Samay42's picture
9e55b98 verified
import os
import streamlit as st
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import StrOutputParser
from docx import Document
import fitz # PyMuPDF
def extract_text_from_pdf(file):
"""Extract text from PDF."""
text = ""
doc =, filetype="pdf")
for page in doc:
text += page.get_text()
return text
def create_multiple_choice_prompt(num_questions, quiz_context, expertise):
"""Create the prompt template for multiple-choice quiz."""
template = f"""
You are an expert in {expertise}. Generate a quiz with {num_questions} multiple-choice questions that are relevant to {expertise} based on the following content: {quiz_context}.
The questions should be at the level of {expertise} and should challenge the knowledge of someone proficient in this field.
The format of the quiz is as follows:
- Multiple-choice:
- Questions:
1. <Question1>:
a. Answer 1
b. Answer 2
c. Answer 3
d. Answer 4
2. <Question2>:
a. Answer 1
b. Answer 2
c. Answer 3
d. Answer 4
- Answers:
1. <a|b|c|d>
2. <a|b|c|d>
- Questions:
1. What is the time complexity of a binary search tree?
a. O(n)
b. O(log n)
c. O(n^2)
d. O(1)
- Answers:
1. b
return template
def create_true_false_prompt(num_questions, quiz_context, expertise):
"""Create the prompt template for true-false quiz."""
template = f"""
You are an expert in {expertise}. Generate a quiz with {num_questions} true-false questions that are relevant to {expertise} based on the following content: {quiz_context}.
The questions should be at the level of {expertise} and should challenge the knowledge of someone proficient in this field.
The format of the quiz is as follows:
- True-false:
- Questions:
1. <Question1>: <True|False>
2. <Question2>: <True|False>
- Answers:
1. <True|False>
2. <True|False>
- Questions:
1. A binary search tree is a type of data structure.
2. Binary search trees are typically used for sorting and searching operations.
- Answers:
1. True
2. True
return template
def create_open_ended_prompt(num_questions, quiz_context, expertise):
"""Create the prompt template for open-ended quiz."""
template = f"""
You are an expert in {expertise}. Generate a quiz with {num_questions} open-ended questions that are relevant to {expertise} based on the following content: {quiz_context}.
The questions should be at the level of {expertise} and should challenge the knowledge of someone proficient in this field.
The format of the quiz is as follows:
- Open-ended:
- Questions:
1. <Question1>
2. <Question2>
- Questions:
1. What is a binary search tree?
2. How are binary search trees implemented?
return template
def create_fill_in_the_blank_prompt(num_questions, quiz_context, expertise):
"""Create the prompt template for fill-in-the-blank quiz."""
template = f"""
You are an expert in {expertise}. Generate a quiz with {num_questions} fill-in-the-blank questions that are relevant to {expertise} based on the following content: {quiz_context}.
The questions should be at the level of {expertise} and should challenge the knowledge of someone proficient in this field.
The format of the quiz is as follows:
- Fill-in-the-blank:
- Questions:
1. <Question1>: <Fill-in-the-blank>
2. <Question2>: <Fill-in-the-blank>
- Questions:
1. A binary search tree is a ________ data structure.
2. Binary search trees are implemented using ________.
- Answers:
1. hierarchical
2. linked lists
return template
def create_mixed_questions_prompt(num_questions, quiz_context, expertise):
"""Create the prompt template for a mix of all question types."""
template = f"""
You are an expert in {expertise}. Generate a quiz with {num_questions} questions that include a mix of multiple-choice, true-false, open-ended, and fill-in-the-blank questions relevant to {expertise} based on the following content: {quiz_context}.
The questions should be at the level of {expertise} and should challenge the knowledge of someone proficient in this field.
The format of the quiz is as follows:
- Mixed Questions:
- Questions:
1. <Question1> (Multiple-choice):
a. Answer 1
b. Answer 2
c. Answer 3
d. Answer 4
2. <Question2> (True/False):
<Question2>: <True|False>
3. <Question3> (Open-ended):
4. <Question4> (Fill-in-the-blank):
<Question4>: <Fill-in-the-blank>
- Answers:
1. <a|b|c|d>
2. <True|False>
3. <Open-ended Answer>
4. <Fill-in-the-blank Answer>
- Questions:
1. What is the time complexity of a binary search tree? (Multiple-choice)
a. O(n)
b. O(log n)
c. O(n^2)
d. O(1)
2. A binary search tree is a type of data structure. (True/False)
3. What is a binary search tree? (Open-ended)
4. A binary search tree is a ________ data structure. (Fill-in-the-blank)
- Answers:
1. b
2. True
3. A binary search tree is a data structure used to store data in a sorted manner.
4. hierarchical
return template
def create_quiz_chain(openai_api_key):
"""Creates the chain for the quiz app."""
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
return llm | StrOutputParser()
def split_questions_answers(quiz_response):
"""Function that splits the questions and answers from the quiz response."""
if "Answers:" in quiz_response:
questions = quiz_response.split("Answers:")[0]
answers = quiz_response.split("Answers:")[1]
questions = quiz_response
answers = "Answers section not found in the response."
return questions, answers
def main():
st.write("This app generates questions based on the uploaded document.")
openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a PDF or Word document")
if uploaded_file is not None:
text = extract_text_from_pdf(uploaded_file)
num_questions = st.number_input("Enter the number of questions", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=3)
quiz_type = st.selectbox("Select the quiz type", ["multiple-choice", "true-false", "open-ended", "fill-in-the-blank", "mixed"])
expertise = st.text_input("Enter the field of expertise for the quiz")
if st.button("Generate Questions"):
if quiz_type == "multiple-choice":
prompt_template = create_multiple_choice_prompt(num_questions, text, expertise)
elif quiz_type == "true-false":
prompt_template = create_true_false_prompt(num_questions, text, expertise)
elif quiz_type == "open-ended":
prompt_template = create_open_ended_prompt(num_questions, text, expertise)
elif quiz_type == "fill-in-the-blank":
prompt_template = create_fill_in_the_blank_prompt(num_questions, text, expertise)
else: # mixed
prompt_template = create_mixed_questions_prompt(num_questions, text, expertise)
chain = create_quiz_chain(openai_api_key)
quiz_response = chain.invoke(prompt_template)
st.write("Quiz Generated!")
questions, answers = split_questions_answers(quiz_response)
st.session_state.answers = answers
st.session_state.questions = questions
if st.button("Show Answers"):
if __name__ == "__main__":