"""Colors for the console""" | |
ULTRASINGER_HEAD = "\033[92m[UltraSinger]\033[0m" | |
def blue_highlighted(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Returns a blue highlighted text""" | |
return f"{}{text}{Bcolors.endc}" | |
def gold_highlighted(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Returns a gold highlighted text""" | |
return f"{}{text}{Bcolors.endc}" | |
def light_blue_highlighted(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Returns a light blue highlighted text""" | |
return f"{Bcolors.light_blue}{text}{Bcolors.endc}" | |
def underlined(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Returns an underlined text""" | |
return f"{Bcolors.underline}{text}{Bcolors.endc}" | |
def red_highlighted(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Returns a red highlighted text""" | |
return f"{}{text}{Bcolors.endc}" | |
def cyan_highlighted(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Returns a cyan highlighted text""" | |
return f"{Bcolors.cyan}{text}{Bcolors.endc}" | |
class Bcolors: | |
"""Colors for the console""" | |
blue = "\033[94m" | |
red = "\033[91m" | |
light_blue = "\033[96m" | |
cyan = "\033[36m" | |
gold = "\033[93m" | |
underline = "\033[4m" | |
endc = "\033[0m" | |