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<root> | |
<mxCell id="0" /> | |
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</mxCell> | |
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News Data
Stock Ticker Information" style="rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" vertex="1" parent="1"> | |
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</mxCell> | |
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<mxGeometry x="320" y="160" width="120" height="40" as="geometry" /> | |
</mxCell> | |
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</mxCell> | |
<mxCell id="7" value="Random Forest Model (using News Data)" style="rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" vertex="1" parent="1"> | |
<mxGeometry x="480" y="240" width="200" height="60" as="geometry" /> | |
</mxCell> | |
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</mxCell> | |
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</mxCell> | |
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<mxGeometry x="280" y="440" width="200" height="60" as="geometry" /> | |
</mxCell> | |
<mxCell id="11" value="Evaluates the prediction outputs" style="rounded=1;white | |