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@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ elif selected == "About US":
  st.image(image, caption='Ecotiva')
  st.title("Ecotiva's Excecutive Summary")
  st.write("Ecotiva addresses the pressing problem of limited accessibility to a comprehensive platform for individuals and businesses to calculate, track, and offset their carbon footprints. With a user-centric approach, Ecotiva empowers individuals and businesses to easily participate in sustainable emissions reductions. Through a diverse portfolio of verified projects, transparent impact tracking, and personalized recommendations, we bridge the gap between climate-conscious individuals and impactful carbon offset projects. At Ecotiva, we recognize the growing need for convenient carbon offsetting in both the African and German markets. Our approach hinges on transparency and engagement. By offering a diverse array of meticulously verified projects, coupled with real-time impact tracking, we empower users with a tangible sense of their contributions to a greener future. Personalized recommendations further enhance the user experience, making sustainability a personalized journey. Our business model incorporates revenue from individual and corporate subscriptions, project verification fees, and potential strategic partnerships. The scalability and potential for expansion into other sustainability areas contribute to a promising revenue trajectory. Our dedicated team comprises tech and environmental experts, committed to making a positive environmental impact. The African market offers immense potential for carbon offset projects, driven by increasing climate awareness. While some existing platforms lack user-friendliness and transparency, we differentiate through our intuitive interface, robust verification processes, and personalized project suggestions. We aim to disrupt the market with a sustainable business model that involves project developers, corporations, and individual users. By connecting buyers with verified projects, we create a win-win scenario for offset providers and carbon-conscious consumers. Our value proposition lies in offering convenience, transparency, and impactful engagement in the carbon offset ecosystem. In the competitive landscape, our platform stands out with its user-centric design, comprehensive project information, and data-driven insights. We're poised to capture a significant share of the growing carbon offset market in Africa and Germany, driven by our commitment to transparency, innovation, and environmental impact. In summary, our platform bridges the gap in the African and German carbon offset markets, offering a comprehensive solution that empowers users, fosters sustainability, and contributes to the global fight against climate change.")
- st.title("Business idea")
  #founding history
  st.subheader("Founding history")
  st.write("The carbon offset platform idea originates from a collaboration between environmentalists and tech enthusiasts with a shared vision for sustainable emissions reductions. The idea's originator, Emmanuel Danso, has a background in sustainability and has previously worked on climate projects. The concept was further developed through a synergy of entrepreneurial spirit and technical expertise. The business idea has been nurtured through extensive research and analysis, drawing from Emmanuel's background in sustainability. Property rights will be ensured, and intellectual property related to the platform's unique features and functionality secured from relevant stakeholders.")
  st.image(image, caption='Ecotiva')
  st.title("Ecotiva's Excecutive Summary")
  st.write("Ecotiva addresses the pressing problem of limited accessibility to a comprehensive platform for individuals and businesses to calculate, track, and offset their carbon footprints. With a user-centric approach, Ecotiva empowers individuals and businesses to easily participate in sustainable emissions reductions. Through a diverse portfolio of verified projects, transparent impact tracking, and personalized recommendations, we bridge the gap between climate-conscious individuals and impactful carbon offset projects. At Ecotiva, we recognize the growing need for convenient carbon offsetting in both the African and German markets. Our approach hinges on transparency and engagement. By offering a diverse array of meticulously verified projects, coupled with real-time impact tracking, we empower users with a tangible sense of their contributions to a greener future. Personalized recommendations further enhance the user experience, making sustainability a personalized journey. Our business model incorporates revenue from individual and corporate subscriptions, project verification fees, and potential strategic partnerships. The scalability and potential for expansion into other sustainability areas contribute to a promising revenue trajectory. Our dedicated team comprises tech and environmental experts, committed to making a positive environmental impact. The African market offers immense potential for carbon offset projects, driven by increasing climate awareness. While some existing platforms lack user-friendliness and transparency, we differentiate through our intuitive interface, robust verification processes, and personalized project suggestions. We aim to disrupt the market with a sustainable business model that involves project developers, corporations, and individual users. By connecting buyers with verified projects, we create a win-win scenario for offset providers and carbon-conscious consumers. Our value proposition lies in offering convenience, transparency, and impactful engagement in the carbon offset ecosystem. In the competitive landscape, our platform stands out with its user-centric design, comprehensive project information, and data-driven insights. We're poised to capture a significant share of the growing carbon offset market in Africa and Germany, driven by our commitment to transparency, innovation, and environmental impact. In summary, our platform bridges the gap in the African and German carbon offset markets, offering a comprehensive solution that empowers users, fosters sustainability, and contributes to the global fight against climate change.")
+ st.title("Busines Idea")
  #founding history
  st.subheader("Founding history")
  st.write("The carbon offset platform idea originates from a collaboration between environmentalists and tech enthusiasts with a shared vision for sustainable emissions reductions. The idea's originator, Emmanuel Danso, has a background in sustainability and has previously worked on climate projects. The concept was further developed through a synergy of entrepreneurial spirit and technical expertise. The business idea has been nurtured through extensive research and analysis, drawing from Emmanuel's background in sustainability. Property rights will be ensured, and intellectual property related to the platform's unique features and functionality secured from relevant stakeholders.")