{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block body %} {% include "nav_bar.html" %} |
<section id="banner"> |
<div class="container"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<p class="promo-title">Empowering Farmers With Data Driven Decisions</p> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-6 text-center"> |
<img src="/static/images/farmer_01.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<img src="/static/images/wave1.png" class="bottom-img" alt="" /> |
</section> |
<section id="services"> |
<div class="container text-center"> |
<h1 class="title">What We Do ?</h1> |
<div class="row text-center"> |
<div class="col-md-3 services"> |
<img |
src="/static/images/crop-recommendation-logo.png" |
class="service-img" |
alt="" |
/> |
<h4 class="service-name">Crop<br />Recommendation</h4> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-3 services"> |
<img |
src="/static//images/fertilizer-logo.png" |
class="service-img" |
alt="" |
/> |
<h4 class="service-name">Fertilizer<br />Recommendation</h4> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-3 services"> |
<img |
src="/static/images/image-classification-logo.png" |
class="service-img" |
alt="" |
/> |
<h4 class="service-name">Dieases<br />Classification</h4> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-3 services"> |
<img |
src="/static/images/market-price-logo.png" |
class="service-img" |
alt="" |
/> |
<h4 class="service-name">Market<br />Price</h4> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section id="about-us"> |
<div class="container"> |
<h1 class="title text-center">Why We Do It.</h1> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6 about-us"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
The purpose of our website is to assist farmers in making better |
decisions for their crops. |
</li> |
<li> |
Every soil has unique fertilizer requirements and suits specific |
crops, making <b>personalized recommendations</b> essential. |
</li> |
<li> |
By <b>harnessing the power of technology</b>, we aim to bridge the |
gap between agricultural practices and data-driven insights. |
</li> |
<li> |
We aim to provide a comprehensive one-stop solution to cater to all |
the needs of farmers. |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<img src="/static/images/farmer_02.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section id="about-us"> |
<div class="container"> |
<h1 class="title text-center">How We Do It.</h1> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6 about-us"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
Our website integrates cutting-edge machine learning and deep |
learning algorithms to facilitate informed decision-making. |
</li> |
<li> |
These algorithms are trained on vast and diverse datasets, ensuring |
accurate and reliable recommendations. |
</li> |
<li> |
We leverage the power of data-driven insights to deliver valuable |
suggestions to farmers. |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<img src="/static/images/farmer_03.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section id="about-us"> |
<div class="container"> |
<h1 class="title text-center">What We Do ?</h1> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6 about-us"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
Our website is a <b> farmer-centric platform </b>that offers a range |
of services based on user inputs. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Crop Recommendation:</b> Using soil analysis and other relevant |
factors, we suggest the most suitable crops for a specific plot of |
land. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Fertilizer Recommendation:</b> We provide tailored fertilizer |
suggestions based on the soil's unique needs and crop choice. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Plant Health Assessment:</b> Our computer vision technology |
analyzes leaf images to determine the plant's health status and |
identify potential diseases. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Market Price Information:</b> Farmers can access current market |
prices for their crops using data fetched from the Indian |
government's API. |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<img src="/static/images/farmer_04.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section id="about-us"> |
<div class="container"> |
<h1 class="title text-center">How It Benefits Farmers ?</h1> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-6 about-us"> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<b>Empowering Decision Making:</b> By receiving personalized |
recommendations, farmers can make informed choices for their crops |
and fertilizers. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Crop Yield:</b> Tailored suggestions lead to optimal crop choices |
and better fertilizer usage, resulting in increased yields. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Early Disease Detection:</b> Our plant health assessment helps |
detect diseases at an early stage, allowing farmers to take timely |
action and prevent losses. |
</li> |
<li> |
<b>Market Awareness:</b> Access to real-time market prices enables |
farmers to sell their produce at the most favorable rates. |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-6"> |
<img src="/static/images/farmer_05.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section id="quotes"> |
<div class="container"> |
<h1 class="title text-center">Quotes</h1> |
<div class="row offset-1"> |
<div class="col-md-4 offset-md-1 quotes"> |
<p> |
Agriculture is knowledge, it is skill, and it is the instrument of the |
economic transformation of the country. |
</p> |
<img |
src="https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.f23778460df068a070243104345e2f0b?rik=rM8Ugybe1GQ7cA&riu=http%3a%2f%2f4.bp.blogspot.com%2f-ds227LvoTqk%2fThCuNYcoGYI%2fAAAAAAAAAGQ%2fG5NQZ-zxPsM%2fs1600%2fgandhi_sepia.jpg&ehk=CRuSyVWpifSU1qOmjk0plACK05crrzh55FquZl%2fzWHQ%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0" |
alt="" |
/> |
<p class="user-details"><b>Mahatma Gandhi</b></p> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2 quotes"> |
<p> |
We must harness the power of technology and science to revolutionize |
agriculture and improve the lives of farmers. |
</p> |
<img |
src="https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.7d12f24287ff1834f10ee0a49b252dbb?rik=dVjWCy6RA4BF5w&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.internationalinside.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2015%2f07%2fdr_apj_abdul_kalam_wallpapers.jpg&ehk=pBnhFHfJEDkAPhHpw9kiCwSEGA8w14WMRRO1C9TH7ss%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0" |
alt="" |
/> |
<p class="user-details"> |
<b>A. P. J. Abdul Kalam</b><br />The former President of India |
</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section> |
<h1 class="title text-center">Services</h1> |
<div class="container-fluid d-flex justify-content-center"> |
<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-4 g-3 gy-3"> |
<div class="col"> |
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem"> |
<img |
src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1597916829826-02e5bb4a54e0?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&auto=format&fit=crop&w=687&q=80" |
class="card-img-top" |
alt="..." |
/> |
<div class="card-body"> |
<h5 class="card-title">Crop Recommendation</h5> |
<p class="card-text"> |
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the |
bulk of the card's content. |
</p> |
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" |
>Visit Page</a |
> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="col"> |
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem"> |
<img |
src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1492496913980-501348b61469?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&auto=format&fit=crop&w=687&q=80" |
class="card-img-top" |
alt="..." |
/> |
<div class="card-body"> |
<h5 class="card-title">Fertilizer Recommendation</h5> |
<p class="card-text"> |
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the |
bulk of the card's content. |
</p> |
<a |
href="#" |
class="btn btn-primary" |
>Visit Page</a |
> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="col"> |
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem"> |
<img |
src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1580982327559-c1202864eb05?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&auto=format&fit=crop&w=687&q=80" |
class="card-img-top" |
alt="..." |
/> |
<div class="card-body"> |
<h5 class="card-title">Dieases Classification</h5> |
<p class="card-text"> |
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the |
bulk of the card's content. |
</p> |
<a |
href="#" |
class="btn btn-primary" |
>Visit Page</a |
> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="col"> |
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem"> |
<img |
src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1550989460-0adf9ea622e2?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&auto=format&fit=crop&w=687&q=80" |
class="card-img-top" |
alt="..." |
/> |
<div class="card-body"> |
<h5 class="card-title">Market Price</h5> |
<p class="card-text"> |
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the |
bulk of the card's content. |
</p> |
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" |
>Visit Page</a |
> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |
<section id="social-media"> |
<div class="container text-center"> |
<p>Connect on Social Media</p> |
<div class="social-icons"> |
<a href="#"><img src="/static/images/github-logo.png" alt="" /></a> |
<a href="#"><img src="/static/images/linkedin-icon.png" alt="" /></a> |
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</section> |
<section id="footer"> |
<img src="/static/images/wave1_mod.png" class="footer-img" alt="" /> |
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<img src="/static/images/logo.png" alt="" /> |
<p class="addition-info"> |
Please Try all the features and comment and share |
</p> |
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</div> |
</section> |
{% endblock %} |