Sidharth1603's picture
11c5561 verified
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the model
model_path = './model-0.9980.hdf5'
model = load_model(model_path)
except OSError:
print("Error: Could not load the model. Please check the path.")
# Define class labels
class_labels = {
0: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Benign, Tumour Class = Adenoma',
1: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Benign, Tumour Class = Angiomyolipoma',
2: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Benign, Tumour Class = Angiomyolipoma ',
3: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Benign, Tumour Class = Angiomyolipoma and Adenomas',
4: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Benign, Tumour Class = Lipomas',
5: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = RCC',
6: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = RCC ',
7: 'Stage = I, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = Secondary',
8: 'Stage = II, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = RCC',
9: 'Stage = II, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = Secondary',
10: 'Stage = III, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = RCC',
11: 'Stage = IV, Situation = Tumor, Tumour Type = Malignant, Tumour Class = Secondary',
12: 'Stage = Null, Situation = Normal case with cyst, Tumour Type = Null, Tumour Class = Null',
13: 'Stage = Null, Situation = Normal case, Tumour Type = Null, Tumour Class = Null'
def predict_class(image):
# Convert image to numpy array and preprocess
img_array = img_to_array(image)
img_array = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0)
img_array = img_array / 255.0
predictions = model.predict(img_array)
predicted_class_indices = np.argsort(predictions[0])[::-1][:5] # Get top 5 indices
# Create label_confidences dictionary
label_confidences = {
class_labels[idx]: float(predictions[0][idx])
for idx in predicted_class_indices
# Get top predicted class and probability
top_predicted_class = max(label_confidences, key=label_confidences.get)
top_probability = label_confidences[top_predicted_class]
top_predicted_class = top_predicted_class.replace(","," :: ")
# Return top class and probability
return top_predicted_class, top_probability
# Create Gradio interface
input = gr.Image(label="Upload Kidney CT Image")
output = [gr.Label(label="Top Predicted Class", type="text"), gr.Label(label="Probabilities", type="text")]
interface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Image(shape=(256,256),label="Upload Kidney CT Image"),
outputs=[gr.Label(label="Top Predicted Class", type="text"), gr.Label(label="Probabilities", type="text")],
title="ResNext-Powered Kidney Tumour Detection",
description="Upload a CT image to classify the tumor and get the top predicted class with its probabilities.",
# Launch the interface