Priyanka-Kumavat-At-TE commited on
1 Parent(s): 21c7c35


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@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def main():
  st.write("To get started, use the sidebar to navigate to the desired functionality.")
  st.write("1. **Generate User Visit History**: Select the number of users and conversion rate, and click the 'Generate' button to generate user visit history.")
  # st.write("2. **Train Model**: Upload an ML config file using the file uploader, and click the 'Train' button to train the Markov Chain Classifier model.")
- st.write("2. **Predict Conversion**: Enter the UserId for which you want to predict, and click the 'Predict' button to make predictions with the trained model.")
  # Description of MarkovChainClassifier
  mcclf_description = "The MarkovChainClassifier is a Machine Learning Classifier that utilizes the concept of Markov chains for prediction. Markov chains are mathematical models that represent a system where the future state of the system depends only on its current state, and not on the previous states. The MarkovChainClassifier uses this concept to make predictions by modeling the transition probabilities between different states or categories in the input data. It captures the probabilistic relationships between variables and uses them to classify new data points into one or more predefined categories. The MarkovChainClassifier can be useful in scenarios where the data has a sequential or time-dependent structure, and the relationships between variables can be modeled as Markov chains. It can be applied to various tasks, such as text classification, speech recognition, recommendation systems, and financial forecasting."
  st.write("To get started, use the sidebar to navigate to the desired functionality.")
  st.write("1. **Generate User Visit History**: Select the number of users and conversion rate, and click the 'Generate' button to generate user visit history.")
  # st.write("2. **Train Model**: Upload an ML config file using the file uploader, and click the 'Train' button to train the Markov Chain Classifier model.")
+ st.write("2. **Predict Conversion**: Enter the User ID for which you want to predict, and click the 'Predict' button to make predictions whether the visitor will likely to convert into customer or not.")
  # Description of MarkovChainClassifier
  mcclf_description = "The MarkovChainClassifier is a Machine Learning Classifier that utilizes the concept of Markov chains for prediction. Markov chains are mathematical models that represent a system where the future state of the system depends only on its current state, and not on the previous states. The MarkovChainClassifier uses this concept to make predictions by modeling the transition probabilities between different states or categories in the input data. It captures the probabilistic relationships between variables and uses them to classify new data points into one or more predefined categories. The MarkovChainClassifier can be useful in scenarios where the data has a sequential or time-dependent structure, and the relationships between variables can be modeled as Markov chains. It can be applied to various tasks, such as text classification, speech recognition, recommendation systems, and financial forecasting."