qqq / bypasser.py
import re
from re import match as rematch, findall, sub as resub, compile as recompile
from re import findall, match, search
import requests
from requests import get as rget
import base64
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse, parse_qs, quote
import time
import cloudscraper
#from cloudscraper import create_scraper
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag
from lxml import etree
from curl_cffi import requests as Nreq
from curl_cffi.requests import Session as cSession
import hashlib
import json
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from asyncio import sleep as asleep, create_task,gather
import os
import ddl
from cfscrape import create_scraper
from uuid import uuid4
from requests import Session
from ddl import humanbytes
from animepahe.anime import set_direct_link
from lk21 import Bypass
from base64 import standard_b64encode
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as ec
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
import chromedriver_autoinstaller
# ENVs
GDTOT_CRYPT = "b0lDek5LSCt6ZjVRR2EwZnY4T1EvVndqeDRtbCtTWmMwcGNuKy8wYWpDaz0%3D"
Laravel_Session = os.environ.get("Laravel_Session","")
XSRF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("XSRF_TOKEN","")
KCRYPT = os.environ.get("KOLOP_CRYPT","a1V1ZWllTnNNNEZtbkU4Y0RVd3pkRG5UREFJZFlUaC9GRko5NUNpTHNFcz0%3D")
KATCRYPT = os.environ.get("KATDRIVE_CRYPT","bzQySHVKSkY0bEczZHlqOWRsSHZCazBkOGFDak9HWXc1emRTL1F6Rm9ubz0%3D")
class DDLException(Exception):
"""Not method found for extracting direct download link from the http link"""
# Lists
otherslist = ["exe.io","exey.io","sub2unlock.net","sub2unlock.com","rekonise.com","letsboost.net","ph.apps2app.com","mboost.me",
gdlist = ["appdrive","driveapp","drivehub","gdflix","drivesharer","drivebit","drivelinks","driveace",
DDL_REGEX = recompile(r"DDL\(([^),]+)\, (([^),]+)), (([^),]+)), (([^),]+))\)")
POST_ID_REGEX = recompile(r'"postId":"(\d+)"')
# index scrapper
def scrapeIndex(url, username="none", password="none"):
def authorization_token(username, password):
user_pass = f"{username}:{password}"
return f"Basic {base64.b64encode(user_pass.encode()).decode()}"
def decrypt(string):
return base64.b64decode(string[::-1][24:-20]).decode('utf-8')
def func(payload_input, url, username, password):
next_page = False
next_page_token = ""
url = f"{url}/" if url[-1] != '/' else url
try: headers = {"authorization":authorization_token(username,password)}
except: return "username/password combination is wrong", None, None
encrypted_response = requests.post(url, data=payload_input, headers=headers)
if encrypted_response.status_code == 401: return "username/password combination is wrong", None, None
try: decrypted_response = json.loads(decrypt(encrypted_response.text))
except: return "something went wrong. check index link/username/password field again", None, None
page_token = decrypted_response["nextPageToken"]
if page_token is None:
next_page = False
next_page = True
next_page_token = page_token
if list(decrypted_response.get("data").keys())[0] != "error":
file_length = len(decrypted_response["data"]["files"])
result = ""
for i, _ in enumerate(range(file_length)):
files_type = decrypted_response["data"]["files"][i]["mimeType"]
if files_type != "application/vnd.google-apps.folder":
files_name = decrypted_response["data"]["files"][i]["name"]
direct_download_link = url + quote(files_name)
result += f"• {files_name} :\n{direct_download_link}\n\n"
return result, next_page, next_page_token
def format(result):
long_string = ''.join(result)
new_list = []
while len(long_string) > 0:
if len(long_string) > 4000:
split_index = long_string.rfind("\n\n", 0, 4000)
if split_index == -1:
split_index = 4000
split_index = len(long_string)
long_string = long_string[split_index:].lstrip("\n\n")
return new_list
# main
x = 0
next_page = False
next_page_token = ""
result = []
payload = {"page_token":next_page_token, "page_index": x}
print(f"Index Link: {url}\n")
temp, next_page, next_page_token = func(payload, url, username, password)
if temp is not None: result.append(temp)
while next_page == True:
payload = {"page_token":next_page_token, "page_index": x}
temp, next_page, next_page_token = func(payload, url, username, password)
if temp is not None: result.append(temp)
x += 1
if len(result)==0: return None
return format(result)
# shortners
def gofile_dl(url: str):
rget = requests.Session()
resp = rget.get('https://api.gofile.io/createAccount')
if resp.status_code == 200:
data = resp.json()
if data['status'] == 'ok' and data.get('data', {}).get('token', None):
token = data['data']['token']
return(f'ERROR: Failed to Create GoFile Account')
return(f'ERROR: GoFile Server Response Failed')
headers = f'Cookie: accountToken={token}'
def getNextedFolder(contentId, path):
params = {'contentId': contentId, 'token': token, 'websiteToken': '7fd94ds12fds4'}
res = rget.get('https://api.gofile.io/getContent', params=params)
if res.status_code == 200:
json_data = res.json()
if json_data['status'] == 'ok':
links = {}
for content in json_data['data']['contents'].values():
if content["type"] == "folder":
path = path+"/"+content['name']
links.update(getNextedFolder(content['id'], path))
elif content["type"] == "file":
links[content['link']] = path
return links
return(f'ERROR: Failed to Receive All Files List')
return(f'ERROR: GoFile Server Response Failed')
return list([getNextedFolder(url[url.rfind('/')+1:], ""), headers][0].keys())[0]
# drivefire
def parse_info_drivefire(res):
info_parsed = {}
title = re.findall('>(.*?)<\/h4>', res.text)[0]
info_chunks = re.findall('>(.*?)<\/td>', res.text)
info_parsed['title'] = title
for i in range(0, len(info_chunks), 2):
info_parsed[info_chunks[i]] = info_chunks[i+1]
return info_parsed
def drivefire_dl(url,dcrypt):
client = requests.Session()
client.cookies.update({'crypt': dcrypt})
res = client.get(url)
info_parsed = parse_info_drivefire(res)
info_parsed['error'] = False
up = urlparse(url)
req_url = f"{up.scheme}://{up.netloc}/ajax.php?ajax=download"
file_id = url.split('/')[-1]
data = { 'id': file_id }
headers = {'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
res = client.post(req_url, headers=headers, data=data).json()['file']
return "Error"#{'error': True, 'src_url': url}
decoded_id = res.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
info_parsed = f"https://drive.google.com/file/d/{decoded_id}"
return info_parsed
# kolop
def parse_info_kolop(res):
info_parsed = {}
title = re.findall('>(.*?)<\/h4>', res.text)[0]
info_chunks = re.findall('>(.*?)<\/td>', res.text)
info_parsed['title'] = title
for i in range(0, len(info_chunks), 2):
info_parsed[info_chunks[i]] = info_chunks[i+1]
return info_parsed
def kolop_dl(url,kcrypt):
client = requests.Session()
client.cookies.update({'crypt': kcrypt})
res = client.get(url)
info_parsed = parse_info_kolop(res)
info_parsed['error'] = False
up = urlparse(url)
req_url = f"{up.scheme}://{up.netloc}/ajax.php?ajax=download"
file_id = url.split('/')[-1]
data = { 'id': file_id }
headers = { 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
res = client.post(req_url, headers=headers, data=data).json()['file']
return "Error"#{'error': True, 'src_url': url}
gd_id = re.findall('gd=(.*)', res, re.DOTALL)[0]
info_parsed['gdrive_url'] = f"https://drive.google.com/open?id={gd_id}"
info_parsed['src_url'] = url
return info_parsed['gdrive_url']
# mediafire
def mediafire(url):
res = requests.get(url, stream=True)
contents = res.text
for line in contents.splitlines():
m = re.search(r'href="((http|https)://download[^"]+)', line)
if m:
return m.groups()[0]
# zippyshare
def zippyshare(url):
resp = requests.get(url).text
surl = resp.split("document.getElementById('dlbutton').href = ")[1].split(";")[0]
parts = surl.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(" ")
val = str(int(parts[0]) % int(parts[2]) + int(parts[4]) % int(parts[6]))
surl = surl.split('"')
burl = url.split("zippyshare.com")[0]
furl = burl + "zippyshare.com" + surl[1] + val + surl[-2]
return furl
# filercrypt
def getlinks(dlc,client):
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Origin': 'http://dcrypt.it',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Referer': 'http://dcrypt.it/',
data = {
'content': dlc,
response = client.post('http://dcrypt.it/decrypt/paste', headers=headers, data=data).json()["success"]["links"]
links = ""
for link in response:
links = links + link + "\n"
return links[:-1]
def filecrypt(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
headers = {
"authority": "filecrypt.co",
"accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"cache-control": "max-age=0",
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"dnt": "1",
"origin": "https://filecrypt.co",
"referer": url,
"sec-ch-ua": '"Google Chrome";v="105", "Not)A;Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="105"',
"sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
"sec-ch-ua-platform": "Windows",
"sec-fetch-dest": "document",
"sec-fetch-mode": "navigate",
"sec-fetch-site": "same-origin",
"sec-fetch-user": "?1",
"upgrade-insecure-requests": "1",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
resp = client.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
buttons = soup.find_all("button")
for ele in buttons:
line = ele.get("onclick")
if line !=None and "DownloadDLC" in line:
dlclink = "https://filecrypt.co/DLC/" + line.split("DownloadDLC('")[1].split("'")[0] + ".html"
resp = client.get(dlclink,headers=headers)
return getlinks(resp.text,client)
# dropbox
def dropbox(url):
return url.replace("www.","").replace("dropbox.com","dl.dropboxusercontent.com").replace("?dl=0","")
# shareus
def shareus(url):
headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',}
DOMAIN = "https://us-central1-my-apps-server.cloudfunctions.net"
sess = requests.session()
code = url.split("/")[-1]
params = {'shortid': code, 'initial': 'true', 'referrer': 'https://shareus.io/',}
response = requests.get(f'{DOMAIN}/v', params=params, headers=headers)
for i in range(1,4):
json_data = {'current_page': i,}
response = sess.post(f'{DOMAIN}/v', headers=headers, json=json_data)
response = sess.get(f'{DOMAIN}/get_link', headers=headers).json()
return response["link_info"]["destination"]
# anonfiles
def anonfile(url):
headersList = { "Accept": "*/*"}
payload = ""
response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headersList).text.split("\n")
for ele in response:
if "https://cdn" in ele and "anonfiles.com" in ele and url.split("/")[-2] in ele:
return ele.split('href="')[1].split('"')[0]
# pixl
def pixl(url):
count = 1
dl_msg = ""
currentpage = 1
settotalimgs = True
totalimages = ""
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
resp = client.get(url)
if resp.status_code == 404:
return "File not found/The link you entered is wrong!"
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
if "album" in url and settotalimgs:
totalimages = soup.find("span", {"data-text": "image-count"}).text
settotalimgs = False
thmbnailanch = soup.findAll(attrs={"class": "--media"})
links = soup.findAll(attrs={"data-pagination": "next"})
url = links[0].attrs["href"]
except BaseException:
url = None
for ref in thmbnailanch:
imgdata = client.get(ref.attrs["href"])
if not imgdata.status_code == 200:
imghtml = BeautifulSoup(imgdata.text, "html.parser")
downloadanch = imghtml.find(attrs={"class": "btn-download"})
currentimg = downloadanch.attrs["href"]
currentimg = currentimg.replace(" ", "%20")
dl_msg += f"{count}. {currentimg}\n"
count += 1
currentpage += 1
fld_msg = f"Your provided Pixl.is link is of Folder and I've Found {count - 1} files in the folder.\n"
fld_link = f"\nFolder Link: {url}\n"
final_msg = fld_link + "\n" + fld_msg + "\n" + dl_msg
return final_msg
# sirigan ( unused )
def siriganbypass(url):
client = requests.Session()
res = client.get(url)
url = res.url.split('=', maxsplit=1)[-1]
while True:
try: url = base64.b64decode(url).decode('utf-8')
except: break
return url.split('url=')[-1]
# shorte
def sh_st_bypass(url):
client = requests.Session()
client.headers.update({'referer': url})
p = urlparse(url)
res = client.get(url)
sess_id = re.findall('''sessionId(?:\s+)?:(?:\s+)?['|"](.*?)['|"]''', res.text)[0]
final_url = f"{p.scheme}://{p.netloc}/shortest-url/end-adsession"
params = {
'adSessionId': sess_id,
'callback': '_'
time.sleep(5) # !important
res = client.get(final_url, params=params)
dest_url = re.findall('"(.*?)"', res.text)[1].replace('\/','/')
return {
'src': url,
'dst': dest_url
def parse_info_sharer(res):
f = re.findall(">(.*?)<\/td>", res.text)
info_parsed = {}
for i in range(0, len(f), 3):
info_parsed[f[i].lower().replace(' ', '_')] = f[i+2]
return info_parsed
def sharer_pw(url,Laravel_Session, XSRF_TOKEN, forced_login=False):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
"laravel_session": Laravel_Session
res = client.get(url)
token = re.findall("_token\s=\s'(.*?)'", res.text, re.DOTALL)[0]
ddl_btn = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath("//button[@id='btndirect']")
info_parsed = parse_info_sharer(res)
info_parsed['error'] = True
info_parsed['src_url'] = url
info_parsed['link_type'] = 'login'
info_parsed['forced_login'] = forced_login
headers = {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'
data = {
'_token': token
if len(ddl_btn):
info_parsed['link_type'] = 'direct'
if not forced_login:
data['nl'] = 1
res = client.post(url+'/dl', headers=headers, data=data).json()
return info_parsed
if 'url' in res and res['url']:
info_parsed['error'] = False
info_parsed['gdrive_link'] = res['url']
if len(ddl_btn) and not forced_login and not 'url' in info_parsed:
# retry download via login
return sharer_pw(url,Laravel_Session, XSRF_TOKEN, forced_login=True)
return info_parsed["gdrive_link"]
# gdtot
def gdtot(url):
cget = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
url = cget.get(url).url
p_url = urlparse(url)
res = cget.post(f"{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}/ddl", data={'dl': str(url.split('/')[-1])})
except Exception as e:
if (drive_link := findall(r"myDl\('(.*?)'\)", res.text)) and "drive.google.com" in drive_link[0]:
d_link = drive_link[0]
cget.get(url, cookies={'crypt': GDTOT_CRYPT})
p_url = urlparse(url)
js_script = cget.post(f"{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}/dld", data={'dwnld': url.split('/')[-1]})
g_id = findall('gd=(.*?)&', js_script.text)
decoded_id = b64decode(str(g_id[0])).decode('utf-8')
return("Try in your browser, mostly file not found or user limit exceeded!")
d_link = f'https://drive.google.com/open?id={decoded_id}'
print(f'2. {d_link}')
return('Drive Link not found, Try in your broswer! GDTOT_CRYPT not Provided!')
soup = BeautifulSoup(cget.get(url).content, "html.parser")
parse_data = (soup.select('meta[property^="og:description"]')[0]['content']).replace('Download ' , '').rsplit('-', maxsplit=1)
parse_txt = f'''┎ <b>Name :</b> <i>{parse_data[0]}</i>
┠ <b>Size :</b> <i>{parse_data[-1]}</i>
┠ <b>GDToT Link :</b> {url}
if (tele_link := findall(r"myDl2\('(.*?)'\)", res.text)):
parse_txt += f"┖ <b>Telegram Link :</b> {tele_link[0]}\n"
parse_txt += f'┠ <b>Index Link :</b> https://indexlink.mrprincebotz.workers.dev/direct.aspx?id={get_gdriveid(d_link)}\n'
parse_txt += f"┖ <b>Drive Link :</b> {d_link}"
return parse_txt
# adfly
def decrypt_url(code):
a, b = '', ''
for i in range(0, len(code)):
if i % 2 == 0: a += code[i]
else: b = code[i] + b
key = list(a + b)
i = 0
while i < len(key):
if key[i].isdigit():
for j in range(i+1,len(key)):
if key[j].isdigit():
u = int(key[i]) ^ int(key[j])
if u < 10: key[i] = str(u)
i = j
key = ''.join(key)
decrypted = base64.b64decode(key)[16:-16]
return decrypted.decode('utf-8')
def adfly(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
res = client.get(url).text
out = {'error': False, 'src_url': url}
ysmm = re.findall("ysmm\s+=\s+['|\"](.*?)['|\"]", res)[0]
out['error'] = True
return out
url = decrypt_url(ysmm)
if re.search(r'go\.php\?u\=', url):
url = base64.b64decode(re.sub(r'(.*?)u=', '', url)).decode()
elif '&dest=' in url:
url = unquote(re.sub(r'(.*?)dest=', '', url))
out['bypassed_url'] = url
return out
# droplink
def droplink(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
res = client.get(url, timeout=5)
ref = re.findall("action[ ]{0,}=[ ]{0,}['|\"](.*?)['|\"]", res.text)[0]
h = {"referer": ref}
res = client.get(url, headers=h)
bs4 = BeautifulSoup(res.content, "html.parser")
inputs = bs4.find_all("input")
data = {input.get("name"): input.get("value") for input in inputs}
h = {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest",
p = urlparse(url)
final_url = f"{p.scheme}://{p.netloc}/links/go"
res = client.post(final_url, data=data, headers=h).json()
if res["status"] == "success": return res["url"]
return 'Something went wrong :('
# link vertise
def linkvertise(url):
params = {'url': url,}
response = requests.get('https://bypass.pm/bypass2', params=params).json()
if response["success"]: return response["destination"]
else: return response["msg"]
# others
def others(url):
return "API Currently not Available"
# ouo
# code from https://github.com/xcscxr/Recaptcha-v3-bypass
def recaptchaV3(ANCHOR_URL = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor?ar=1&k=6Lcr1ncUAAAAAH3cghg6cOTPGARa8adOf-y9zv2x&co=aHR0cHM6Ly9vdW8ucHJlc3M6NDQz&hl=en&v=pCoGBhjs9s8EhFOHJFe8cqis&size=invisible&cb=ahgyd1gkfkhe'):
rs = Session()
rs.headers.update({'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
matches = findall('([api2|enterprise]+)\/anchor\?(.*)', ANCHOR_URL)[0]
url_base = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/' + matches[0] + '/'
params = matches[1]
res = rs.get(url_base + 'anchor', params=params)
token = findall(r'"recaptcha-token" value="(.*?)"', res.text)[0]
params = dict(pair.split('=') for pair in params.split('&'))
res = rs.post(url_base + 'reload', params=f'k={params["k"]}', data=f"v={params['v']}&reason=q&c={token}&k={params['k']}&co={params['co']}")
return findall(r'"rresp","(.*?)"', res.text)[0]
def ouo(url: str):
tempurl = url.replace("ouo.press", "ouo.io")
p = urlparse(tempurl)
id = tempurl.split('/')[-1]
client = cSession(headers={'authority': 'ouo.io', 'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7', 'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'cache-control': 'max-age=0', 'referer': 'http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1'})
res = client.get(tempurl, impersonate="chrome110")
next_url = f"{p.scheme}://{p.hostname}/go/{id}"
for _ in range(2):
if res.headers.get('Location'):
bs4 = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml')
inputs = bs4.form.findAll("input", {"name": compile(r"token$")})
data = { inp.get('name'): inp.get('value') for inp in inputs }
data['x-token'] = recaptchaV3()
res = client.post(next_url, data=data, headers= {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, allow_redirects=False, impersonate="chrome110")
next_url = f"{p.scheme}://{p.hostname}/xreallcygo/{id}"
return res.headers.get('Location')
# mdisk
def mdisk(url):
header = {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Referer': 'https://mdisk.me/',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36'
inp = url
fxl = inp.split("/")
cid = fxl[-1]
URL = f'https://diskuploader.entertainvideo.com/v1/file/cdnurl?param={cid}'
res = requests.get(url=URL, headers=header).json()
return res['download'] + '\n\n' + res['source']
# AppDrive or DriveApp etc. Look-Alike Link and as well as the Account Details (Required for Login Required Links only)
def unified(url):
if ddl.is_share_link(url):
if 'https://gdtot' in url: return ddl.gdtot(url)
else: return ddl.sharer_scraper(url)
Email = "chzeesha4@gmail.com"
Password = "zeeshi#789"
account = {"email": Email, "passwd": Password}
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.99 Safari/537.36"
data = {"email": account["email"], "password": account["passwd"]}
client.post(f"https://{urlparse(url).netloc}/login", data=data)
res = client.get(url)
key = re.findall('"key",\s+"(.*?)"', res.text)[0]
ddl_btn = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath("//button[@id='drc']")
info = re.findall(">(.*?)<\/li>", res.text)
info_parsed = {}
for item in info:
kv = [s.strip() for s in item.split(":", maxsplit=1)]
info_parsed[kv[0].lower()] = kv[1]
info_parsed = info_parsed
info_parsed["error"] = False
info_parsed["link_type"] = "login"
headers = {
"Content-Type": f"multipart/form-data; boundary={'-'*4}_",
data = {"type": 1, "key": key, "action": "original"}
if len(ddl_btn):
info_parsed["link_type"] = "direct"
data["action"] = "direct"
while data["type"] <= 3:
boundary = f'{"-"*6}_'
data_string = ""
for item in data:
data_string += f"{boundary}\r\n"
data_string += f'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{item}"\r\n\r\n{data[item]}\r\n'
data_string += f"{boundary}--\r\n"
gen_payload = data_string
response = client.post(url, data=gen_payload, headers=headers).json()
except BaseException:
data["type"] += 1
if "url" in response:
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = response["url"]
elif "error" in response and response["error"]:
info_parsed["error"] = True
info_parsed["error_message"] = response["message"]
info_parsed["error"] = True
info_parsed["error_message"] = "Something went wrong :("
if info_parsed["error"]:
return info_parsed
if "driveapp" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
info_parsed["src_url"] = url
if "drivehub" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if "gdflix" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if "drivesharer" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if "drivebit" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if "drivelinks" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if "driveace" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if "drivepro" in urlparse(url).netloc and not info_parsed["error"]:
res = client.get(info_parsed["gdrive_link"])
drive_link = etree.HTML(res.content).xpath(
info_parsed["gdrive_link"] = drive_link
if info_parsed["error"]:
return "Faced an Unknown Error!"
return info_parsed["gdrive_link"]
except BaseException:
return "Unable to Extract GDrive Link"
# urls open
def vnshortener(url):
sess = requests.session()
DOMAIN = "https://vnshortener.com/"
org = "https://nishankhatri.xyz"
PhpAcc = DOMAIN + "link/new.php"
ref = "https://nishankhatri.com.np/"
go = DOMAIN + "links/go"
code = url.split("/")[3]
final_url = f"{DOMAIN}/{code}/"
headers = {'authority': DOMAIN, 'origin': org}
data = {'step_1': code,}
response = sess.post(PhpAcc, headers=headers, data=data).json()
id = response["inserted_data"]["id"]
data = {'step_2': code, 'id': id,}
response = sess.post(PhpAcc, headers=headers, data=data).json()
headers['referer'] = ref
params = {'sid': str(id)}
resp = sess.get(final_url, params=params, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
inputs = soup.find_all("input")
data = { input.get('name'): input.get('value') for input in inputs }
headers['x-requested-with'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
r = sess.post(go, data=data, headers=headers).json()
if r["status"] == "success": return r["url"]
else: raise
except: return "Something went wrong :("
def rslinks(url):
client = requests.session()
download = rget(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=False)
v = download.headers["location"]
code = v.split('ms9')[-1]
final = f"http://techyproio.blogspot.com/p/short.html?{code}=="
try: return final
except: return "Something went wrong :("
def du_link(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
DOMAIN = "https://du-link.in"
url = url[:-1] if url[-1] == '/' else url
code = url.split("/")[-1]
final_url = f"{DOMAIN}/{code}"
ref = "https://profitshort.com/"
h = {"referer": ref}
resp = client.get(final_url,headers=h,allow_redirects=False)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
inputs = soup.find_all("input")
data = { input.get('name'): input.get('value') for input in inputs }
h = { "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest" }
r = client.post(f"{DOMAIN}/links/go", data=data, headers=h)
try: return r.json()['url']
except: return "Something went wrong :("
def atozcartoonist(url):
if 'moonlinks' in re:
link=transcript(re, "https://go.moonlinks.in/", "https://www.akcartoons.in/", 7)
elif 'xpshort'in re:
return link
# bitly + tinyurl
def bitly_tinyurl(url: str) -> str:
response = requests.get(url).url
try: return response
except: return "Something went wrong :("
# thinfi
def thinfi(url: str) -> str :
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser").p.a.get("href")
try: return soup
except: return "Something went wrong :("
# helpers
# check if present in list
def ispresent(inlist,url):
for ele in inlist:
if ele in url:
return True
return False
async def transcript(url: str, DOMAIN: str, ref: str, sltime) -> str:
code = url.rstrip("/").split("/")[-1]
cget = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False).request
resp = cget("GET", f"{DOMAIN}/{code}", headers={"referer": ref},allow_redirects=False)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
data = { inp.get('name'): inp.get('value') for inp in soup.find_all("input") }
await asleep(sltime)
resp = cget("POST", f"{DOMAIN}/links/go", data=data, headers={ "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest" })
return resp.json()['url']
return "Something went wrong :("
def get_gdriveid(link):
if "folders" in link or "file" in link:
res = search(r"https:\/\/drive\.google\.com\/(?:drive(.*?)\/folders\/|file(.*?)?\/d\/)([-\w]+)", link)
return res.group(3)
parsed = urlparse(link)
return parse_qs(parsed.query)['id'][0]
def get_dl(link):
return f"https://indexlink.mrprincebotz.workers.dev/direct.aspx?id={get_gdriveid(link)}"
def drivescript(url, crypt, dtype):
rs = Session()
resp = rs.get(url)
title = findall(r'>(.*?)<\/h4>', resp.text)[0]
size = findall(r'>(.*?)<\/td>', resp.text)[1]
p_url = urlparse(url)
dlink = ''
if dtype != "DriveFire":
js_query = rs.post(f"{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}/ajax.php?ajax=direct-download", data={'id': str(url.split('/')[-1])}, headers={'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'}).json()
if str(js_query['code']) == '200':
dlink = f"{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}{js_query['file']}"
except Exception as e:
if not dlink and crypt:
rs.get(url, cookies={'crypt': crypt})
js_query = rs.post(f"{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}/ajax.php?ajax=download", data={'id': str(url.split('/')[-1])}, headers={'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest'}).json()
except Exception as e:
if str(js_query['code']) == '200':
dlink = f"{p_url.scheme}://{p_url.hostname}{js_query['file']}"
if dlink:
res = rs.get(dlink)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
gd_data = soup.select('a[class="btn btn-primary btn-user"]')
parse_txt = f'''┎ <b>Name :</b> <code>{title}</code>
┠ <b>Size :</b> <code>{size}</code>
┠ <b>{dtype} Link :</b> {url}'''
if dtype == "HubDrive":
parse_txt += f'''\n┠ <b>Instant Link :</b> <a href="{gd_data[1]['href']}">Click Here</a>'''
if (d_link := gd_data[0]['href']):
parse_txt += f"\n┠ <b>Index Link :</b> {get_dl(d_link)}"
parse_txt += f"\n┖ <b>Drive Link :</b> {d_link}"
return parse_txt
elif not dlink and not crypt:
return(f'{dtype} Crypt Not Provided and Direct Link Generate Failed')
def htpmovies(link):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
r = client.get(link, allow_redirects=True).text
j = r.split('("')[-1]
url = j.split('")')[0]
param = url.split("/")[-1]
DOMAIN = "https://go.theforyou.in"
final_url = f"{DOMAIN}/{param}"
resp = client.get(final_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
try: inputs = soup.find(id="go-link").find_all(name="input")
except: return "Incorrect Link"
data = { input.get('name'): input.get('value') for input in inputs }
h = { "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest" }
r = client.post(f"{DOMAIN}/links/go", data=data, headers=h)
return r.json()['url']
except: return "Something went Wrong !!"
def scrappers(link):
try: link = rematch(r"^(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’]))", link)[0]
except TypeError: return 'Not a Valid Link.'
links = []
if "sharespark" in link:
gd_txt = ""
res = rget("?action=printpage;".join(link.split('?')))
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
for br in soup.findAll('br'):
next_s = br.nextSibling
if not (next_s and isinstance(next_s,NavigableString)):
next2_s = next_s.nextSibling
if next2_s and isinstance(next2_s,Tag) and next2_s.name == 'br':
if str(next_s).strip():
List = next_s.split()
if rematch(r'^(480p|720p|1080p)(.+)? Links:\Z', next_s):
gd_txt += f'<b>{next_s.replace("Links:", "GDToT Links :")}</b>\n\n'
for s in List:
ns = resub(r'\(|\)', '', s)
if rematch(r'https?://.+\.gdtot\.\S+', ns):
r = rget(ns)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")
title = soup.select('meta[property^="og:description"]')
gd_txt += f"<code>{(title[0]['content']).replace('Download ' , '')}</code>\n{ns}\n\n"
elif rematch(r'https?://pastetot\.\S+', ns):
nxt = resub(r'\(|\)|(https?://pastetot\.\S+)', '', next_s)
gd_txt += f"\n<code>{nxt}</code>\n{ns}\n"
return gd_txt
elif "htpmovies" in link and "/exit.php" in link:
return htpmovies(link)
elif "htpmovies" in link:
prsd = ""
links = []
res = rget(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
x = soup.select('a[href^="/exit.php?url="]')
y = soup.select('h5')
z = unquote(link.split('/')[-2]).split('-')[0] if link.endswith('/') else unquote(link.split('/')[-1]).split('-')[0]
for a in x:
prsd = f"Total Links Found : {len(links)}\n\n"
msdcnt = -1
for b in y:
if str(b.string).lower().startswith(z.lower()):
msdcnt += 1
url = f"https://htpmovies.lol"+links[msdcnt]
prsd += f"{msdcnt+1}. <b>{b.string}</b>\n{htpmovies(url)}\n\n"
return prsd
elif "cinevood" in link:
for j in soup.find_all('h6'):
for i in soup.find_all('div',{'class':"cat-b"}):
ld.append(f'<a href="{i.a["href"]}">➥{i.a.button.text}</a> |')
for i in ll:
return l
elif "atishmkv" in link:
prsd = ""
links = []
res = rget(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
x = soup.select('a[href^="https://gdflix"]')
for a in x:
for o in links:
prsd += o + '\n\n'
return prsd
elif "teluguflix" in link:
gd_txt = ""
r = rget(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup (r.text, "html.parser")
links = soup.select('a[href*="gdtot"]')
gd_txt = f"Total Links Found : {len(links)}\n\n"
for no, link in enumerate(links, start=1):
gdlk = link['href']
t = rget(gdlk)
soupt = BeautifulSoup(t.text, "html.parser")
title = soupt.select('meta[property^="og:description"]')
gd_txt += f"{no}. <code>{(title[0]['content']).replace('Download ' , '')}</code>\n{gdlk}\n\n"
return gd_txt
elif "taemovies" in link:
gd_txt, no = "", 0
r = rget(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup (r.text, "html.parser")
links = soup.select('a[href*="shortingly"]')
gd_txt = f"Total Links Found : {len(links)}\n\n"
for a in links:
glink = transcript(a["href"], "https://insurance.techymedies.com/", "https://highkeyfinance.com/", 5)
t = rget(glink)
soupt = BeautifulSoup(t.text, "html.parser")
title = soupt.select('meta[property^="og:description"]')
no += 1
gd_txt += f"{no}. {(title[0]['content']).replace('Download ' , '')}\n{glink}\n\n"
return gd_txt
elif "animeremux" in link:
gd_txt, no = "", 0
r = rget(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup (r.text, "html.parser")
links = soup.select('a[href*="urlshortx.com"]')
gd_txt = f"Total Links Found : {len(links)}\n\n"
for a in links:
link = a["href"]
x = link.split("url=")[-1]
gd_txt+=f'➥ {x}\n'
return gd_txt
elif "skymovieshd" in link:
gd_txt = ""
res = rget(link, allow_redirects=False)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
a = soup.select('a[href^="https://howblogs.xyz"]')
t = soup.select('div[class^="Robiul"]')
gd_txt += f"<i>{t[-1].text.replace('Download ', '')}</i>\n\n"
gd_txt += f"<b>{a[0].text} :</b> \n"
nres = rget(a[0]['href'], allow_redirects=False)
nsoup = BeautifulSoup(nres.text, 'html.parser')
atag = nsoup.select('div[class="cotent-box"] > a[href]')
for no, link in enumerate(atag, start=1):
gd_txt += f"➥ {link['href']}\n"
return gd_txt
elif "animekaizoku" in link:
global post_id
gd_txt = ""
try: website_html = rget(link).text
except: return "Please provide the correct episode link of animekaizoku"
post_id = POST_ID_REGEX.search(website_html).group(0).split(":")[1].split('"')[1]
payload_data_matches = DDL_REGEX.finditer(website_html)
except: return "Something Went Wrong !!"
for match in payload_data_matches:
payload_data = match.group(0).split("DDL(")[1].replace(")", "").split(",")
payload = {
"action" : "DDL",
"post_id": post_id,
"div_id" : payload_data[0].strip(),
"tab_id" : payload_data[1].strip(),
"num" : payload_data[2].strip(),
"folder" : payload_data[3].strip(),
del payload["num"]
link_types = "DDL" if payload["tab_id"] == "2" else "WORKER" if payload["tab_id"] == "4" else "GDRIVE"
response = rpost("https://animekaizoku.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",headers={"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest", "referer": "https://animekaizoku.com"}, data=payload)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
downloadbutton = soup.find_all(class_="downloadbutton")
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
for button in downloadbutton:
if button.text == "Patches": pass
dict_key = button.text.strip()
data_dict[dict_key] = []
executor.submit(looper, dict_key, str(button))
main_dict[link_types] = deepcopy(data_dict)
to_edit = False
for key in main_dict:
gd_txt += f"----------------- <b>{key}</b> -----------------\n"
dict_data = main_dict[key]
if bool(dict_data) == 0:
gd_txt += "No Links Found\n"
for y in dict_data:
gd_txt += f"\n○ <b>{y}</b>\n"
for no, i in enumerate(dict_data[y], start=1):
try: gd_txt += f"➥ {no}. <i>{i[0]}</i> : {i[1]}\n"
except: pass
return gd_txt
res = rget(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
mystx = soup.select(r'a[href^="magnet:?xt=urn:btih:"]')
for hy in mystx:
return links
# script links
def getfinal(domain, url, sess):
#sess = requests.session()
res = sess.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"html.parser")
soup = soup.find("form").findAll("input")
datalist = []
for ele in soup:
data = {
'_method': datalist[0],
'_csrfToken': datalist[1],
'ad_form_data': datalist[2],
'_Token[fields]': datalist[3],
'_Token[unlocked]': datalist[4],
sess.headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Origin': domain,
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Referer': url,
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
# print("waiting 10 secs")
time.sleep(10) # important
response = sess.post(domain+'/links/go', data=data).json()
furl = response["url"]
return furl
def getfirst(url):
sess = requests.session()
res = sess.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"html.parser")
soup = soup.find("form")
action = soup.get("action")
soup = soup.findAll("input")
datalist = []
for ele in soup:
sess.headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Origin': action,
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Referer': action,
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1',
data = {'newwpsafelink': datalist[1], "g-recaptcha-response": RecaptchaV3()}
response = sess.post(action, data=data)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
soup = soup.findAll("div", class_="wpsafe-bottom text-center")
for ele in soup:
rurl = ele.find("a").get("onclick")[13:-12]
res = sess.get(rurl)
furl = res.url
# print(furl)
return getfinal(f'https://{furl.split("/")[-2]}/',furl,sess)
def decodeKey(encoded):
key = ''
i = len(encoded) // 2 - 5
while i >= 0:
key += encoded[i]
i = i - 2
i = len(encoded) // 2 + 4
while i < len(encoded):
key += encoded[i]
i = i + 2
return key
def bypassBluemediafiles(url, torrent=False):
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Alt-Used': 'bluemediafiles.com',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none',
'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1',
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
script = str(soup.findAll('script')[3])
encodedKey = script.split('Create_Button("')[1].split('");')[0]
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Referer': url,
'Alt-Used': 'bluemediafiles.com',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1',
params = { 'url': decodeKey(encodedKey) }
if torrent:
res = requests.get('https://dl.pcgamestorrents.org/get-url.php', params=params, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"html.parser")
furl = soup.find("a",class_="button").get("href")
res = requests.get('https://bluemediafiles.com/get-url.php', params=params, headers=headers)
furl = res.url
if "mega.nz" in furl:
furl = furl.replace("mega.nz/%23!","mega.nz/file/").replace("!","#")
return furl
def igggames(url):
res = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"html.parser")
soup = soup.find("div",class_="uk-margin-medium-top").findAll("a")
bluelist = []
for ele in soup:
bluelist = bluelist[6:-1]
links = ""
for ele in bluelist:
if "bluemediafiles" in ele:
links = links + bypassBluemediafiles(ele) + "\n"
elif "pcgamestorrents.com" in ele:
res = requests.get(ele)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"html.parser")
turl = soup.find("p",class_="uk-card uk-card-body uk-card-default uk-card-hover").find("a").get("href")
links = links + bypassBluemediafiles(turl,True) + "\n"
links = links + ele + "\n"
return links[:-1]
def try2link_bypass(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
url = url[:-1] if url[-1] == '/' else url
print(f'ry2link_bp {url}')
params = (('d', int(time.time()) + (60 * 4)),)
r = client.get(url, params=params, headers= {'Referer': 'https://newforex.online/'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
inputs = soup.find(id="go-link").find_all(name="input")
data = { input.get('name'): input.get('value') for input in inputs }
headers = {'Host': 'try2link.com', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Origin': 'https://try2link.com', 'Referer': url}
bypassed_url = client.post('https://try2link.com/links/go', headers=headers,data=data)
return bypassed_url.json()["url"]
def try2link_scrape(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
h = {
'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
res = client.get(url, cookies={}, headers=h)
url = 'https://try2link.com/'+re.findall('try2link\.com\/(.*?) ', res.text)[0]
return try2link_bypass(url)
def psa_bypasser(psa_url):
cookies = {'cf_clearance': 'EgNaZUZVvICwi_V.34D6bTmYzyp24zoY_SFrC2vqm7U-1694540798-0-1-530db2b8.dee7f907.c12667d1-0.2.1694540798' }
headers = {
'authority': 'psa.wf',
'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7',
'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
'referer': 'https://psa.wf/',
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
r = requests.get(psa_url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser").find_all(class_="dropshadowboxes-drop-shadow dropshadowboxes-rounded-corners dropshadowboxes-inside-and-outside-shadow dropshadowboxes-lifted-both dropshadowboxes-effect-default")
links = []
for link in soup:
exit_gate = link.a.get("href")
if "/exit" in exit_gate:
print("scraping :",exit_gate)
except: pass
return links
def themoviesboss(url):
match = re.search('window\.location\.href="(.*?)"', script)
if match:
url = match.group(1)
if url=='https://themoviesboss.site':
return 'File not Found'
return f'link:{url}\nBypass link: {shortners(url)}'
def moviesboss(url):
def boss(url):
match = re.search('window\.location\.href="(.*?)"', script)
if match:
url = match.group(1)
if url=='https://themoviesboss.site':
return 'https://themoviesboss.site'
return f'{(url)}'
for p,q in zip(soup.find_all('p',{'style':"text-align: center;"}),soup.find_all('a', class_='maxbutton-2 maxbutton')):
l+=f"➥<a href='{boss(q['href'])}'>{aa}</a> |\n"
return l
def tenbit(url):
# for i in soup.find_all('span',{'style':"color: #ffffff;"}):
# l+=f'{i.text}'
l+='\nLinks: '
for i in soup.find_all('a',{'class':'mb-button'}):
l+=f'<a href="{i.get("href")}">➥{str(i.text).lstrip()}</a> |'
return l
def animepahe(link):
client = cloudscraper.session()
res = client.get(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
l = soup.find_all("div", id="pickDownload")
l2 = []
l3 = []
s = f"{soup.find('title').text}\n"
for i in l:
for j in i.find_all("a"):
l2.append(str(j.text).replace("SubsPlease · ",""))
res1 = client.get(j.get('href')).text
soup1 = BeautifulSoup(res1, "html.parser")
l3.append(set_direct_link(soup1.find("a", class_="redirect").get('href')))
for a,b in zip(l2,l3):
s += f'<a href="{b}">➳ {a}| </a>'
return s
async def atishmkv(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
for i in soup.find_all('a', class_="button button-shadow"):
l+=f'➥<a href="{i.get("href")}">{str(i.get_text()).lstrip()}</a> |\n'
return l
async def telegraph_scaper(url):
ll='Scrape Links \n'
for i,j in zip(soup.find_all('strong'),soup.find_all('code')):#,class_='tl_article_content'):
ll+=f'➥<a href="{i.a.get("href")}">{str(j.get_text()).lstrip()}</a> |\n'
def atoz(url):
l=f'Title: {soup.find("title")}\n'
for i in soup.select('div[class*="mks_accordion_item"]'):
l+=f'➥<a href="https://www.atozcartoonist.com{i.a["href"]}">{str(i.text).lstrip()}</a>\n'
except: print('j')
return l
async def toonworld4all(url: str):
if "/redirect/main.php?url=" in url:
return f'┎ <b>Source Link:</b> {url}\n┃\n┖ <b>Bypass Link:</b> {rget(url).url}'
xml = rget(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(xml, 'html.parser')
if '/episode/' not in url:
epl = soup.select('a[href*="/episode/"]')
tls = soup.select('div[class*="mks_accordion_heading"]')
stitle = search(r'\"name\":\"(.+)\"', xml).group(1).split('"')[0]
prsd = f'<b><i>{stitle}</i></b>'
for n, (t, l) in enumerate(zip(tls, epl), start=1):
prsd += f'''
{n}. <i><b>{t.strong.string}</b></i>
┖ <b>Link :</b> {l["href"]}'''
return prsd
links = soup.select('a[href*="/redirect/main.php?url="]')
titles = soup.select('h5')
prsd = f"<b><i>{titles[0].string}</i></b>"
slicer, _ = divmod(len(links), len(titles))
atasks = []
for sl in links:
nsl = ""
while all(x not in nsl for x in ['rocklinks', 'link1s']):
nsl = rget(sl["href"], allow_redirects=False).headers['location']
if "rocklinks" in nsl:
atasks.append(create_task(transcript(nsl, "https://insurance.techymedies.com/", "https://highkeyfinance.com/", 5)))
elif "link1s" in nsl:
atasks.append(create_task(transcript(nsl, "https://link1s.com", "https://anhdep24.com/", 9)))
com_tasks = await gather(*atasks, return_exceptions=True)
lstd = [com_tasks[i:i+slicer] for i in range(0, len(com_tasks), slicer)]
for no, tl in enumerate(titles):
prsd += f"\n\n<b>{tl.string}</b>\n┃\n┖ <b>Links :</b> "
for tl, sl in zip(links, lstd[no]):
if isinstance(sl, Exception):
prsd += str(sl)
prsd += f"<a href='{sl}'>{tl.string}</a>, "
prsd = prsd[:-2]
return prsd
async def toonhub_scrapper(url):
client = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False)
if 'redirect/?url' in url:
return await shortners(res)
res = client.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'html.parser')
if '/episode/' not in url:
l = f'{soup.find("title").text}\n'
for i, j in zip(soup.find_all('div', {'class': "three_fourth tie-columns last"}),
soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'toggle'})):
l += f'<a href="{j.a.get("href")}">{str(j.h3.text).lstrip()}\n</a>Context: {i.text}\n'
return l
links = soup.select('a[href*="/redirect/?url="]')
titles = soup.select('h5')
prsd = f"<b><i>{titles[0].string}</i></b>"
slicer, _ = divmod(len(links), len(titles))
atasks = []
for sl in links:
nsl = client.get(f'https://toonshub.link/{sl["href"]}', allow_redirects=False).headers['location']
com_tasks = await gather(*atasks, return_exceptions=True)
lstd = [com_tasks[i:i+slicer] for i in range(0, len(com_tasks), slicer)]
for no, tl in enumerate(titles):
prsd += f"\n\n<b>{tl.string}</b>\n┃\n┖ <b>Links :</b> "
for tl, sl in zip(links, lstd[no]):
if isinstance(sl, Exception):
prsd += str(sl)
prsd += f"<a href='{sl}'>{tl.string}</a>, "
prsd = prsd[:-2]
return prsd
async def dhakrey(url):
cget = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False).request
resp = cget("GET", url)
title=f'\nTitle: {soup.find("title").text}\n\n'
for button in soup.find_all('button', onclick=True):
onclick_value = button['onclick']
match = re.search(r"window\.open\(['\"](https://drive.daddyop.us/dl[^'\"]+)['\"].*?\)", onclick_value)
download=re.search(r"window\.open\(['\"](https://[^'\"]*download\.aspx[^'\"]*)['\"].*?\)", onclick_value)
if match:
https_link = match.group(1)
button_text = button.get_text().strip()
if button_text=='Direct Drive Link':
drive_links = soup1.select('a[href^="https://drive.google.com"]')
for link,flink in zip(drive_links,filepress):
title+=f'➥<a href="{link["href"]}">{str("Drive Link").lstrip()}</a> | '
title+=f'➥<a href="{flink["href"]}">{str("Filepress Link").lstrip()}</a> | '
if download:
https_link = download.group(1)
button_text = button.get_text().strip()
title+=f'➥<a href="{https_link}">{str(button_text).lstrip()}</a> |\n'
return title
def publicearn(url,uid):
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
for i in range(0,31):
cget = cloudscraper.create_scraper(allow_brotli=False).request
resp = cget("GET", f"https://go.publicearn.com/{code}/?uid={uid}", headers={"referer": f'https://{ref}/'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")
data = { inp.get('name'): inp.get('value') for inp in soup.find_all("input") }
resp = cget("POST", f"https://go.publicearn.com/links/go", data=data, headers={ "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest" })
return resp.json()['url']
except Exception as e:
# shortners
async def shortners(url):
if "https://igg-games.com/" in url:
print("entered igg:",url)
return igggames(url)
elif "https://katdrive." in url:
if KATCRYPT == "":
return "🚫 __You can't use this because__ **KATDRIVE_CRYPT** __ENV is not set__"
print("entered katdrive:",url)
return drivescript(url, KATCRYPT, "KatDrive")
elif "https://kolop." in url:
if KCRYPT == "":
return "🚫 __You can't use this because__ **KOLOP_CRYPT** __ENV is not set__"
print("entered kolop:",url)
return kolop_dl(url, KCRYPT)
# hubdrive
elif "https://hubdrive." in url:
if HCRYPT == "":
return "🚫 __You can't use this because__ **HUBDRIVE_CRYPT** __ENV is not set__"
print("entered hubdrive:",url)
return drivescript(url, HCRYPT, "HubDrive")
# drivefire
elif "https://drivefire." in url:
if DCRYPT == "":
return "🚫 __You can't use this because__ **DRIVEFIRE_CRYPT** __ENV is not set__"
print("entered drivefire:",url)
return drivefire_dl(url, DCRYPT)
# filecrypt
elif (("https://filecrypt.co/") in url or ("https://filecrypt.cc/" in url)):
print("entered filecrypt:",url)
return filecrypt(url)
# shareus
elif "https://shareus." in url or "https://shrs.link/" in url:
print("entered shareus:",url)
return shareus(url)
elif "https://shorte.st/" in url:
print("entered shorte:",url)
return sh_st_bypass(url)
elif "https://psa.wf/exit" in url:
print("enterezbd psa:",url)
return try2link_scrape(url)
# psa
elif "https://psa.wf/" in url:
print("entered pssfdgsga:",url)
return psa_bypasser(url)
# sharer pw
elif "https://sharer.pw/" in url:
if XSRF_TOKEN == "" or Laravel_Session == "":
return "🚫 __You can't use this because__ **XSRF_TOKEN** __and__ **Laravel_Session** __ENV is not set__"
print("entered sharer:",url)
return sharer_pw(url, Laravel_Session, XSRF_TOKEN)
# gdtot url
elif "gdtot.cfd" in url:
print("entered gdtot:",url)
return f"<b><i>Can't bypass Now.They add cloudflare protection.</i></b>"
elif 'dhakrey' in url:
return await dhakrey(url)
# adfly
elif "https://adf.ly/" in url:
print("entered adfly:",url)
out = adfly(url)
return out['bypassed_url']
# droplink
elif "https://droplink.co/" in url:
print("entered droplink:",url)
return droplink(url)
# linkvertise
elif "https://linkvertise.com/" in url:
print("entered linkvertise:",url)
return linkvertise(url)
# ouo
elif "https://ouo.press/" in url or "https://ouo.io/" in url:
print("entered ouo:",url)
return ouo(url)
# try2link
elif "https://try2link.com/" in url:
print("entered try2links:",url)
return try2link_bypass(url)
# rslinks
elif "rslinks.net" in url:
print("entered rslinks:",url)
return rslinks(url)
# bitly + tinyurl
elif "bit.ly" in url or "tinyurl.com" in url:
print("entered bitly_tinyurl:",url)
return bitly_tinyurl(url)
# thinfi
elif "thinfi.com" in url:
print("entered thinfi:",url)
return thinfi(url)
# htpmovies sharespark cinevood
elif "https://htpmovies." in url or 'sharespark' in url or "https://skymovieshd" in url \
or "https://teluguflix" in url or 'https://taemovies' in url or "https://animeremux" in url or 'https://cinevood.' in url or 'https://animeremux.' in url:
print("entered htpmovies sharespark cinevood skymovieshd :",url)
return scrappers(url)
# gdrive look alike
elif ispresent(gdlist,url):
print("entered gdrive look alike:",url)
return unified(url)
# others
elif ispresent(otherslist,url):
print("entered others:",url)
return others(url)
elif "toonworld4all.me/redirect/main.php?" in url:
while not any(x in nsl for x in ['rocklinks', 'link1s']):
if 'go.rocklinks' in nsl:
as1=await transcript(nsl, "https://insurance.techymedies.com/", "https://highkeyfinance.com/", 5)
as1=await transcript(nsl,"https://link1s.com/","https://anhdep24.com/",8)
return as1
elif "toonworld4all" in url:
print("entered toonworld4all:",url)
return await toonworld4all(url)
elif "toonshub" in url:
return await toonhub_scrapper(url)
# elif "drive.google.com/" in url:
# if 'view' in url:
# d=url.index('view')
# url=url[0:66].split('/')
# url=url[-2]
# return f'🔗Link: <a href="https://indexlink.mrprincebotz.workers.dev/direct.aspx?id={url}">ɪɴᴅᴇx ʟɪɴᴋ</a>'
# elif 'id' in url:
# try:
# ur=url.index('&export=download')
# url=url[0:64].split('=')
# url=url[-1]
# return f'🔗Link: <a href="https://indexlink.mrprincebotz.workers.dev/direct.aspx?id={url}">ɪɴᴅᴇx ʟɪɴᴋ</a>'
# except:
# url=url[0:64].split('=')
# url=url[-1]
# return f'🔗Link: <a href="https://indexlink.mrprincebotz.workers.dev/direct.aspx?id={url}">ɪɴᴅᴇx ʟɪɴᴋ</a>'
elif "drive.google.com/" in url:
return f'🔗ɪɴᴅᴇx ʟɪɴᴋ: {get_dl(url)}'
elif "vnshortener.com" in url:
print("entered vnshortener:",url)
return vnshortener(url)
elif "themoviesboss.site/secret?" in url:
print("entered themoviesboss:",url)
return themoviesboss(url)
elif "themoviesboss.site" in url:
print("entered moviesboss:",url)
return moviesboss(url)
elif 'https://files.technicalatg.com/' in url:
return f'https://atglinks.com/{code}'
elif 'https://atglinks.com/' in url:
return f"There's NO Bypass for atglinks.com Now "
elif "https://10bitclub.me" in url:
print("entered 10bitclub:",url)
return tenbit(url)
elif "https://animepahe.ru" in url:
print("entered animepahe:",url)
return animepahe(url)
elif "https://du-link.in" in url:
print("entered du_link:",url)
return du_link(url)
elif "https://www.atozcartoonist.com/redirect/" in url:
print("entered atozcartoonist:",url)
return atozcartoonist(url)
elif "https://www.atozcartoonist.com/" in url:
print("entered atoz:",url)
return atoz(url)
elif 'atishmkv.wiki' in url:
print(f"entered atishmkv: {url}")
return await atishmkv(url)
elif 'https://graph.org' in url:
print(f"entered telegraph_scaper: {url}")
return await telegraph_scaper(url)
elif "shrinkforearn" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://shrinkforearn.in/","https://wp.uploadfiles.in/", 10)
elif "link.short2url" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://techyuth.xyz/blog/", "https://blog.mphealth.online/", 9)
elif "viplinks" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://m.vip-link.net/", "https://m.leadcricket.com/", 5)
elif "bindaaslinks" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://thebindaas.com/blog/", "https://finance.appsinsta.com/", 5)
elif "sheralinks" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://link.blogyindia.com/", "https://blogyindia.com/", 5)
elif "url4earn" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://go.url4earn.in/", "https://techminde.com/", 8)
elif "tglink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tglink.in/", "https://www.proappapk.com/", 5)
elif "link1s.com" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://link1s.com/","https://anhdep24.com/",8)
elif "gofile.io" in url:
return gofile_dl(url)
elif "publicearn" in url:
return publicearn(url,uid)
elif "links4money.com" in url:
return await transcript(url,'https://links4money.com','https://gamergiri.infokeeda.xyz',2)
elif "happiurl.com" in url:
return await transcript(url,'https://count.financevis.com/','https://financevis.com/',5)
elif "linkfly" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.linkfly.in", "https://techyblogs.in/", 4)
elif "mdiskshortner" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://loans.yosite.net", "https://yosite.net", 10)
elif "narzolinks" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.narzolinks.click/", "https://hydtech.in/", 5)
elif "earn2me" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://blog.filepresident.com/", "https://easyworldbusiness.com/", 5)
elif "adsfly" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.adsfly.in/", "https://loans.quick91.com/", 5)
elif "link4earn" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://link4earn.com", "https://studyis.xyz/", 5)
elif "pdisk.site" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.moneycase.link", "https://go.moneycase.link", 2)
elif "link.tnshort.net/" in url or "link.tnlink.net/" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.tnshort.net", "https://market.finclub.in", 10)
elif "ziplinker.net" in url:
return await transcript(url,'https://ziplinker.net/web','https://ontechhindi.com/',0.04)
elif "urllinkshort.in" in url:
return await transcript(url,'https://web.urllinkshort.in/','https://suntechu.in/',4.5)
elif "kpslink.in" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://get.infotamizhan.xyz/", "https://infotamizhan.xyz/", 5)
elif "v2.kpslink.in" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://v2download.kpslink.in/", "https://infotamizhan.xyz/", 5)
elif "go.lolshort" in url:
return await transcript('http://go.lolshort.tech/DoCpsBrG', "https://get.lolshort.tech/", "https://tech.animezia.com/", 8)
elif "go.lolshort" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://blog.vllinks.in", "https://vlnewshd.in/", 8)
elif "onepagelink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.onepagelink.in/", "https://gorating.in/", 0.9)
elif "pkin" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.paisakamalo.in", "https://techkeshri.com/", 9)
elif "shrinke" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://en.shrinke.me/", "https://themezon.net/", 15)
elif "mplaylink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tera-box.cloud/", "https://mvplaylink.in.net/", 0.5)
elif "ewlink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://ewlink.xyz/", "https://rxfastrx.com/", 0)
elif "sklinks" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://sklinks.in", "https://sklinks.in/", 4.5)
elif "dalink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://get.tamilhit.tech/X/LOG-E/", "https://www.tamilhit.tech/", 8)
elif "rocklinks" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://insurance.techymedies.com/", "https://highkeyfinance.com/", 5)
elif "short_jambo" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://short-jambo.com/","https://1.newworldnew.com/",0.7)
elif "ez4short" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://ez4short.com/","https://ez4mods.com/",5)
elif "shortingly.com" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://go.blogytube.com/","https://blogytube.com/",1)
elif "https://gyanilinks.com/" in url or "https://gtlinks.me/" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://go.hipsonyc.com","https://earn.hostadviser.net",5)
elif "https://flashlinks.in/" in url:
return await transcript(url,"https://flashlinks.in", "https://flashlinks.online/",13)
elif "urlsopen" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://s.humanssurvival.com/", "https://1topjob.xyz/", 1)
elif "xpshort" in url:
return f"Can't Bypass.Invisible captcha"
#return await transcript(url, "https://techymozo.com/", "https://portgyaan.in/", 0)
elif "go.moonlinks.in/" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.moonlinks.in/", "https://www.akcartoons.in/", 7)
elif "vivdisk" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tinyfy.in/", "https://web.yotrickslog.tech/", 0)
elif "https://krownlinks.me" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.hostadviser.net/", "https://blog.hostadviser.net/", 8)
elif "adrinolink" in url:
return f'https://bhojpuritop.in/safe.php?link={url.split("/")[-1]}'#await transcript(url, "https://adrinolinks.in/", "https://amritadrino.com", 8)
elif "mdiskshortner" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://mdiskshortner.link", "https://m.proappapk.com", 2)
elif "tiny" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tinyfy.in", "https://www.yotrickslog.tech", 0)
elif "earnl" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://v.earnl.xyz", "https://link.modmakers.xyz", 5)
elif "moneykamalo" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.moneykamalo.com", "https://blog.techkeshri.com", 5)
elif "v2links" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://vzu.us", "https://gadgetsreview27.com", 15)
elif "tnvalue" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://get.tnvalue.in/", "https://finclub.in", 8)
elif "omnifly" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://f.omnifly.in.net/", "https://f.omnifly.in.net/", 8)
elif "indianshortner" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://indianshortner.com/", "https://moddingzone.in", 5)
elif "indianshortner" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://techy.veganab.co", "https://veganab.co/", 8)
elif "indi" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://file.earnash.com/", "https://indiurl.cordtpoint.co.in/", 10)
elif "linkbnao" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://vip.linkbnao.com", "https://ffworld.xyz/", 2)
elif "mdiskpro" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://mdisk.pro", "https://www.meclipstudy.in", 8)
elif "omegalinks" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tera-box.com", "https://m.meclipstudy.in", 8)
elif "mdisklink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://powerlinkz.in", "https://powerlinkz.in", 2)
elif "indshort" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://indianshortner.com", "https://moddingzone.in", 5)
elif "indyshare" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://download.indyshare.net", "https://bestdjsong.com/", 15)
elif "mdisklink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://gotolink.mdisklink.link/", "https://loans.yosite.net/", 2)
elif "tamizhmasters" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tamizhmasters.com/", "https://pokgames.com/", 5)
elif "vipurl" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://count.vipurl.in/", "https://awuyro.com/", 8)
elif "linksly" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://go.linksly.co", "https://en.themezon.net/", 10)
elif "link1s" in url:
return await transcript(url,'https://link1s.net','https://nguyenvanbao.com/',0)
elif "sxslink" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://getlink.sxslink.com/", "https://cinemapettai.in/", 5)
elif "urlspay.in" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://finance.smallinfo.in/", "https://loans.techyinfo.in/", 5)
elif "linkpays.in" in url:
return await transcript(url, "https://tech.smallinfo.in/Gadget/", "https://loan.insuranceinfos.in/", 5)
elif "seturl.in" in url:
return await transcript(url,'https://set.seturl.in/','https://earn.petrainer.in/',5)
else: return "Not in Supported Sites"