text-generation / app.py
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from transformers import pipeline, set_seed
import gradio as gr
classifier = pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2')
def generate_text(text, gen_length):
gen_text = classifier(text, max_length=gen_length)[0]['generated_text']
return gen_text
Instructuction = "Browse the internet to download any unique image"
title="Text generation playground"
description = "Start writing a peice of text in the input box\
and see how well the text generation language model\
is able to generate new text that uniquely completes your sentences."
article = """
- Write a text in the input box and specify the length of text.
- Also you can select a quick example to continue.
- Click submit button to generate new text.
- Click clear button to try new text generation.
# Gradio app design
interface = gr.Interface(
inputs = ['text', gr.Slider(20, 120, value=80, step=1)],
title = title,
description = description,
article = article,
allow_flagging = "never",
#theme = "peach",
#live = False,
examples=[["Agriculture is very fundamental to",
50], ["I will tell a story about",