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# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only).
# --------------------------------------------------------
# 7 Scenes dataloader
# --------------------------------------------------------
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import PIL.Image
import kapture
from import kapture_from_dir
from kapture_localization.utils.pairsfile import get_ordered_pairs_from_file
from import depth_map_from_file
from dust3r_visloc.datasets.utils import cam_to_world_from_kapture, get_resize_function, rescale_points3d
from dust3r_visloc.datasets.base_dataset import BaseVislocDataset
from dust3r.datasets.utils.transforms import ImgNorm
from dust3r.utils.geometry import depthmap_to_absolute_camera_coordinates, xy_grid, geotrf
class VislocSevenScenes(BaseVislocDataset):
def __init__(self, root, subscene, pairsfile, topk=1):
self.root = root
self.subscene = subscene
self.topk = topk
self.num_views = self.topk + 1
self.maxdim = None
self.patch_size = None
query_path = os.path.join(self.root, subscene, 'query')
kdata_query = kapture_from_dir(query_path)
assert kdata_query.records_camera is not None and kdata_query.trajectories is not None and kdata_query.rigs is not None
kapture.rigs_remove_inplace(kdata_query.trajectories, kdata_query.rigs)
kdata_query_searchindex = {kdata_query.records_camera[(timestamp, sensor_id)]: (timestamp, sensor_id)
for timestamp, sensor_id in kdata_query.records_camera.key_pairs()}
self.query_data = {'path': query_path, 'kdata': kdata_query, 'searchindex': kdata_query_searchindex}
map_path = os.path.join(self.root, subscene, 'mapping')
kdata_map = kapture_from_dir(map_path)
assert kdata_map.records_camera is not None and kdata_map.trajectories is not None and kdata_map.rigs is not None
kapture.rigs_remove_inplace(kdata_map.trajectories, kdata_map.rigs)
kdata_map_searchindex = {kdata_map.records_camera[(timestamp, sensor_id)]: (timestamp, sensor_id)
for timestamp, sensor_id in kdata_map.records_camera.key_pairs()}
self.map_data = {'path': map_path, 'kdata': kdata_map, 'searchindex': kdata_map_searchindex}
self.pairs = get_ordered_pairs_from_file(os.path.join(self.root, subscene,
pairsfile + '.txt'))
self.scenes = kdata_query.records_camera.data_list()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.scenes)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
assert self.maxdim is not None and self.patch_size is not None
query_image = self.scenes[idx]
map_images = [p[0] for p in self.pairs[query_image][:self.topk]]
views = []
dataarray = [(query_image, self.query_data, False)] + [(map_image, self.map_data, True)
for map_image in map_images]
for idx, (imgname, data, should_load_depth) in enumerate(dataarray):
imgpath, kdata, searchindex = map(data.get, ['path', 'kdata', 'searchindex'])
timestamp, camera_id = searchindex[imgname]
# for 7scenes, SIMPLE_PINHOLE
camera_params = kdata.sensors[camera_id].camera_params
W, H, f, cx, cy = camera_params
distortion = [0, 0, 0, 0]
intrinsics = np.float32([(f, 0, cx),
(0, f, cy),
(0, 0, 1)])
cam_to_world = cam_to_world_from_kapture(kdata, timestamp, camera_id)
# Load RGB image
rgb_image =, 'sensors/records_data', imgname)).convert('RGB')
W, H = rgb_image.size
resize_func, to_resize, to_orig = get_resize_function(self.maxdim, self.patch_size, H, W)
rgb_tensor = resize_func(ImgNorm(rgb_image))
view = {
'intrinsics': intrinsics,
'distortion': distortion,
'cam_to_world': cam_to_world,
'rgb': rgb_image,
'rgb_rescaled': rgb_tensor,
'to_orig': to_orig,
'idx': idx,
'image_name': imgname
# Load depthmap
if should_load_depth:
depthmap_filename = os.path.join(imgpath, 'sensors/records_data',
imgname.replace('color.png', 'depth.reg'))
depthmap = depth_map_from_file(depthmap_filename, (int(W), int(H))).astype(np.float32)
pts3d_full, pts3d_valid = depthmap_to_absolute_camera_coordinates(depthmap, intrinsics, cam_to_world)
pts3d = pts3d_full[pts3d_valid]
pts2d_int = xy_grid(W, H)[pts3d_valid]
pts2d = pts2d_int.astype(np.float64)
# nan => invalid
pts3d_full[~pts3d_valid] = np.nan
pts3d_full = torch.from_numpy(pts3d_full)
view['pts3d'] = pts3d_full
view["valid"] = pts3d_full.sum(dim=-1).isfinite()
HR, WR = rgb_tensor.shape[1:]
_, _, pts3d_rescaled, valid_rescaled = rescale_points3d(pts2d, pts3d, to_resize, HR, WR)
pts3d_rescaled = torch.from_numpy(pts3d_rescaled)
valid_rescaled = torch.from_numpy(valid_rescaled)
view['pts3d_rescaled'] = pts3d_rescaled
view["valid_rescaled"] = valid_rescaled
return views