |
verts_color = torch.tensor([0, 0, 255, 255]) / 255 | |
vertices_i = vertices[[img_i]] | |
rend, mask = renderer.render_multiple(vertices_i.unsqueeze(0).cuda(), faces, verts_color.unsqueeze(0).cuda(), cameras, lights) | |
model_masks[frame_ck[img_i]] += mask | |
model_masks = model_masks > 0 # bool | |'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/model_masks.npy', model_masks) | |
joblib.dump(frame_chunks_all, f'{seq_folder}/tracks_{start_idx}_{end_idx}/frame_chunks_all.npy') | |
return frame_chunks_all, img_focal | |
def hawor_infiller(args, start_idx, end_idx, frame_chunks_all): | |
# load infiller | |
weight_path = args.infiller_weight | |
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu') | |
ckpt = torch.load(weight_path, map_location=device) | |
pos_dim = 3 | |
shape_dim = 10 | |
num_joints = 15 | |
rot_dim = (num_joints + 1) * 6 # rot6d | |
repr_dim = 2 * (pos_dim + shape_dim + rot_dim) | |
nhead = 8 # repr_dim = 154 | |
horizon = 120 | |
filling_model = TransformerModel(seq_len=horizon, input_dim=repr_dim, d_model=384, nhead=nhead, d_hid=2048, nlayers=8, dropout=0.05, out_dim=repr_dim, masked_attention_stage=True) | | | |
filling_model.load_state_dict(ckpt['transformer_encoder_state_dict']) | |
filling_model.eval() | |
file = args.video_path | |
video_root = os.path.dirname(file) | |
video = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0] | |
seq_folder = os.path.join(video_root, video) | |
img_folder = f"{video_root}/{video}/extracted_images" | |
# Previous steps | |
imgfiles = np.array(natsorted(glob(f'{img_folder}/*.jpg'))) | |
idx2hand = ['left', 'right'] | |
filling_length = 120 | |
fpath = os.path.join(seq_folder, f"SLAM/hawor_slam_w_scale_{start_idx}_{end_idx}.npz") | |
R_w2c_sla_all, t_w2c_sla_all, R_c2w_sla_all, t_c2w_sla_all = load_slam_cam(fpath) | |
pred_trans = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 3) | |
pred_rot = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 3) | |
pred_hand_pose = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 45) | |
pred_betas = torch.zeros(2, len(imgfiles), 10) | |
pred_valid = torch.zeros((2, pred_betas.size(1))) | |
# camera space to world space | |
tid = [0, 1] | |
for k, idx in enumerate(tid): | |
frame_chunks = frame_chunks_all[idx] | |
if len(frame_chunks) == 0: | |
continue | |
for frame_ck in frame_chunks: | |
print(f"from frame {frame_ck[0]} to {frame_ck[-1]}") | |
pred_path = os.path.join(seq_folder, 'cam_space', str(idx), f"{frame_ck[0]}_{frame_ck[-1]}.json") | |
with open(pred_path, "r") as f: | |
pred_dict = json.load(f) | |
data_out = { | |
k:torch.tensor(v) for k, v in pred_dict.items() | |
} | |
R_c2w_sla = R_c2w_sla_all[frame_ck] | |
t_c2w_sla = t_c2w_sla_all[frame_ck] | |
data_world = cam2world_convert(R_c2w_sla, t_c2w_sla, data_out, 'right' if idx > 0 else 'left') | |
pred_trans[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_trans"] | |
pred_rot[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_root_orient"] | |
pred_hand_pose[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_hand_pose"].flatten(-2) | |
pred_betas[[idx], frame_ck] = data_world["init_betas"] | |
pred_valid[[idx], frame_ck] = 1 | |
# runing fillingnet for this video | |
frame_list = torch.tensor(list(range(pred_trans.size(1)))) | |
pred_valid = (pred_valid > 0).numpy() | |
for k, idx in enumerate([1, 0]): | |
missing = ~pred_valid[idx] | |
frame = frame_list[missing] | |
frame_chunks = parse_chunks_hand_frame(frame) | |
print(f"run infiller on {idx2hand[idx]} hand ...") | |
for frame_ck in tqdm(frame_chunks): | |
start_shift = -1 | |
while frame_ck[0] + start_shift >= 0 and pred_valid[:, frame_ck[0] + start_shift].sum() != 2: | |
start_shift -= 1 # Shift to find the previous valid frame as start | |
print(f"run infiller on frame {frame_ck[0] + start_shift} to frame {min(len(imgfiles)-1, frame_ck[0] + start_shift + filling_length)}") | |
frame_start = frame_ck[0] | |
filling_net_start = max(0, frame_start + start_shift) | |
filling_net_end = min(len(imgfiles)-1, filling_net_start + filling_length) | |
seq_valid = pred_valid[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] | |
filling_seq = {} | |
filling_seq['trans'] = pred_trans[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy() | |
filling_seq['rot'] = pred_rot[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy() | |
filling_seq['hand_pose'] = pred_hand_pose[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy() | |
filling_seq['betas'] = pred_betas[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end].numpy() | |
filling_seq['valid'] = seq_valid | |
# preprocess (convert to canonical + slerp) | |
filling_input, transform_w_canon = filling_preprocess(filling_seq) | |
src_mask = torch.zeros((filling_length, filling_length), device=device).type(torch.bool) | |
src_mask = | |
filling_input = torch.from_numpy(filling_input).unsqueeze(0).to(device).permute(1,0,2) # (seq_len, B, in_dim) | |
T_original = len(filling_input) | |
filling_length = 120 | |
if T_original < filling_length: | |
pad_length = filling_length - T_original | |
last_time_step = filling_input[-1, :, :] | |
padding = last_time_step.unsqueeze(0).repeat(pad_length, 1, 1) | |
filling_input =[filling_input, padding], dim=0) | |
seq_valid_padding = np.ones((2, filling_length - T_original)) | |
seq_valid_padding = np.concatenate([seq_valid, seq_valid_padding], axis=1) | |
else: | |
seq_valid_padding = seq_valid | |
T, B, _ = filling_input.shape | |
valid = torch.from_numpy(seq_valid_padding).unsqueeze(0).all(dim=1).permute(1, 0) # (T,B) | |
valid_atten = torch.from_numpy(seq_valid_padding).unsqueeze(0).all(dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # (B,1,T) | |
data_mask = torch.zeros((horizon, B, 1), device=device, dtype=filling_input.dtype) | |
data_mask[valid] = 1 | |
atten_mask = torch.ones((B, 1, horizon), | |
device=device, dtype=torch.bool) | |
atten_mask[valid_atten] = False | |
atten_mask = atten_mask.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, T, 1) # (B,1,T,T) | |
output_ck = filling_model(filling_input, src_mask, data_mask, atten_mask) | |
output_ck = output_ck.permute(1,0,2).reshape(T, 2, -1).cpu().detach() # two hands | |
output_ck = output_ck[:T_original] | |
filling_output = filling_postprocess(output_ck, transform_w_canon) | |
# repalce the missing prediciton with infiller output | |
filling_seq['trans'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['trans'][~seq_valid] | |
filling_seq['rot'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['rot'][~seq_valid] | |
filling_seq['hand_pose'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['hand_pose'][~seq_valid] | |
filling_seq['betas'][~seq_valid] = filling_output['betas'][~seq_valid] | |
pred_trans[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['trans'][:]) | |
pred_rot[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['rot'][:]) | |
pred_hand_pose[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['hand_pose'][:]) | |
pred_betas[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = torch.from_numpy(filling_seq['betas'][:]) | |
pred_valid[:, filling_net_start:filling_net_end] = 1 | |
save_path = os.path.join(seq_folder, "world_space_res.pth") | |
joblib.dump([pred_trans, pred_rot, pred_hand_pose, pred_betas, pred_valid], save_path) | |
return pred_trans, pred_rot, pred_hand_pose, pred_betas, pred_valid | |