Solshine's picture
690df34 verified
import streamlit as st
from gtts import gTTS
from io import BytesIO
import torch
import torchaudio
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
from whisperspeech.pipeline import Pipeline
st.image('OIG3 (4).jpeg', caption='Your host on this PDF-to-Speech adventure!')
st.write("⏳ Loading WhisperSpeech Pipeline βŒ›")
pipe = Pipeline(torch_compile=True)
# TTS pipeline
x = st.slider('Select the number of pages you wish to transcribe')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", "pdf")
if uploaded_file is not None:
# creating a pdf reader object
reader = PdfReader(uploaded_file)
# printing number of pages in pdf file
X = len(reader.pages)
i = 0
while i <= X and i <= x:
# getting a specific page from the pdf file
page = reader.pages[i]
# extracting text from page
text = page.extract_text()
print("Created text of page", i )
# Generate audio for the current page using a unique filename
page_audio_file = f"output_{i}.wav"
pipe.generate_to_file(page_audio_file, text)
# Display the generated audio using
with open(page_audio_file, "rb") as audio_file:
# sound_file = BytesIO()
# tts = gTTS(text, lang='en')
# tts.write_to_fp(sound_file)
print("Read aloud", i, "pages of", X, "total pages.")
i = i + 1
st.write("πŸŽ‰ That's the whole PDF! Have an awesome day! πŸŽ‰")
prompt = st.chat_input("Copy/Paste or type in text to have read aloud")
if prompt:
with st.popover("✨ Open your text-to-speech from text input ✨"):
#sound_file = BytesIO()
#tts = gTTS(prompt, lang='en')
# Generate audio for the current page using a unique filename
page_audio_file = f"output_{i}.wav"
pipe.generate_to_file(page_audio_file, text)
# Display the generated audio using
with open(page_audio_file, "rb") as audio_file: