CardGenerator /
drakosfire's picture
removed image save from card_generator
history blame
No virus
5.81 kB
import render_card_text as rend
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import utilities as u
import ast
from urllib.request import urlopen
def save_image(image,item_key):"{item_key['Name']}.png")
# Import Inventory
#shop_inventory = inv.inventory
#purchased_item_key = shop_inventory['Shortsword']
#border_path = './card_templates/Shining Sunset Border.png'
base_path = ""
value_overlay_path = f"{base_path}Value_box_transparent.png"
test_item = {'Name': 'Pustulent Raspberry', 'Type': 'Fruit', 'Value': '1 cp', 'Properties': ['Unusual Appearance', 'Rare Taste'], 'Weight': '0.2 lb', 'Description': 'This small fruit has a pustulent appearance, with bumps and irregular shapes covering its surface. Its vibrant colors and strange texture make it an oddity among other fruits.', 'Quote': 'A fruit that defies expectations, as sweet and sour as life itself.', 'SD Prompt': 'A small fruit with vibrant colors and irregular shapes, bumps covering its surface.'}
sticker_path_dictionary = {'Default': f"{base_path}Sizzek Sticker.png",
'Common': f"{base_path}Common.png",
'Uncommon': f"{base_path}Uncommon.png",
'Rare': f"{base_path}Rare.png",
'Very Rare':f"{base_path}Very Rare.png",
# Function that takes in an image url and a dictionary and uses the values to print onto a card.
def paste_image_and_resize(base_image,sticker_path, x_position, y_position,img_width, img_height, purchased_item_key = None):
# Check for if item has a Rarity string that is in the dictionary of sticker paths
if purchased_item_key:
if sticker_path[purchased_item_key]:
sticker_path = sticker_path[purchased_item_key]
else: sticker_path = sticker_path['Default']
# Load the image to paste
image_to_paste =
# Define the new size (scale) for the image you're pasting
new_size = (img_width, img_height)
# Resize the image to the new size
image_to_paste_resized = image_to_paste.resize(new_size)
# Specify the top-left corner where the resized image will be pasted
paste_position = (x_position, y_position) # Replace x and y with the coordinates
# Paste the resized image onto the base image
base_image.paste(image_to_paste_resized, paste_position, image_to_paste_resized)
def render_text_on_card(image_path, item_name,
item_quote) :
# Card Properties
image_list = []
item_properties = ast.literal_eval(item_properties)
item_properties = '\n'.join(item_properties)
output_image_path = f"./{item_name}.png"
print(f"Saving image to {output_image_path}")
font_path = "./fonts/Balgruf.ttf"
italics_font_path = './fonts/BalgrufItalic.ttf'
initial_font_size = 50
# Title Properties
title_center_position = (395, 55)
title_area_width = 600 # Maximum width of the text box
title_area_height = 60 # Maximum height of the text box
# Type box properties
type_center_position = (384, 545)
type_area_width = 600
type_area_height = 45
type_text = item_type
if len(item_weight) >= 1:
type_text = type_text + ' '+ item_weight
if len(item_damage) >= 1 :
type_text = type_text + ' '+ item_damage
# Description box properties
description_position = (105, 630)
description_area_width = 590
description_area_height = 215
# Value box properties (This is good, do not change unless underlying textbox layout is changing)
value_position = (660,905)
value_area_width = 125
value_area_height = 50
# Quote test properties
quote_position = (110,885)
quote_area_width = 470
quote_area_height = 60
# open image and render text
image = u.open_image_from_url(image_path)
image = rend.render_text_with_dynamic_spacing(image, item_name, title_center_position, title_area_width, title_area_height,font_path,initial_font_size)
image = rend.render_text_with_dynamic_spacing(image,type_text , type_center_position, type_area_width, type_area_height,font_path,initial_font_size)
image = rend.render_text_with_dynamic_spacing(image, item_description + '\n\n' + item_properties, description_position, description_area_width, description_area_height,font_path,initial_font_size, description = True)
#Paste value overlay
paste_image_and_resize(image, value_overlay_path,x_position= 0,y_position=0, img_width= 768, img_height= 1024)
image = rend.render_text_with_dynamic_spacing(image, item_value, value_position, value_area_width, value_area_height,font_path,initial_font_size)
image = rend.render_text_with_dynamic_spacing(image, item_quote, quote_position, quote_area_width, quote_area_height,italics_font_path,initial_font_size, quote = True)
#Paste Sizzek Sticker
paste_image_and_resize(image, sticker_path_dictionary,x_position= 0,y_position=909, img_width= 115, img_height= 115, purchased_item_key= item_rarity)
# Add blur, gives it a less artificial look, put into list and return the list since gallery requires lists
image = image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(.5))
return image_list