Build error
Build error
import os | |
import logging | |
import json | |
import faiss | |
from kats.detectors.cusum_detection import CUSUMDetector | |
from kats.detectors.robust_stat_detection import RobustStatDetector | |
from kats.consts import TimeSeriesData | |
from scipy import stats as st | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
from videohash import compute_hashes, filepath_from_url | |
def get_target_urls(json_file='apb2022.json'): | |
""" Obtain target urls for the target videos of a json file containing .mp4 files """ | |
with open('apb2022.json', "r") as json_file: | |
target_videos = json.load(json_file) | |
return [video['mp4'] for video in target_videos] | |
def index_hashes_for_video(url: str) -> faiss.IndexBinaryIVF: | |
""" Compute hashes of a video and index the video using faiss indices and return the index. """ | |
filepath = filepath_from_url(url) | |
if os.path.exists(f'{filepath}.index'): | |"Loading indexed hashes from {filepath}.index") | |
binary_index = faiss.read_index_binary(f'{filepath}.index') | |"Index {filepath}.index has in total {binary_index.ntotal} frames") | |
return binary_index | |
hash_vectors = np.array([x['hash'] for x in compute_hashes(url)]) | |"Computed hashes for {hash_vectors.shape} frames.") | |
# Initializing the quantizer. | |
quantizer = faiss.IndexBinaryFlat(hash_vectors.shape[1]*8) | |
# Initializing index. | |
index = faiss.IndexBinaryIVF(quantizer, hash_vectors.shape[1]*8, min(16, hash_vectors.shape[0])) | |
index.nprobe = 1 # Number of nearest clusters to be searched per query. | |
# Training the quantizer. | |
index.train(hash_vectors) | |
#index = faiss.IndexBinaryFlat(64) | |
index.add(hash_vectors) | |
faiss.write_index_binary(index, f'{filepath}.index') | |"Indexed hashes for {index.ntotal} frames to {filepath}.index.") | |
return index | |
def get_video_index(url: str): | |
"""" Builds up a FAISS index for a video. | |
args: | |
- filepath: location of the source video | |
""" | |
# Url (short video) | |
video_index = index_hashes_for_video(url) | |
video_index.make_direct_map() # Make sure the index is indexable | |
hash_vectors = np.array([video_index.reconstruct(i) for i in range(video_index.ntotal)]) # Retrieve original indices | |
return video_index, hash_vectors | |
def compare_videos(hash_vectors, target_index, MIN_DISTANCE = 3): | |
""" The comparison between the target and the original video will be plotted based | |
on the matches between the target and the original video over time. The matches are determined | |
based on the minimum distance between hashes (as computed by faiss-vectors) before they're considered a match. | |
""" | |
# The results are returned as a triplet of 1D arrays | |
# lims, D, I, where result for query i is in I[lims[i]:lims[i+1]] | |
# (indices of neighbors), D[lims[i]:lims[i+1]] (distances). | |
lims, D, I = target_index.range_search(hash_vectors, MIN_DISTANCE) | |
return lims, D, I, hash_vectors | |
def get_decent_distance(video_index, hash_vectors, target_index, MIN_DISTANCE, MAX_DISTANCE): | |
""" To get a decent heurstic for a base distance check every distance from MIN_DISTANCE to MAX_DISTANCE | |
until the number of matches found is equal to or higher than the number of frames in the source video | |
args: | |
- video_index: The index of the source video | |
- hash_vectors: The hash vectors of the target video | |
- target_index: The index of the target video | |
""" | |
for distance in np.arange(start = MIN_DISTANCE - 2, stop = MAX_DISTANCE + 2, step = 2, dtype=int): | |
distance = int(distance) | |
# --- Previously --- | |
# video_index, hash_vectors = get_video_index(filepath) | |
# target_index, _ = get_video_index(target) | |
_, D, _, _ = compare_videos(hash_vectors, target_index, MIN_DISTANCE = distance) | |
nr_source_frames = video_index.ntotal | |
nr_matches = len(D) | |"{(nr_matches/nr_source_frames) * 100.0:.1f}% of frames have a match for distance '{distance}' ({nr_matches} matches for {nr_source_frames} frames)") | |
if nr_matches >= nr_source_frames: | |
return distance | |
logging.warning(f"No matches found for any distance between {MIN_DISTANCE} and {MAX_DISTANCE}") | |
return None | |
def get_change_points(df, smoothing_window_size=10, method='ROBUST', metric="ROLL_OFFSET_MODE"): | |
tsd = TimeSeriesData(df.loc[:,['time', metric]]) | |
if method.upper() == "CUSUM": | |
detector = CUSUMDetector(tsd) | |
elif method.upper() == "ROBUST": | |
detector = RobustStatDetector(tsd) | |
change_points = detector.detector(smoothing_window_size=smoothing_window_size, comparison_window=-2) | |
# Print some stats | |
if method.upper() == "CUSUM" and change_points != []: | |
mean_offset_prechange = change_points[0].mu0 | |
mean_offset_postchange = change_points[0].mu1 | |
jump_s = mean_offset_postchange - mean_offset_prechange | |
print(f"Video jumps {jump_s:.1f}s in time at {mean_offset_prechange:.1f} seconds") | |
return change_points | |
def get_videomatch_df(lims, D, I, hash_vectors, distance, min_distance=MIN_DISTANCE, window_size=ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE, vanilla_df=False): | |
# --- Previously --- | |
# distance = get_decent_distance(url, target, MIN_DISTANCE, MAX_DISTANCE) | |
# _, hash_vectors = get_video_index(url) | |
# target_index, _ = get_video_index(target) | |
# lims, D, I, hash_vectors = compare_videos(hash_vectors, target_index, MIN_DISTANCE = distance) | |
target = [(lims[i+1]-lims[i]) * [i] for i in range(hash_vectors.shape[0])] | |
target_s = [i/FPS for j in target for i in j] | |
source_s = [i/FPS for i in I] | |
# Make df | |
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(target_s, source_s, D, I), columns = ['TARGET_S', 'SOURCE_S', 'DISTANCE', 'INDICES']) | |
if vanilla_df: | |
return df | |
# Weight values by distance of their match | |
df['TARGET_WEIGHT'] = 1 - df['DISTANCE']/distance # Higher value means a better match | |
df['SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE'] = df['SOURCE_S'] * df['TARGET_WEIGHT'] # Multiply the weight (which indicates a better match) with the value for Y and aggregate to get a less noisy estimate of Y | |
# Group by X so for every second/x there will be 1 value of Y in the end | |
grouped_X = df.groupby('TARGET_S').agg({'SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE' : 'sum', 'TARGET_WEIGHT' : 'sum'}) | |
grouped_X['FINAL_SOURCE_VALUE'] = grouped_X['SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE'] / grouped_X['TARGET_WEIGHT'] | |
# Remake the dataframe | |
df = grouped_X.reset_index() | |
df = df.drop(columns=['SOURCE_WEIGHTED_VALUE', 'TARGET_WEIGHT']) | |
df = df.rename({'FINAL_SOURCE_VALUE' : 'SOURCE_S'}, axis='columns') | |
# Add NAN to "missing" x values (base it off hash vector, not target_s) | |
step_size = 1/FPS | |
x_complete = np.round(np.arange(start=0.0, stop = max(df['TARGET_S'])+step_size, step = step_size), 1) # More robust | |
df['TARGET_S'] = np.round(df['TARGET_S'], 1) | |
df_complete = pd.DataFrame(x_complete, columns=['TARGET_S']) | |
# Merge dataframes to get NAN values for every missing SOURCE_S | |
df = df_complete.merge(df, on='TARGET_S', how='left') | |
# Interpolate between frames since there are missing values | |
df['SOURCE_LIP_S'] = df['SOURCE_S'].interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='both', axis=0) | |
# Add timeshift col and timeshift col with Linearly Interpolated Values | |
df['TIMESHIFT'] = df['SOURCE_S'].shift(1) - df['SOURCE_S'] | |
df['TIMESHIFT_LIP'] = df['SOURCE_LIP_S'].shift(1) - df['SOURCE_LIP_S'] | |
# Add Offset col that assumes the video is played at the same speed as the other to do a "timeshift" | |
df['OFFSET'] = df['SOURCE_S'] - df['TARGET_S'] - np.min(df['SOURCE_S']) | |
df['OFFSET_LIP'] = df['SOURCE_LIP_S'] - df['TARGET_S'] - np.min(df['SOURCE_LIP_S']) | |
# Add rolling window mode | |
df['ROLL_OFFSET_MODE'] = np.round(df['OFFSET_LIP'], 0).rolling(window_size, center=True, min_periods=1).apply(lambda x: st.mode(x)[0]) | |
# Add time column for plotting | |
df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df["TARGET_S"], unit='s') # Needs a datetime as input | |
return df |