Seetha's picture
history blame
No virus
19.7 kB
# import all packages
import requests
import streamlit as st
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
# tokenizer
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, DistilBertTokenizerFast
# sequence tagging model + training-related
from transformers import DistilBertForTokenClassification, Trainer, TrainingArguments
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import json
import sys
import os
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from pandas import read_csv
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import sklearn.model_selection
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
import math
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import json
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import nltk"punkt")
import string
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, Trainer, TrainingArguments, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoConfig
import torch
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler
import itertools
import json
import glob
from transformers import TextClassificationPipeline, TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
from transformers import pipeline
import pickle
import urllib.request
import csv
import pdfplumber
import pathlib
import shutil
import webbrowser
from streamlit.components.v1 import html
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
import io
from datasets import load_dataset
import huggingface_hub
from huggingface_hub import Repository
from datetime import datetime
import pathlib as Path
from requests import get
import urllib.request
import gradio as gr
from gradio import inputs, outputs
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('Seetha/Visualization', streaming=True)
df = pd.Dataframe.from_dict(dataset['train'])
def main():
st.title("Text to Causal Knowledge Graph")
st.sidebar.title("Please upload your text documents in one file here:")
seed = 1
k1= 5
text_list = []
causal_sents = []
uploaded_file = None
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose a file", type = "pdf")
uploaded_file = PdfReader('sample_anno.pdf')
st.error("Please upload your own PDF to be analyzed")
if uploaded_file is not None:
reader = PdfReader(uploaded_file)
for page in reader.pages:
text = page.extract_text()
st.error("Please upload your own PDF to be analyzed")
text_list_final = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in text_list]
text_list_final = re.sub('"', '', str(text_list_final))
sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(text_list_final)
result =[]
for i in sentences:
result1 = i.lower()
result2 = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','',result1)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") #bert-base-uncased
model_path = "checkpoint-2850"
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path,id2label={0:'non-causal',1:'causal'})
pipe1 = pipeline("text-classification", model=model,tokenizer=tokenizer)
for sent in result:
pred = pipe1(sent)
for lab in pred:
if lab['label'] == 'causal': #causal
model_name = "distilbert-base-cased"
tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)
model_path1 = "DistilBertforTokenclassification"
model = DistilBertForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_path1) #len(unique_tags),, num_labels= 7, , id2label={0:'CT',1:'E',2:'C',3:'O'}
pipe = pipeline('ner', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,aggregation_strategy='simple') #grouped_entities=True
sentence_pred = []
class_list = []
entity_list = []
for k in causal_sents:
pred= pipe(k)
for i in pred:
filename = 'Checkpoint-classification.sav'
loaded_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
loaded_vectorizer = pickle.load(open('vectorizefile_classification.pickle', 'rb'))
pipeline_test_output = loaded_vectorizer.transform(class_list)
predicted = loaded_model.predict(pipeline_test_output)
pred1 = predicted
level0 = []
count =0
for i in predicted:
if i == 3:
count +=1
count +=1
list_pred = {0: 'Customers',1:'Employees',2:'Investors',3:'Non-performance',4:'Society',5:'Unclassified'}
pred_val = [list_pred[i] for i in pred1]
for ind,(sent,preds) in enumerate(zip(class_list,pred_val)):
if 'customers' in sent or 'client' in sent or 'consumer' in sent or 'user' in sent:
pred_val[ind] = 'Customers'
elif 'investor' in sent or 'finance' in sent or 'shareholder' in sent or 'stockholder' in sent or 'owners' in sent:
pred_val[ind] = 'Investors'
elif 'employee' in sent or 'worker' in sent or 'staff' in sent:
pred_val[ind] = 'Employees'
elif 'society' in sent or 'societal' in sent or 'social responsib*' in sent or 'social performance' in sent or 'community' in sent:
pred_val[ind] = 'Society'
sent_id, unique = pd.factorize(sentence_pred)
final_list = pd.DataFrame(
{'Id': sent_id,
'Fullsentence': sentence_pred,
'Component': class_list,
'causeOrEffect': entity_list,
'Labellevel1': level0,
'Labellevel2': pred_val
s = final_list['Component'].shift(-1)
m = s.str.startswith('##', na=False)
final_list.loc[m, 'Component'] += (' ' + s[m])
final_list1 = final_list[~final_list['Component'].astype(str).str.startswith('##')]
li = []
uni = final_list1['Id'].unique()
for i in uni:
df_new = final_list1[final_list1['Id'] == i]
uni1 = df_new['Id'].unique()
# if 'E' not in df_new.values:
# li.append(uni1)
# out = np.concatenate(li).ravel()
# li_pan = pd.DataFrame(out,columns=['Id'])
# df3 = pd.merge(final_list1, li_pan[['Id']], on='Id', how='left', indicator=True) \
# .query("_merge == 'left_only'") \
# .drop("_merge",axis=1)
df3 = final_list1
#df = df3.groupby(['Id','Fullsentence','causeOrEffect', 'Labellevel1', 'Labellevel2'])['Component'].apply(', '.join).reset_index()
#df = df3
df3["causeOrEffect"].replace({"C": "cause", "E": "effect"}, inplace=True)
df_final = df3[df3['causeOrEffect'] != 'CT']
df3['New string'] = df_final['Component'].replace(r'[##]+', ' ', regex=True)
df_final = df_final.drop("Component",axis=1)
df_final.insert(2, "Component", df3['New string'], True)
df_final1 = df_final[df_final['Component'].str.split().str.len().gt(1)]
#st.write(df_final[df_final['Component'].str.len() != 1])
# buffer = io.BytesIO()
# with pd.ExcelWriter(buffer, engine="xlsxwriter") as writer:
# df_final.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Sheet1", index=False)
# writer.close()
count_NP_NP = 0
count_NP_investor = 0
count_NP_customer = 0
count_NP_employees = 0
count_NP_society = 0
count_inv_np = 0
count_inv_investor = 0
count_inv_customer = 0
count_inv_employee = 0
count_inv_society = 0
count_cus_np = 0
count_cus_investor = 0
count_cus_customer = 0
count_cus_employee = 0
count_cus_society = 0
count_emp_np = 0
count_emp_investor = 0
count_emp_customer = 0
count_emp_employee = 0
count_emp_society = 0
count_soc_np = 0
count_soc_investor = 0
count_soc_customer = 0
count_soc_employee = 0
count_soc_society = 0
for i in range(0,df_final['Id'].max()):
j = df_final.loc[df_final['Id'] == i]
cause_tab = j.loc[j['causeOrEffect'] == 'cause']
effect_tab = j.loc[j['causeOrEffect'] == 'effect']
cause_coun_NP = (cause_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
effect_coun_NP = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_coun_NP > 0):
count_NP = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_coun_NP else effect_coun_NP
count_NP = 0
effect_NP_inv = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Investors').sum()
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_inv > 0):
count_NP_inv = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_inv else effect_NP_inv
count_NP_inv = 0
effect_NP_cus = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Customers').sum()
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_cus > 0):
count_NP_cus = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_cus else effect_NP_cus
count_NP_cus = 0
effect_NP_emp = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Employees').sum()
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_emp > 0):
count_NP_emp = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_emp else effect_NP_emp
count_NP_emp = 0
effect_NP_soc = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Society').sum()
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_soc > 0):
count_NP_soc = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_soc else effect_NP_soc
count_NP_soc = 0
cause_coun_inv = (cause_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Investors').sum()
effect_coun_inv = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_coun_inv > 0):
count_NP_inv = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_coun_inv else effect_coun_inv
count_NP_inv = 0
effect_inv_inv = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Investors').sum()
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_inv > 0):
count_inv_inv = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_inv else effect_inv_inv
count_inv_inv = 0
effect_inv_cus = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Customers').sum()
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_cus > 0):
count_inv_cus = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_cus else effect_inv_cus
count_inv_cus = 0
effect_inv_emp = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Employees').sum()
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_emp > 0):
count_inv_emp = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_emp else effect_inv_emp
count_inv_emp = 0
effect_inv_soc = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Society').sum()
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_soc > 0):
count_inv_soc = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_soc else effect_inv_soc
count_inv_soc = 0
cause_coun_cus = (cause_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Customers').sum()
effect_coun_cus = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_coun_cus > 0):
count_NP_cus = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_coun_cus else effect_coun_cus
count_NP_cus = 0
effect_cus_inv = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Investors').sum()
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_inv > 0):
count_cus_inv = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_inv else effect_cus_inv
count_cus_inv = 0
effect_cus_cus = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Customers').sum()
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_cus > 0):
count_cus_cus = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_cus else effect_cus_cus
count_cus_cus = 0
effect_cus_emp = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Employees').sum()
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_emp > 0):
count_cus_emp = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_emp else effect_cus_emp
count_cus_emp = 0
effect_cus_soc = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Society').sum()
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_soc > 0):
count_cus_soc = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_soc else effect_cus_soc
count_cus_soc = 0
cause_coun_emp = (cause_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Employees').sum()
effect_coun_emp = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_coun_emp > 0):
count_NP_emp = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_coun_emp else effect_coun_emp
count_NP_emp = 0
effect_emp_inv = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Investors').sum()
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_inv > 0):
count_emp_inv = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_inv else effect_emp_inv
count_emp_inv = 0
effect_emp_cus = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Customers').sum()
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_cus > 0):
count_emp_cus = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_cus else effect_emp_cus
count_emp_cus = 0
effect_emp_emp = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Employees').sum()
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_emp > 0):
count_emp_emp = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_emp else effect_emp_emp
count_emp_emp = 0
effect_emp_soc = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Society').sum()
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_soc > 0):
count_emp_soc = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_soc else effect_emp_soc
count_emp_soc = 0
cause_coun_soc = (cause_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Society').sum()
effect_coun_soc = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_coun_soc > 0):
count_NP_soc = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_coun_soc else effect_coun_soc
count_NP_soc = 0
effect_soc_inv = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Investors').sum()
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_inv > 0):
count_soc_inv = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_inv else effect_soc_inv
count_soc_inv = 0
effect_soc_cus = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Customers').sum()
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_cus > 0):
count_soc_cus = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_cus else effect_soc_cus
count_soc_cus = 0
effect_soc_emp = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Employees').sum()
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_emp > 0):
count_soc_emp = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_emp else effect_soc_emp
count_soc_emp = 0
effect_soc_soc = (effect_tab.Labellevel2 == 'Society').sum()
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_soc > 0):
count_soc_soc = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_soc else effect_soc_soc
count_soc_soc = 0
count_NP_NP = count_NP_NP + count_NP
count_NP_investor = count_NP_investor + count_NP_inv
count_NP_customer = count_NP_customer + count_NP_cus
count_NP_employees = count_NP_employees + count_NP_emp
count_NP_society = count_NP_society + count_NP_soc
count_inv_np = count_inv_np + count_NP_inv
count_inv_investor = count_inv_investor + count_inv_inv
count_inv_customer = count_inv_customer + count_inv_cus
count_inv_employee = count_inv_employee + count_inv_emp
count_inv_society = count_inv_society + count_inv_soc
count_cus_np = count_cus_np + count_NP_cus
count_cus_investor = count_cus_investor + count_cus_inv
count_cus_customer = count_cus_customer + count_cus_cus
count_cus_employee = count_cus_employee + count_cus_emp
count_cus_society = count_cus_society + count_cus_soc
count_emp_np = count_emp_np + count_NP_emp
count_emp_investor = count_emp_investor + count_emp_inv
count_emp_customer = count_emp_customer + count_emp_cus
count_emp_employee = count_emp_employee + count_emp_emp
count_emp_society = count_emp_society + count_emp_soc
count_soc_np = count_soc_np + count_NP_soc
count_soc_investor = count_soc_investor + count_soc_inv
count_soc_customer = count_soc_customer + count_soc_cus
count_soc_employee = count_soc_employee + count_soc_emp
count_soc_society = count_soc_society + count_soc_soc
df_tab = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Non-performance', 'Investors', 'Customers', 'Employees', 'Society'],index=['Non-performance', 'Investors', 'Customers', 'Employees', 'Society'], dtype=object)
df_tab.loc['Non-performance'] = [count_NP_NP, count_NP_investor, count_NP_customer, count_NP_employees, count_NP_society]
df_tab.loc['Investors'] = [count_inv_np, count_inv_investor, count_inv_customer, count_inv_employee, count_inv_society]
df_tab.loc['Customers'] = [count_cus_np, count_cus_investor, count_cus_customer, count_cus_employee, count_cus_society]
df_tab.loc['Employees'] = [count_emp_np, count_emp_investor, count_emp_customer, count_emp_employee, count_emp_society]
df_tab.loc['Society'] = [count_soc_np, count_soc_investor, count_soc_customer, count_soc_employee, count_soc_society]
# df_tab = pd.DataFrame({
# 'Non-performance': [count_NP_NP, count_NP_investor, count_NP_customer, count_NP_employees, count_NP_society],
# 'Investors': [count_inv_np, count_inv_investor, count_inv_customer, count_inv_employee, count_inv_society],
# 'Customers': [count_cus_np, count_cus_investor, count_cus_customer, count_cus_employee, count_cus_society],
# 'Employees': [count_emp_np, count_emp_investor, count_emp_customer, count_emp_employee, count_emp_society],
# 'Society': [count_soc_np, count_soc_investor, count_soc_customer, count_soc_employee, count_soc_society]},
# index=['Non-performance', 'Investors', 'Customers', 'Employees', 'Society'])
buffer = io.BytesIO()
with pd.ExcelWriter(buffer, engine="xlsxwriter") as writer:
#df = pd.read_csv('final_data.csv', index_col=0)
# # Convert to JSON format
json_data = []
for row in df_tab.index:
for col in df_tab.columns:
'source': row,
'target': col,
'value': int(df_tab.loc[row, col])
dat = json.dumps(json_data)
with open('level2.json','r+') as fi:
data =
csv_file = "predictions.csv"
json_file = "detailedResults.json"
# Open the CSV file and read the data
with open(csv_file, "r") as f:
csv_data = csv.DictReader(f)
# # Convert the CSV data to a list of dictionaries
data_list = []
for row in csv_data:
# # Convert the list of dictionaries to JSON
json_data = json.dumps(data_list)
# # Write the JSON data to a file
# #with open("smalljson.json", "r+") as fi:
# #data =
with open('detailedResults.json','w') as fi:
#data = json.load(fi)
def convert_df(df):
#IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun
return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')
csv1 = convert_df(df_final1.astype(str))
csv2 = convert_df(df_tab.astype(str))
with st.container():
st.download_button(label="Download the result table",data=buffer,file_name="t2cg_outputs.xlsx",mime="application/")
if __name__ == '__main__':