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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Author : Rong Ye
@Time : May 2022
@Contact : yerong@bytedance
import os
import traceback
import shutil
import yaml
import re
from pydub import AudioSegment
import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
"German": "de",
"Spanish": "es",
"French": "fr",
"Italian": "it",
"Netherlands": "nl",
"Portuguese": "pt",
"Romanian": "ro",
"Russian": "ru",
"de": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 0.7},
"es": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 0.1},
"fr": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 1.0},
"it": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 0.5},
"nl": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 0.4},
"pt": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 0.9},
"ro": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 1.0},
"ru": {"beam": 10, "lenpen": 0.3},
os.system("git clone")
os.system("mv ConST ConST_git")
os.system('mv -n ConST_git/* ./')
os.system("rm -rf ConST_git")
os.system("pip3 install --editable ./")
os.system("mkdir -p data checkpoint")
huggingface_model_dir = snapshot_download(repo_id="ReneeYe/ConST_en2x_models")
def convert_audio_to_16k_wav(audio_input):
sound = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_input)
sample_rate = sound.frame_rate
num_channels = sound.channels
num_frames = int(sound.frame_count())
filename = audio_input.split("/")[-1]
print("original file is at:", audio_input)
if (num_channels > 1) or (sample_rate != 16000): # convert to mono-channel 16k wav
if num_channels > 1:
sound = sound.set_channels(1)
if sample_rate != 16000:
sound = sound.set_frame_rate(16000)
num_frames = int(sound.frame_count())
filename = filename.replace(".wav", "") + "_16k.wav"
sound.export(f"data/{filename}", format="wav")
shutil.copy(audio_input, f'data/{filename}')
return filename, num_frames
def prepare_tsv(file_name, n_frame, language, task="ST"):
tgt_lang = LANGUAGE_CODES[language]
with open("data/test_case.tsv", "w") as f:
f.write(f"sample\t{file_name}\t{n_frame}\tThis is in {tgt_lang}.\tspk.1\ten\t{tgt_lang}\tThis is English.\n")
def get_vocab_and_yaml(language):
tgt_lang = LANGUAGE_CODES[language]
# get: spm_ende.model and spm_ende.txt, and save to data/xxx
# if exist, no need to download
shutil.copy(os.path.join(huggingface_model_dir, f"vocabulary/spm_en{tgt_lang}.model"), "./data")
shutil.copy(os.path.join(huggingface_model_dir, f"vocabulary/spm_en{tgt_lang}.txt"), "./data")
# write yaml file
abs_path = os.popen("pwd").read().strip()
yaml_dict = LANG_GEN_SETUPS[tgt_lang]
yaml_dict["input_channels"] = 1
yaml_dict["use_audio_input"] = True
yaml_dict["prepend_tgt_lang_tag"] = True
yaml_dict["prepend_src_lang_tag"] = True
yaml_dict["audio_root"] = os.path.join(abs_path, "data")
yaml_dict["vocab_filename"] = f"spm_en{tgt_lang}.txt"
yaml_dict["bpe_tokenizer"] = {"bpe": "sentencepiece",
"sentencepiece_model": os.path.join(abs_path, f"data/spm_en{tgt_lang}.model")}
with open("data/config.yaml", "w") as f:
yaml.dump(yaml_dict, f)
def get_model(language):
# download models to checkpoint/xxx
return os.path.join(huggingface_model_dir, f"models/const_en{LANGUAGE_CODES[language]}.pt")
def generate(model_path):
os.system(f"python3 fairseq_cli/ data/ --gen-subset test_case --task speech_to_text --prefix-size 1 \
--max-tokens 4000000 --max-source-positions 4000000 \
--config-yaml config.yaml --path {model_path} | tee temp.txt")
output = os.popen("grep ^D temp.txt | sort -n -k 2 -t '-' | cut -f 3")
def post_processing(raw_sentence):
output_sentence = raw_sentence
if ":" in raw_sentence:
splited_sent = raw_sentence.split(":")
if len(splited_sent) == 2:
prefix = splited_sent[0].strip()
if len(prefix) <= 3:
output_sentence = splited_sent[1].strip()
elif ("(" in prefix) and (")" in prefix):
bgm = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", prefix)[0]
if len(prefix.replace(bgm, "").strip()) <= 3:
output_sentence = splited_sent[1].strip()
elif len(splited_sent[1].strip()) > 8:
output_sentence = splited_sent[1].strip()
elif ("(" in raw_sentence) and (")" in raw_sentence):
bgm_list = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", raw_sentence)
for bgm in bgm_list:
if len(raw_sentence.replace(bgm, "").strip()) > 5:
output_sentence = output_sentence.replace(bgm, "").strip()
if len(output_sentence) <= 5:
output_sentence = raw_sentence
return output_sentence
def remove_temp_files(audio_file):
def run(audio_file, language):
converted_audio_file, n_frame = convert_audio_to_16k_wav(audio_file)
prepare_tsv(converted_audio_file, n_frame, language)
model_path = get_model(language)
generated_output = post_processing(generate(model_path))
return generated_output
return error_output(language)
def error_output(language):
return f"Fail to translate the audio into {language}, you may use the examples I provide."
inputs = [
gr.inputs.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", label="Record something (in English)..."),
gr.inputs.Dropdown(list(LANGUAGE_CODES.keys()), default="German", label="From English to Languages X..."),
iface = gr.Interface(
outputs=[gr.outputs.Textbox(label="The translation")],
examples=[['short-case.wav', "German"], ['long-case.wav', "German"]],
title="ConST: an end-to-end speech translator",
description='ConST is an end-to-end speech-to-text translation model, whose algorithm corresponds to the '
'NAACL 2022 paper *"Cross-modal Contrastive Learning for Speech Translation"* (see the paper at for more details). '
'This is a live demo for ConST, to translate English into eight European languages. \n'
'p.s. For better experience, we recommend using **Chrome** to record audio.',
article="- The motivation of the ConST model is to use the contrastive learning method to learn similar representations for semantically similar speech and text, " \
"thus leveraging MT to help improve ST performance. \n"
"- The models you are experiencing are trained based on the MuST-C dataset (, " \
"which only contains about 250k parallel data at each translation direction. "
"The translation performance of these language directions varies from 20-30+ BLEU, "
"so it is normal to find some flaws in the translation, and we are trying to improve the models, "
"such as training on larger datasets and developing more advanced algorithms.\n"
"- If you want to know how to train the models, you may refer to",