Razzaqi3143's picture
Update app.py
9bad5d1 verified
import gradio as gr
import cv2
import whisper
import spacy
from PIL import Image
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline #stable model to be updated if used
import torch
import logging
import os
import io
# Disable WANDB logging and configure logging level
os.environ["WANDB_DISABLED"] = "true"
# Load models
whisper_model = whisper.load_model("base")
spacy_nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
#Initialize the model
stable_diffusion_pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
).to("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
def extract_keyframes(video_path, frame_interval=30, num_frames=5):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
frames = []
success, frame = cap.read()
count = 0
while success and count < num_frames:
if count % frame_interval == 0:
success, frame = cap.read()
count += 1
return frames
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Error extracting keyframes:", exc_info=e)
return None
def test_extract_keyframes():
video_path = "video.mp4"
frames = extract_keyframes(video_path)
assert frames is not None, "Keyframe extraction failed"
assert len(frames) > 0, "No keyframes extracted"
print("Keyframe extraction test passed")
def transcribe_audio(video_path):
result = whisper_model.transcribe(video_path)
return result['text']
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Error transcribing audio:", exc_info=e)
return None
def test_transcribe_audio():
video_path = "video.mp4"
transcription = transcribe_audio(video_path)
assert transcription is not None, "Transcription failed"
assert len(transcription) > 0, "Empty transcription"
print("Transcription test passed")
def extract_keywords(text):
if not text or not text.strip():
logging.warning("Empty or whitespace-only text: No keywords extracted")
return []
doc = spacy_nlp(text)
keywords = [chunk.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks]
if not keywords:
logging.warning("No keywords extracted from the text")
return keywords
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Error extracting keywords:", exc_info=e)
return []
def test_extract_keywords():
text = "This is a test text for keyword extraction."
keywords = extract_keywords(text)
assert keywords is not None, "Keyword extraction failed"
assert len(keywords) > 0, "No keywords extracted"
print("Keyword extraction test passed")
def generate_thumbnails(frames, keywords, num_thumbnails=3):
thumbnails = []
for frame in frames:
for _ in range(num_thumbnails):
prompt = "A visually striking image of " + ", ".join(keywords)
generated_image = stable_diffusion_pipeline(prompt, init_image=frame).images[0]
return thumbnails
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error generating thumbnails:", exc_info=e)
return None
def process_video(video):
# Determine the video path based on the type of input
video_path = video.name if hasattr(video, 'name') else video
# Extract Keyframes
frames = extract_keyframes(video_path)
if frames is None:
return handle_error("Error extracting keyframes. Please check the video file.")
# Transcribe Audio
transcription = transcribe_audio(video_path)
if transcription is None:
return handle_error("Error transcribing audio. Please check the audio quality.")
# Extract Keywords
keywords = extract_keywords(transcription)
if not keywords:
return handle_error("Error extracting keywords. Please check the transcription.")
# Use the first keyword as title, the full transcription as text, and a generic text placement description
title = keywords[0] if keywords else "Thumbnail"
text = transcription
text_placement = "white letter center at bottom, modern and dynamic"
# Generate Thumbnails
thumbnail_images = generate_thumbnails(frames, keywords)
if not thumbnail_images:
return handle_error("Error generating thumbnails. Please try again later.")
return thumbnail_images, "Thumbnails generated successfully."
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Unexpected error:", exc_info=e)
return handle_error("An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.")
def handle_error(error_message):
# Return a placeholder image and the error message
placeholder = Image.new('RGB', (512, 512), color = (255, 0, 0)) # Placeholder image (red square)
return [placeholder], error_message
# Gradio interface
interface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Video(label="Upload Video"),
gr.Gallery(label="Generated Thumbnails"),
gr.Textbox(label="Status", lines=2, placeholder="Status message will appear here...")
title="YouTube Thumbnail Generator",
description="Upload a video and generate multiple thumbnails using the video content and transcription.",