Joshue Jadie
updated web app
history blame
No virus
6.32 kB
import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from random import randint
import threading
import style
from utils import *
st.set_page_config(page_title="Animefy", page_icon="images/animefy_logo.png")
model_lock = threading.Lock()
# remove "Made with Streamlit" footer text
# uncomment "#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}" to also remove the default Streamlit hamburger menu
hide_streamlit = """
#MainMenu {
visibility: hidden;
footer {
visibility: hidden;
header {
visibility: hidden;
st.markdown(hide_streamlit, unsafe_allow_html=True)
def imageResCheck (image):
# load and preprocess input image as a NumPy array
image = np.asarray(load_input_image(image))
image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2]
if (image_height <= 2160 and image_width <= 2160):
return True
return False
# randomizer. a workaround for clearing the contents of the file_uploader
if 'uploader_key' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['uploader_key'] = str(randint(1000, 100000000))
# home page title and caption
# ✨ Animefy ✨
Convert your photos into **anime** with _ease_ using **AnimeGAN**.
# main container of the page
page_container = st.empty()
# store home page contents inside page_container
home_page = page_container.container()
# step #1
### Step #1: Upload the photo that you would like to process!
# just some notes for the user
with home_page.expander("📣 Here are some things to take note of...", expanded=True):
* Do note that AnimeGAN works best with images containing **sceneries without people**.
* For best results, use images that **do not** contain human subjects.
* Fore more information on AnimeGAN, click [here](
# upload image functionality
uploaded_image = home_page.file_uploader(
"If you're ready, you can now upload your image here:", type=['png','jpg','jpeg'], key=st.session_state['uploader_key']
# some checking if the image resolution is valid
# being done only for performance purposes.
if uploaded_image is not None:
isValidImage = imageResCheck(uploaded_image)
isValidImage = False
# warning
if uploaded_image is not None and not isValidImage:
st.caption("**Warning:** For better performance, please upload an image that will not exceed a resolution of **2160x2160**.")
# if there is an uploaded image, show next steps
if isValidImage:
# just a preview of the uploaded image
#### Uploaded Image
Here's your photo! Just upload another one if you would like to change it 😉
# step #2
### Step #2: Now, select your preferred animation style!
# drop down list for anime style to be applied to image
anime_style = home_page.selectbox (
'Your preferred animation style:',
('Paprika', 'Shinkai', 'Hayao')
# just some more notes for the user
with home_page.expander("🤔 What are these animation styles?", expanded=False):
These styles were derived from the works of various directors! Some of these might be familiar to you:
* Satoshi Kon: **Paprika**
* Makoto **Shinkai**: Your Name, 5 Centimeters per Second, Weathering with You
* **Hayao** Miyazaki: Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke
🔍 Here are some sample images for you:
st.image('images/sample.png'), caption="Image from")
# stylize image
home_page.markdown("If you're all set, then let's proceed! 😄")
stylize_btn = home_page.button("Stylize!")
# if "stylize" button is clicked,
if stylize_btn:
# remove processing page contents
with st.spinner('Hold on... Please do not close this tab....'):
# spinner (while processing image)
with st.spinner('Hold on... Processing your image...'):
# stylize input image and produce output
output_image = style.stylize(anime_style, uploaded_image)
# step #3
### Step #3: Download your image!
# display original and output images
Here's a before and after!
# prepare output image for downloading
imageRGB = cv.cvtColor(output_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_encode = cv.imencode('.jpg', imageRGB)[1]
data_encode = np.array(img_encode)
byte_encode = data_encode.tobytes()
before_col, after_col = st.columns(2)
with before_col:
# clamp and channels are used since OpenCV was used in processing the image
st.image(uploaded_image, clamp=True, channels='RGB')
with after_col:
# clamp and channels are used since OpenCV was used in processing the image
st.image(output_image, clamp=True, channels='RGB')
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4)
with col1:
with col2:
# retry message
# st.markdown('Not satisfied? Click this to retry!')
# retry button
retry_btn = st.button("Try another image")
if retry_btn:
with col3:
# some instruction for downloading
# st.write("Finally, just download your _anime-fied_ image!")
# download button
st.download_button('Download Image', byte_encode, 'output.jpg', 'jpg')
with col4:
# randomizer. just another workaround.
st.session_state['uploader_key'] = str(randint(1000, 100000000))