Rakksk-30185's picture
Update app.py
import gradio as gradio
import joblib as joblib
import pip
# pip install gradio
# pip install joblib
# pip install xgboost
# pip install scikit-learn
import joblib
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
# Load Model and Scaler:
xgboost_model = joblib.load('xgboost_model_new.pkl')
scaler = joblib.load('scaler.pkl')
month_to_number = {
"January": 1,
"February": 2,
"March": 3,
"April": 4,
"May": 5,
"June": 6,
"July": 7,
"August": 8,
"September": 9,
"October": 10,
"November": 11,
"December": 12,
def time_of_dayy(hour):
if 6 <= hour < 12:
return 'Morning'
elif 12 <= hour < 18:
return 'Afternoon'
elif 18 <= hour < 24:
return 'Evening'
return 'Night'
options = [
'Online Grocery',
'In-Person Grocery',
'Miscellaneous Online',
'Miscellaneous In-Person',
'Shopping Online',
'Shopping In-Person',
'Personal Care',
category_options = [
'Online Grocery',
'In-Person Grocery',
'Miscellaneous Online',
'Miscellaneous In-Person',
'Shopping Online',
'Shopping In-Person',
'Personal Care',
def predict_credit_card_fraud(amount, city_pop, month, hour, age, gender, category):
month = month_to_number[month]
time_of_day = time_of_dayy(hour)
input_data = np.array([[amount, city_pop, month, hour, age, int(gender == 'M'),
int(time_of_day == 'Night'), int(time_of_day == 'Evening'), int(time_of_day == 'Morning')] +
[int(category == cat) for cat in category_options]])
input_data[:, 0:2] = scaler.transform(input_data[:, 0:2])
probability = xgboost_model.predict_proba(input_data)[:, 1]
prediction = xgboost_model.predict(input_data)
label = "Fraudulent" if prediction[0] == 1 else "Non-Fraudulent"
return round(probability[0], 2), label
gender_options = ["M", "F"]
months = list(month_to_number.keys())
iface = gr.Interface(fn=predict_credit_card_fraud,
gr.Number(label="Amount", info="Enter the Amount of the Transaction in Dollars"),
gr.Number(label="City Population", info="Enter the City Population"),
info="Select the month of the transaction"
gr.Slider(label="Hour", info="Enter the Hour in which the Transaction Occurred", minimum=0, maximum=23, step=1),
gr.Slider(label="Age", minimum=10, maximum=100, step=1),
gr.Radio(label="Gender", choices=gender_options),
info="Select the Category of Purchase"
#gr.Radio(label="Time of Day",info="Enter the Time of Day in which the Transaction Occurred: \n hahaha", choices=time_of_day_options)
gr.Text(label="Pobability Score", info="The probability that the transaction is fraud"),
gr.Text(label="Transaction is:")