Img-Encryption /
RafidMehda's picture
ddb5d02 verified
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import streamlit as st
import io
import time
import random
# Resize image to prevent memory issues with large images
def resize_image(img, max_size=(3000, 3000)):
Resize image to fit within max_size while maintaining aspect ratio.
img.thumbnail(max_size, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
return img
# Logistic map function
def logistic_map(r, x):
return r * x * (1 - x)
# Generate chaotic key based on the logistic map
def generate_key(seed, n):
key = []
x = seed
for _ in range(n):
x = logistic_map(3.9, x)
key.append(int(x * 255) % 256) # Map to 0-255
return np.array(key, dtype=np.uint8)
# Shuffle pixels using a chaotic sequence
def shuffle_pixels(img_array, seed):
h, w, c = img_array.shape
num_pixels = h * w
flattened = img_array.reshape(-1, c)
indices = np.arange(num_pixels)
random.shuffle(indices) # Shuffle indices
shuffled = flattened[indices]
return shuffled.reshape(h, w, c), indices
# Multi-layer encryption using logistic map and pixel shuffling
def encrypt_image(img_array, seed):
h, w, c = img_array.shape
flat_image = img_array.flatten()
# Generate chaotic key
chaotic_key = generate_key(seed, len(flat_image))
# XOR-based encryption
encrypted_flat = [pixel ^ chaotic_key[i] for i, pixel in enumerate(flat_image)]
encrypted_array = np.array(encrypted_flat, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(h, w, c)
# Pixel shuffling
shuffled_array, indices = shuffle_pixels(encrypted_array, seed)
# Second layer of logistic map encryption
chaotic_key_2 = generate_key(seed * 1.1, len(flat_image))
shuffled_flat = shuffled_array.flatten()
doubly_encrypted_flat = [pixel ^ chaotic_key_2[i] for i, pixel in enumerate(shuffled_flat)]
doubly_encrypted_array = np.array(doubly_encrypted_flat, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(h, w, c)
return doubly_encrypted_array
# Decrypt function
def decrypt_image(encrypted_array, seed, original_shape):
h, w, c = original_shape
flat_image = encrypted_array.flatten()
# Generate the second chaotic key
chaotic_key_2 = generate_key(seed * 1.1, len(flat_image))
# Reverse the second XOR encryption
xor_reversed_flat = [pixel ^ chaotic_key_2[i] for i, pixel in enumerate(flat_image)]
xor_reversed_array = np.array(xor_reversed_flat, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(h, w, c)
# Reverse pixel shuffling
shuffled_array = xor_reversed_array
num_pixels = h * w
flattened = shuffled_array.reshape(-1, c)
indices = np.arange(num_pixels)
random.shuffle(indices) # Reuse the same shuffle logic
unshuffled = np.zeros_like(flattened)
unshuffled[indices] = flattened
unshuffled_array = unshuffled.reshape(h, w, c)
# Generate the first chaotic key
chaotic_key_1 = generate_key(seed, len(flat_image))
# Reverse the first XOR encryption
decrypted_flat = [pixel ^ chaotic_key_1[i] for i, pixel in enumerate(unshuffled_array.flatten())]
decrypted_array = np.array(decrypted_flat, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(h, w, c)
return decrypted_array
# Streamlit App
def main():
st.title("Enhanced Chaotic Logistic Map Image Encryption")
st.write("Upload an image to encrypt and decrypt using advanced chaotic logistic map methods.")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an image", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
with st.spinner("Processing upload..."):
# Simulate a loading delay for upload progress
progress_bar = st.progress(0)
for percent_complete in range(0, 101, 20):
time.sleep(0.1) # Simulate progress
# Load the uploaded image
input_image =
# Resize the image if necessary
input_image = resize_image(input_image)
# Display original image
st.image(input_image, caption="Uploaded Image", use_container_width=True)
# Convert image to numpy array
img_array = np.array(input_image)
# Key input
key_seed = st.slider("Set the encryption key seed (0 < key < 1)", min_value=0.001, max_value=0.999, step=0.001)
# Encrypt Image
if st.button("Encrypt Image"):
with st.spinner("Encrypting image..."):
# Simulate a loading delay for encryption progress
progress_bar = st.progress(0)
for percent_complete in range(0, 101, 20):
time.sleep(0.1) # Simulate progress
# Encrypt the image
encrypted_array = encrypt_image(img_array, key_seed)
encrypted_image = Image.fromarray(encrypted_array)
# Store encrypted array in session state
st.session_state["encrypted_array"] = encrypted_array
st.session_state["original_shape"] = img_array.shape
st.session_state["key_seed"] = key_seed
# Display encrypted image
st.image(encrypted_image, caption="Encrypted Image", use_container_width=True)
# Save encrypted image to a buffer
buffer = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
# Download button for encrypted image
label="Download Encrypted Image",
# Decrypt Image
if st.button("Decrypt Image"):
if "encrypted_array" in st.session_state:
with st.spinner("Decrypting image..."):
decrypted_array = decrypt_image(
decrypted_image = Image.fromarray(decrypted_array)
# Display decrypted image
st.image(decrypted_image, caption="Decrypted Image", use_container_width=True)
st.error("No encrypted image found. Please encrypt an image first.")
if __name__ == "__main__":