import math | |
import numpy as np | |
import cv2 | |
def extract_ORB_keypoints_and_descriptors(img): | |
# gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) | |
detector = cv2.ORB_create(nfeatures=1000) | |
kp, desc = detector.detectAndCompute(img, None) | |
return kp, desc | |
def match_descriptors_NG(kp1, desc1, kp2, desc2): | |
bf = cv2.BFMatcher() | |
try: | |
matches = bf.knnMatch(desc1, desc2, k=2) | |
except: | |
matches = [] | |
good_matches = [] | |
image1_kp = [] | |
image2_kp = [] | |
ratios = [] | |
try: | |
for (m1, m2) in matches: | |
if m1.distance < 0.8 * m2.distance: | |
good_matches.append(m1) | |
image2_kp.append(kp2[m1.trainIdx].pt) | |
image1_kp.append(kp1[m1.queryIdx].pt) | |
ratios.append(m1.distance / m2.distance) | |
except: | |
pass | |
image1_kp = np.array([image1_kp]) | |
image2_kp = np.array([image2_kp]) | |
ratios = np.array([ratios]) | |
ratios = np.expand_dims(ratios, 2) | |
return image1_kp, image2_kp, good_matches, ratios | |
def match_descriptors(kp1, desc1, kp2, desc2, ORB): | |
if ORB: | |
bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) | |
try: | |
matches = bf.match(desc1, desc2) | |
matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance) | |
except: | |
matches = [] | |
good_matches = [] | |
image1_kp = [] | |
image2_kp = [] | |
count = 0 | |
try: | |
for m in matches: | |
count += 1 | |
if count < 1000: | |
good_matches.append(m) | |
image2_kp.append(kp2[m.trainIdx].pt) | |
image1_kp.append(kp1[m.queryIdx].pt) | |
except: | |
pass | |
else: | |
# Match the keypoints with the warped_keypoints with nearest neighbor search | |
bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2, crossCheck=True) | |
try: | |
matches = bf.match(desc1.transpose(1, 0), desc2.transpose(1, 0)) | |
matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance) | |
except: | |
matches = [] | |
good_matches = [] | |
image1_kp = [] | |
image2_kp = [] | |
try: | |
for m in matches: | |
good_matches.append(m) | |
image2_kp.append(kp2[m.trainIdx].pt) | |
image1_kp.append(kp1[m.queryIdx].pt) | |
except: | |
pass | |
image1_kp = np.array([image1_kp]) | |
image2_kp = np.array([image2_kp]) | |
return image1_kp, image2_kp, good_matches | |
def compute_essential(matched_kp1, matched_kp2, K): | |
pts1 = cv2.undistortPoints( | |
matched_kp1, | |
cameraMatrix=K, | |
distCoeffs=(-0.117918271740560, 0.075246403574314, 0, 0), | |
) | |
pts2 = cv2.undistortPoints( | |
matched_kp2, | |
cameraMatrix=K, | |
distCoeffs=(-0.117918271740560, 0.075246403574314, 0, 0), | |
) | |
K_1 = np.eye(3) | |
# Estimate the homography between the matches using RANSAC | |
ransac_model, ransac_inliers = cv2.findEssentialMat( | |
pts1, pts2, K_1, method=cv2.FM_RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=0.001 | |
) | |
if ransac_inliers is None or ransac_model.shape != (3, 3): | |
ransac_inliers = np.array([]) | |
ransac_model = None | |
return ransac_model, ransac_inliers, pts1, pts2 | |
def compute_error(R_GT, t_GT, E, pts1_norm, pts2_norm, inliers): | |
"""Compute the angular error between two rotation matrices and two translation vectors. | |
Keyword arguments: | |
R -- 2D numpy array containing an estimated rotation | |
gt_R -- 2D numpy array containing the corresponding ground truth rotation | |
t -- 2D numpy array containing an estimated translation as column | |
gt_t -- 2D numpy array containing the corresponding ground truth translation | |
""" | |
inliers = inliers.ravel() | |
R = np.eye(3) | |
t = np.zeros((3, 1)) | |
sst = True | |
try: | |
cv2.recoverPose(E, pts1_norm, pts2_norm, np.eye(3), R, t, inliers) | |
except: | |
sst = False | |
# calculate angle between provided rotations | |
# | |
if sst: | |
dR = np.matmul(R, np.transpose(R_GT)) | |
dR = cv2.Rodrigues(dR)[0] | |
dR = np.linalg.norm(dR) * 180 / math.pi | |
# calculate angle between provided translations | |
dT = float(, t)) | |
dT /= float(np.linalg.norm(t_GT)) | |
if dT > 1 or dT < -1: | |
print("Domain warning! dT:", dT) | |
dT = max(-1, min(1, dT)) | |
dT = math.acos(dT) * 180 / math.pi | |
dT = np.minimum(dT, 180 - dT) # ambiguity of E estimation | |
else: | |
dR, dT = 180.0, 180.0 | |
return dR, dT | |