import torch | |
import math | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from transformers import BertTokenizer | |
from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert import BertLMHeadModel as BertLMHeadModelRaw | |
from .qformer import BertConfig | |
from .qformer import BertLMHeadModel as BertLMHeadModelQF | |
class VlmAttention(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_args, vision_tower): | |
super().__init__() | |
pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter = getattr(model_args, "pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter", None) | |
pretrain_qformer = getattr(model_args, "mm_vlmattention_pretrained", None) | |
self.bert_type = getattr(model_args, "mm_vlmattention_bert_type", "qformer") | |
self.num_query = getattr(model_args, "mm_vlmattention_num_query", 32) | |
self.compress_type = getattr(model_args, "mm_vlmattention_compress_type", None) | |
self.mm_hidden_size = self.hidden_size = vision_tower.hidden_size | |
self.mm_vision_select_feature = model_args.mm_vision_select_feature | |
self.language_hidden_size = 4096 | |
for_eval = True | |
if 'pretrain' in self.bert_type: | |
# for qformer that use evaclip for prtrain | |
att_feat_size = 1408 | |
else: | |
att_feat_size = self.mm_hidden_size | |
self.vlm_att_tokenlizer, self.vlm_att_encoder, self.vlm_att_query = self.init_bert(att_feat_size, truncation_side="left") | |
self.vlm_att_projector = torch.nn.Linear(self.vlm_att_encoder.config.hidden_size, self.mm_hidden_size) | |
self.vlm_att_key_projector = torch.nn.Linear(self.mm_hidden_size, self.mm_hidden_size) | |
self.vlm_att_val_projector = torch.nn.Linear(self.mm_hidden_size, self.language_hidden_size) | |
if "raw" in self.bert_type: | |
self.vlm_att_bert_proj = torch.nn.Linear(att_feat_size, self.vlm_att_encoder.config.hidden_size) | |
elif "pretrain" in self.bert_type and self.mm_hidden_size!=att_feat_size: | |
self.vlm_att_bert_proj = torch.nn.Linear(self.mm_hidden_size, att_feat_size) | |
else: | |
self.vlm_att_bert_proj = None | |
def get_w(weights, keyword): | |
return {k.split(keyword + '.')[1]: v for k, v in weights.items() if keyword in k} | |
if 'qformer_pretrain' in self.bert_type: | |
self.vlm_att_ln = torch.nn.LayerNorm(att_feat_size) | |
if pretrain_qformer is not None: | |
print("Loading pretrained qformer weights...") | |
qformer_weight = torch.load(pretrain_qformer, map_location='cpu')['model'] | |
bert_weight = {_key: qformer_weight[_key] for _key in qformer_weight if 'bert' in _key} | |
self.vlm_att_encoder.load_state_dict(get_w(bert_weight, 'Qformer')) | |
self.vlm_att_ln.load_state_dict(get_w(qformer_weight, 'ln_vision')) | | = qformer_weight['query_tokens'] | |
if 'freeze_all' in self.bert_type: | |
print("Freezing all qformer weights...") | |
self.vlm_att_encoder.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_ln.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_query.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_projector.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_key_projector.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_val_projector.requires_grad_(False) | |
elif 'freeze' in self.bert_type: | |
print("Freezing pretrained qformer weights...") | |
self.vlm_att_encoder.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_ln.requires_grad_(False) | |
self.vlm_att_query.requires_grad_(False) | |
if pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter is not None: | |
att_projector_weights = torch.load(pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter, map_location='cpu') | |
else: | |
trainable_module = ['vlm_att_encoder', 'vlm_att_projector', 'vlm_att_key_projector', | |
'vlm_att_val_projector', 'vlm_att_query', 'vlm_att_visual_proj', | |
'vlm_att_ln'] | |
if hasattr(model_args, 'model_name_or_path'): | |
model_save_path = model_args.model_name_or_path | |
else: | |
model_save_path = model_args.model_path | |
model_idx_path = getattr(model_args, 'model_path', model_save_path) | |
weight_file = json.load(open(os.path.join(model_idx_path, 'pytorch_model.bin.index.json'), 'r'))['weight_map'] | |
model_path = set([weight_file[_key] for _key in weight_file if any([_module in _key for _module in trainable_module])]) | |
att_projector_weights = {} | |
for _model in model_path: | |
att_projector_weights.update(torch.load(os.path.join(model_idx_path, _model), map_location='cpu')) | |
if len(att_projector_weights) == 0: | |
return | |
bert_dict = get_w(att_projector_weights, 'vlm_att_encoder') | |
if "bert.embeddings.position_ids" not in bert_dict and "raw_bert" not in self.bert_type: | |
bert_dict["bert.embeddings.position_ids"] = self.vlm_att_encoder.bert.embeddings.position_ids | |
print('Loading pretrained weights...') | |
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace() | |
self.vlm_att_encoder.load_state_dict(bert_dict) | |
self.vlm_att_projector.load_state_dict(get_w(att_projector_weights, 'vlm_att_projector')) | |
self.vlm_att_key_projector.load_state_dict(get_w(att_projector_weights, 'vlm_att_key_projector')) | |
self.vlm_att_val_projector.load_state_dict(get_w(att_projector_weights, 'vlm_att_val_projector')) | |
if "qformer" in self.bert_type: | |
print('Loading vlm_att_query weights...') | | = att_projector_weights['model.vlm_att_query'] | |
if "pretrain" in self.bert_type: | |
print('Loading vlm_att_ln weights...') | |
self.vlm_att_ln.load_state_dict(get_w(att_projector_weights, 'vlm_att_ln')) | |
if self.vlm_att_bert_proj is not None: | |
print('Loading vlm_att_bert_proj weights...') | |
self.vlm_att_bert_proj.load_state_dict(get_w(att_projector_weights, 'vlm_att_bert_proj')) | |
if for_eval: | |
weight_type = torch.float16 | |
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace() | |
# device_type = self.mm_projector[0].weight.device | |
device_type = vision_tower.vision_tower.patch_embed.proj.weight.device | |
self.vlm_att_encoder =, dtype=weight_type) | |
self.vlm_att_projector =, dtype=weight_type) | |
self.vlm_att_key_projector =, dtype=weight_type) | |
self.vlm_att_val_projector =, dtype=weight_type) | |
if "qformer" in self.bert_type: | | =, dtype=weight_type) | |
if "pretrain" in self.bert_type: | |
self.vlm_att_ln =, dtype=weight_type) | |
if self.vlm_att_bert_proj is not None: | |
self.vlm_att_bert_proj =, dtype=weight_type) | |
def forward(self, image_features, prompts=None, image_counts=None, long_video=False): | |
img_feat_lst = [] | |
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace() | |
if image_counts is None: | |
assert len(image_features) == len(prompts), f"Size mismatch! image_features: {len(image_features)}, prompts: {len(prompts)}" | |
else: | |
assert len(prompts) == len(image_counts), f"Size mismatch! prompts: {len(prompts)}, image_counts: {len(image_counts)}" | |
image_atts = torch.ones(image_features.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(image_features.device) | |
total_count = 0 | |
# calculate each image feat according to the prompt | |
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace() | |
for _idx in range(len(prompts)): | |
assert isinstance(prompts[_idx], list), f"Prompt should be a list, but got {type(prompts[_idx])}" | |
input_token = self.vlm_att_tokenlizer( | |
prompts[_idx], | |
padding='longest', | |
truncation=True, | |
max_length=256, | |
return_tensors="pt" | |
).to(image_features.device) | |
input_ids = input_token.input_ids | |
attention_masks = input_token.attention_mask | |
if image_counts is None: | |
img_feat_prompt = image_features[_idx, None].expand(len(prompts[_idx]), -1, -1) | |
img_att_prompt = image_atts[_idx, None].expand(len(prompts[_idx]), -1) | |
else: | |
# shape: [prompt_num*frame_num, image_shape, feat_dim] | |
img_feat_prompt = image_features[total_count:total_count+image_counts[_idx]] | |
img_feat_prompt = img_feat_prompt[None].expand(len(prompts[_idx]), -1, -1, -1).flatten(0,1) | |
img_att_prompt = image_atts[total_count:total_count+image_counts[_idx]] | |
img_att_prompt = img_att_prompt[None].expand(len(prompts[_idx]), -1, -1).flatten(0,1) | |
input_ids = input_ids[:,None].expand(-1, image_counts[_idx], -1).flatten(0,1) | |
attention_masks = attention_masks[:,None].expand(-1, image_counts[_idx], -1).flatten(0,1) | |
total_count += image_counts[_idx] | |
if "pretrain" in self.bert_type and self.vlm_att_bert_proj is not None: | |
bert_feat = self.vlm_att_bert_proj(img_feat_prompt) | |
else: | |
bert_feat = img_feat_prompt.clone() | |
# remove cls embedding | |
if self.mm_vision_select_feature == 'patch': | |
if img_feat_prompt.shape[1]%2 == 1: | |
img_feat_prompt = img_feat_prompt[:, 1:] | |
if "qformer" in self.bert_type: | |
query_tokens = self.vlm_att_query.expand(bert_feat.shape[0], -1, -1) | |
query_atts =[torch.ones(query_tokens.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(bert_feat.device), | |
attention_masks],dim=1) | |
if 'pretrain' in self.bert_type: | |
mm_img_in = self.vlm_att_ln(bert_feat) | |
else: | |
mm_img_in = bert_feat | |
if long_video: | |
outputs = [] | |
block_size = 64 | |
for L in range(0, len(input_ids), block_size): | |
R = L + block_size | |
mm_output = self.vlm_att_encoder.bert( | |
input_ids[L:R], | |
query_embeds=query_tokens[L:R], | |
attention_mask=query_atts[L:R], | |
encoder_hidden_states=mm_img_in[L:R], | |
encoder_attention_mask=img_att_prompt[L:R], | |
return_dict=True, | |
) | |
mm_output = mm_output.last_hidden_state[:,:query_tokens.shape[1]] | |
outputs.append(mm_output) | |
mm_output = | |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
else: | |
mm_output = self.vlm_att_encoder.bert( | |
input_ids, | |
query_embeds=query_tokens, | |
attention_mask=query_atts, | |
encoder_hidden_states=mm_img_in, | |
encoder_attention_mask=img_att_prompt, | |
return_dict=True, | |
) | |
mm_output = mm_output.last_hidden_state[:,:query_tokens.shape[1]] | |
elif "raw" in self.bert_type: | |
if self.mm_vision_select_feature == 'patch' and bert_feat.shape[1]%2 == 1: | |
bert_feat = bert_feat[:, 1:] | |
img_att_prompt = img_att_prompt[:, 1:] | |
mm_output = self.vlm_att_encoder.bert( | |
input_ids, | |
attention_mask=attention_masks, | |
encoder_hidden_states=self.vlm_att_bert_proj(bert_feat), | |
encoder_attention_mask=img_att_prompt, | |
return_dict=True, | |
) | |
mm_output = mm_output.last_hidden_state | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected bert type: {self.bert_type}') | |
text_q = self.vlm_att_projector(mm_output) | |
# shape: [prompt_num*frame_num, feat_dim] | |
# ctx_embed,vis_embed = self.token_generation(text_q, img_feat_prompt, long_video=long_video) | |
final_token = self.token_generation(text_q, img_feat_prompt, long_video=long_video) | |
if image_counts is not None: | |
# shape: [prompt_num, frame_num*image_shape, feat_dim] | |
final_token = final_token.reshape(len(prompts[_idx]), image_counts[_idx], *final_token.shape[-2:]) | |
final_token = final_token.flatten(1,2) | |
img_feat_lst.append(final_token) | |
return img_feat_lst | |
def init_bert(self, vision_width, cross_attention_freq=2, truncation_side="right"): | |
# initialize BERT tokenizer | |
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased", truncation_side=truncation_side) | |
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"bos_token": "[DEC]"}) | |
# initialize BERT | |
encoder_config = BertConfig.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") | |
encoder_config.encoder_width = vision_width | |
# insert cross-attention layer every other block | |
encoder_config.add_cross_attention = True | |
encoder_config.cross_attention_freq = cross_attention_freq | |
query_tokens = None | |
if "qformer" in self.bert_type: | |
mm_model = BertLMHeadModelQF.from_pretrained( | |
"bert-base-uncased", config=encoder_config | |
) | |
query_tokens = nn.Parameter( | |
torch.zeros(1, self.num_query, encoder_config.hidden_size) | |
) | |, std=encoder_config.initializer_range) | |
elif "raw" in self.bert_type: | |
encoder_config.is_decoder = True | |
mm_model = BertLMHeadModelRaw.from_pretrained( | |
"bert-base-uncased", config=encoder_config | |
) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError("BERT type not implemented...") | |
mm_model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)) | |
mm_model.cls = None | |
if "layer" in self.bert_type: | |
layer_num = int(self.bert_type.split(':')[-1]) | |
mm_model.bert.encoder.layer = mm_model.bert.encoder.layer[:layer_num] | |
print(f"Only use {layer_num} layers in BERT...") | |
return tokenizer, mm_model, query_tokens | |
def token_generation(self, text_q, vis_embed, long_video=False): | |
ctx_embed = self.vlm_att_key_projector(vis_embed) | |
# Key part 1: calculate context-related embedding | |
ctx_embed = text_q @ ctx_embed.transpose(-1,-2) | |
ctx_embed = ctx_embed / (vis_embed.shape[-1] ** 0.5) | |
if not long_video: | |
ctx_embed = (ctx_embed.softmax(-1) @ vis_embed).mean(1) | |
else: | |
block_size = 64 | |
outputs = [] | |
ctx_score = ctx_embed.softmax(-1) | |
for L in range(0, len(ctx_score), block_size): | |
R = L + block_size | |
sub_embed = (ctx_score[L:R] @ vis_embed[L:R]).mean(1) | |
outputs.append(sub_embed) | |
ctx_embed = | |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
ctx_embed = self.vlm_att_val_projector(ctx_embed[:,None]) | |
# Key part 2: calculate visual embedding | |
if self.compress_type is not None: | |
if 'grid' in self.compress_type: | |
grid_size = int(self.compress_type.split('grid:')[-1]) | |
cur_shape = int(vis_embed.shape[1]**0.5) | |
assert grid_size > 1, f'Grid size should be larger than 1, but got {grid_size}' | |
vis_embed = vis_embed.reshape(vis_embed.shape[0], cur_shape, cur_shape, -1) | |
grid_stride = cur_shape // grid_size | |
vis_embed = F.avg_pool2d(vis_embed.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), | |
padding=0, | |
kernel_size=grid_stride, | |
stride=grid_stride) | |
vis_embed = vis_embed.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).flatten(1,2) | |
elif 'mean' in self.compress_type: | |
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace() | |
vis_embed = vis_embed.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) | |
# import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() | |
# concat token in shape (B, n+1, C) | |
vis_embed = self.mm_projector(vis_embed) | |
final_token =[ctx_embed, vis_embed], dim=1) | |
return final_token | |
def config(self): | |
return { | |
'mm_resampler_type': 'vlm_attention', | |
'mm_vlmattention_bert_type': self.bert_type, | |
'mm_vlmattention_num_query': self.num_query, | |
'mm_vlmattention_compress_type': self.compress_type, | |
} | |