No application file
No application file
import openai; | |
import json, os,sys | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
load_dotenv() | |
openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") | |
from Candidate import JobCandidate | |
def printc(obj, color="cyan"): | |
color_code = { | |
"black": "30", "red": "31", "green": "32", "yellow": "33", | |
"blue": "34", "magenta": "35", "cyan": "36", "white": "37" | |
} | |
colored_text = f"\033[{color_code[color]}m{obj}\033[0m" if color in color_code else obj | |
print(colored_text) | |
LLM=os.environ.get("COMPARATOR_LLM","gpt-4-0613") | |
# LLM=os.environ.get("COMPARATOR_LLM","gpt-3.5-turbo-1106") | |
def getContent(resumeA: str, resumeB: str) -> str: | |
return ( | |
"Given the following two SWE candidates, choose between the two. Here is the rubric: " | |
+ get_rubric() | |
+ "Candidate A: " | |
+ "\nRESUME:\n" +resumeA+"\nEND Resume\n" | |
+ " END OF Candidate A" | |
+ "\n\nCandidate B: " | |
+ "\nRESUME:\n" +resumeB+"\nEND Resume\n" | |
+ " END OF Candidate B" | |
) | |
def compare_resumes(content:str, nameA="", nameB=""): | |
choice =0 | |
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( | |
model=LLM, | |
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": content}], | |
functions=[ | |
{ | |
"name": "selectCanidate", | |
"description": "choose between the two canidates", | |
"parameters": { | |
"type": "object", | |
"properties": { | |
"choice_num": { | |
"type": "integer", | |
"description": "1 for Candidate A is the best fit, 2 for Candidate B is the best fit", | |
"required": ["choice_num"], | |
}, | |
"justifcation": { | |
"type": "string", | |
"description": "justifcation for why you chose the candidate max 25 words", | |
"required": ["justifcation"], | |
}, | |
} | |
}, | |
} | |
], | |
function_call="auto", | |
) | |
message = response["choices"][0]["message"] | |
if message.get("function_call"): | |
function_name = message["function_call"]["name"] | |
try: | |
function_args = json.loads(message["function_call"]["arguments"]) | |
choice = (int(function_args["choice_num"])) | |
except: | |
printc("eroor","red") | |
printc(message["function_call"],'red') | |
return 1 | |
if function_name == "selectCanidate": | |
if choice==1: | |
printc(nameA+" wins over "+nameB,"cyan") | |
elif choice==2: | |
printc(nameB+" wins over "+nameA,"green") | |
printc(function_args["justifcation"],"yellow") | |
return choice | |
def get_rubric(): | |
text = open("rubric.txt","r").read() | |
return "\nRubric:\n" +str(text)+"\nEND Rubric\n" | |
def comp(candidateA:JobCandidate, candidateB:JobCandidate, rub_id:int=0 ) -> int: | |
comp_table= json.load(open("comparisons.json","r")) | |
tag= ("#""#"+str(rub_id)) | |
inv_tag= ("#""#"+str(rub_id)) | |
if tag in comp_table: | |
return comp_table[tag] | |
elif inv_tag in comp_table: | |
return comp_table[inv_tag] * -1 | |
else: | |
choice = compare_resumes(getContent(candidateA.resume_text, candidateB.resume_text),, | |
if choice == 1: | |
choice = -1 | |
elif choice == 2: | |
choice = 1 | |
comp_table[tag]=choice | |
json.dump(comp_table, open("comparisons.json","w")) | |
return choice | |
def bubble_sort(candidates: list) -> list: | |
n = len(candidates) | |
for i in range(n): | |
swapped = False | |
for j in range(0, n-i-1): | |
if candidates[j].email == candidates[j+1].email: | |
continue | |
elif comp(candidates[j], candidates[j+1]) > 0: | |
candidates[j], candidates[j+1] = candidates[j+1], candidates[j] | |
swapped = True | |
if not swapped: | |
break | |
return candidates | |