Saugatkafley's picture
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import os
import streamlit as st
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from Bard import Chatbot
import asyncio
import tqdm
import time
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
def get_token():
with st.form(key="BARD_API_form"):
"## BARD API token \n Go to \n "
"- F12 for console \n "
"- Copy the values of the cookies: \n "
" - Session: Go to Application β†’ Cookies β†’ `__Secure-1PSID`. Copy the value of that cookie."
psid = st.text_input(label="Enter your __Secure-1PSID token")
psidts = st.text_input(label="Enter your __Secure-1PSIDTS token")
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label="Submit")
return psid, psidts, submit_button
def prompt_letter():
This function creates a form with input fields for various information required to generate a cover letter.
It prompts the user to enter their __Secure-1PSID and __Secure-1PSIDTS tokens, company name, role they are applying for,
contact person, their name, personal experience, job description, and their passion.
The function then returns the entered __Secure-1PSID token, __Secure-1PSIDTS token, a cover letter prompt, and a submit button.
:return: A tuple containing the entered __Secure-1PSID token, __Secure-1PSIDTS token, cover letter prompt, and submit button.
with st.form(key="my_form_to_submit"):
"## BARD API token\n"
"Go to\n"
"- F12 for console\n"
"- Copy the values of the cookies:\n"
" - Session: Go to Application β†’ Cookies β†’ `__Secure-1PSID` and `__Secure-1PSIDTS`. Copy the value of both cookies respectively."
psid = st.text_input(
label="Enter your __Secure-1PSID",
placeholder="Place yours PSID. It ends with a dot.",
psidts = st.text_input(
label="Enter your __Secure-1PSIDTS",
placeholder="Place yours PSIDTS...",
company_name = st.text_input("Company Name: ", "Google")
role = st.text_input(
"What role are you applying for? ", "Machine Learning Engineer"
contact_person = st.text_input("Who are you emailing? ", "Hiring Manager")
your_name = st.text_input("What is your name? ", "Hari Bahadur")
personal_exp = st.text_input(
"I have experience in...",
"natural language processing, fraud detection, statistical modeling, and machine learning algorithms. ",
job_desc = st.text_input(
"I am excited about the job because...",
"this role will allow me to work on technically challenging problems and create impactful solutions while working with an innovative team. ",
passion = st.text_input(
"I am passionate about...",
"solving problems at the intersection of technology and social good.",
# make progress bar using stremalit
with st.spinner("Please wait..."):
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label="Submit")
prompt = (
"Write a cover letter to "
+ contact_person
+ " from "
+ your_name
+ " for a "
+ role
+ " job at "
+ company_name
+ "."
+ " I have experience in "
+ personal_exp
+ " I am excited about the job because "
+ job_desc
+ " I am passionate about "
+ passion
return psid, psidts, prompt, submit_button
psid, psidts, prompt, submit_button = prompt_letter()
if submit_button:
chatbot = Chatbot(psid, psidts)
ans = chatbot.ask(prompt)
st.write("\n _Please read it carefully and make changes as needed._ \n")